RE: When it flows and flows even better...
I blog about my life in Vietnam 2012-2017 on Steemit. Right now, I'm reviewing June 2016. So, I have been publishing rough draft outlines for each month I was in Vietnam. Also, a week ago, I wrote 11 articles on 1980 as I was born in 1985. So, one post per year and then a summary post. But these posts are probably, some might argue, not finished and therefore should not be on the Internet. Because they're rough drafts. I started making videos when I was almost eleven years old in 1996 in Oregon, above California. So, one of my unfinished projects includes trying to archive and organize and fix up our home videos that we made that goes back to 1996 like I said. All of this is a long story and it can be tough. I'm a perfectionist and I hate publishing unfinished work. But as I got older, I started trying to force myself to publish stuff because that helps me get stuff done. As a kid, I would draw and I never wanted to finish. My mom would sometimes say hey, it is good enough. I try to parent myself now and try to make sure I don't procrastinate forever on everything. Even this comment is a little hard to write. I have a desire to study what I am writing right here to you and perhaps never click on the post button. But I try my best to develop better habits. Like, it's all about having wisdom in life, finding balance, etc.
Normal Jobs
Yeah, I had normal jobs too.
I have not written books, but perhaps someday. I have a lot of stuff out there. So, I have the templates, the rough drafts. So, for you, you could try your best to keep it as simple as possible. Perhaps, you might even consider publishing unfinished books, eBooks, etc, online, offline. But one step at a time. Ultimately, you have to focus on the specific objectives that a project might have. And then you should contemplate the path you might take to getting there. So, with a book, you start with an outline, the main points that you are trying to get across. Well, I guess it depends on what kind of book it is.
Rough Drafts
A lot of what you might see of me online is simply that, rough drafts. So, that might be a pretty big flaw to have. My philosophy includes the desire to get stuff out there and to possibly pass on good ideas to other people. But financially speaking that might be bad advice because people can then come over and steal my ideas, etc, assuming there is anything out there worth adopting.
Selling Out
In conclusion, I'm glad you are not selling out. That is probably one of the hardest things to not do.