"When you quit doing the wrong things, you make room for things that makes you happy"
1. Quit Procrastinating on Your Goals
Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard on it
Actions and change are often resisted when they are needed most
Putting something off makes it harder and scarier
The secret is simply getting started
Starting itself is sufficient to build momentum to keep the ball rolling
Forget the finish line and take your first steps
2. Quit Blaming Others and Making Excuses
Dont deny the responsibility and perpetuate the problem
Stop giving your power away and start taking responsibility for your own life
Making an excuse is first step to failure
You and only you is responsible for your life's decision
3. Quit Trying to Avoid Change
If nothing ever changes, there will be no sunrise the next morning
Learning to accept this is vital to our happiness and general success, "only when we change, do we grow"
No matter how bad or good things are, it will change
Realize change happen for a reason
4. Quit Trying to Control the Uncontrollable
If you worry about the things you can't control, you are setting yourself up for lifetime of frustration and misery
But you can control how you react. It all depends on which aspect you focus on.
Let go of the uncontrollable and control what you can, like your reaction and attitude
5. Quit Talking Down to Yourself
Nothing can bring you down quicker than berating yourself
The mind is superb instrument if use right, but if it used incorrectly it becomes very destructive
Be aware of your mental self talk, we all talk silently in our heads, but not always conscious of what we're saying and whats affecting us.
Develop a positive emotion that are stronger that replaces the negative ones
Overtime you change the trajectory of your life
6. Quit Criticizing Others
Negativity you bleed out towards others will gradually cripple your own happiness
When you are truly comfortable with your imperfections, you wont feel threatened or offended with the imperfection you see in other people
Stop worrying about the flaws in everybody else, focus on yourself until you dont have time left to criticize others
7. Quit Running Away from Your Problems and Fears
Best solution is to face them head on no matter how powerful it may seem
Fears in particular, stop you from making chances and decisions, they keep you confine in a small space, where you feel completely comfortable. but your life story is simply a culmination of unique experiences, which require you to stretch your comfort zone
Letting all your fears and worries control you is not living, its merely existing.
Bottom line, either you own your problems and fears, or they will ultimately own you
8. Quit Living in Other Time and Place
Some people spend their entire life trying to live in another time and place, worry about what they've done, what could've done and what might become. however, the past is gone and it doesn't change anything.
One of life's sharpest paradox is that our brightest future hinges on our ability to pay attention to what we're doing today. Live in the moment
Living in the moment requires active, open, intentional awareness on the present
Notice the beauty unfolding around you
9. Quit Trying to be Someone You're Not
One of the greatest challenge in life is being yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else. someone will always be smarter, younger, but they'll never be you
10. Quit Being Ungrateful
Not all the puzzle pieces of life will fit together at first, but in time you realize they do perfectly
So thank for the things that dont work out, because they just made room for things that will.
Wake up each day thankful for your life.
Instead of thinking what you're missing, try to think what you have that everyone else is missing.