### Best Easy way to relieve anxiety for your life
It's hard to find people who don't care. However, excess anxiety is so horrible that it can be one of the leading causes of life-threatening events, from stroke to human hypertension.So, I read some books at the Chicago Public Library and at the Largo Public Library on the 25th as a way to relieve anxiety. One of my favorite books I read was Dale Carnegie's How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (How to stop worrying and starting living). The book contains all the ways of what is said in Dale Carnegie. So, as I sit down to write about the ways to relieve anxiety, writing a summary of Dale Carnegie's book seems to be the best way to relieve anxiety. Let's see, the essence of the book.
The Basics You Should Know About Anxiety -
- Live in a sunny room and live for the day until you go to sleep without worrying about the future.
- Follow the Wills H Carrier formula to deal with the problem. The formula is:
- Think if you can't solve the problem your highest key could be damage / problem
- Prepare to acknowledge the worst damage / problem.
- Then calmly try to get the best out of the worst damage / problem.
- Remind yourself of the anxiety that big bodily harm can cause.
Ways to Analyze Anxiety -
- Collect all the information.
- Come to a conclusion from the facts.
- Without worrying about the consequences, leave yourself worry-free.
- Whenever you feel anxious, feel free to answer the following questions:
- What is the problem
- What is the cause of the problem?
- What are some ways that the problem can be solved?
- What is the best way to solve the problem?
How do you break a habit of anxiety before anxiety breaks you down?
- Keep busy
- Don't hesitate on the topic.
- Worrying about what that might be, how does it go on average?
- Whatever it is, work collaboratively with the problem.
- Decide not to worry as much as your anxiety can cause.
- Don't worry about the past.
Six Ways to Improve Emotional Happiness -
- Fill the mind with peace, encouragement, good health and hope.
- Do not waste even a minute thinking about the people you don't like.
- Accept human gratitude.
- Not your problems, count your receipts.
- Be like yourself Remember, no one else in this world is like you.
- Find out the profit even in the loss. If you have a lemon in your luck, make lemon zest.
- Make others happy.
The Perfect Way to Win Anxiety-
১. Please pray
- Live with the present.
Also, read the following article titled 'Prothom-alo North America' to get rid of anxiety. People usually worry because of these problems.
- Ways to Get Out of Despair, October 12, 20
- Ways to Get Rid of Depression, February 7, 20
- Overcome Anxiety and Fear, February 7, 20
- How to reply in jest, October 8, 26
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- Ways to get rid of criticism, April 7, 20