The 17 goals of Sustainable Development Agenda was adopted into Agenda 2030 by all UN Member States in 2015 including the U.S. via Obama without the consent of Congress and is all about global tyranny in order keep all humans safe and everything. It includes carbon taxes and depopulation. Are you excited for this? They say Covid is an opportunity to accelerate this agenda for humanity.
Bad Thought Apples
Bad thoughts are like apples falling in your head daily, you can't stop them or erase them. Don't get mad when the thoughts hit your head. Instead, hold up your hands to block them and get out of the way and focus on the path ahead.
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2020-11-17 - Tuesday
Oatmeal Daily - 2020-11-17 - Tuesday
Published in November of 2020
Agenda 2030 in 2015
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
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Bad Thought Apples
12:26 PM - I said this in person to him
Bad thoughts are like apples falling in your head daily, you can't stop them or erase them. Don't get mad when the thoughts hit your head. Instead, hold up your hands to block them and get out of the way and focus on the path ahead.
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Kaitlin Bennett
I refuse to be lectured about masks by people that think it's okay to murder babies in the womb. You don't care about saving lives, you just want to control us.
Watch and chat with me on YouTube @joeyArnold7
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Draining the Swamp
Many people belong in prison and I will tell people all about it as often as I can. I want to believe bad people will be exposed for the bad they have done. The good news is that bad people have been going to jail the past few years including thousands of people relating to sex trafficking, sex rings, abductions, kidnapping, of women, children, etc.
Watch Comments
See the Watch Log for more info
Paul Revere
10:53 AM - The Alex Jones Show | Tue Nov 17 2020 {Hr1}
The 17 goals of Sustainable Development Agenda was adopted into Agenda 2030 by all UN Member States in 2015 including the U.S. via Obama without the consent of Congress and is all about global tyranny in order keep all humans safe and everything. It includes carbon taxes and depopulation. Are you excited for this? They say Covid is an opportunity to accelerate this agenda for humanity.
Stop the Steal was being hijacked and then Trump decided not to come Saturday, 2020-11-14, because of those people who hijacked it.
Stop The Steal's official website is https://stopthesteal.us
Paul Revere
12:32 PM - The Alex Jones Show | Tue Nov 17 2020 {Hr2}
Check out Ali Alexander at Founders.AliAlexander.org
Watch Log
I've been watching the following
Star Wars Theory
12:08 AM - Ahsoka is Coming and Moff Gideon is Hiding on Mandalore
Lauren Southern
01:23 AM - 10:40 AM - One dream involved like cutting wood and I was like doing a good job but not sure what I was cutting.
I made myself one pancake and put plain vanilla or no vanilla yogurt on it, oh kind of weird, so then I added brown sugar to that. Coffee
Do your homework
Common denomination
Internet stuff
Stop the Steal
Alex Jones
01:30 PM - I made myself 3 eggs, added rice, ketchup,
02:00 PM - 12:00 AM - Cleaning out the gutters above the front door and was taking photos under that house to see 3 puddles or drips from the ceiling and one on side wall foundation under whqat was my room at that corner of the front of the house. I was doing those things until 5 PM. I worked on the frame of the roof for the chicken house. Dinner break and then back to more cutting and nailing and didn't do so well with screwing and gave up on that due to not having power drills like Tim Taylor would.
The gutter part was hard and I did it in the rain, broke a plastic bin when I nearly fell and then came back and was able to get up there to clean out the gutters in the rain, cold water, cold hands, told not to but had to get the job done as buckets were being filled with water so fast.
07:00 PM - 07:30 PM - Nerf game. Cannon ball I used, a volleyball or beach ball. No nerf gun. Hit in the glasses and that hurt a few times. I walked around mostly and then ran around a few times.
07:30 PM - Macaroni with salsa and She Ra was in the zoo doing homework.