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RE: The Opportunity Cost Of Fluff: Realness, Rawness, And Badass Authenticity...

in #life7 years ago

Amazing article. Raw, honest, authentic. Just what I like. And to be honest, I like it because that's what I want to be 100 % of my life but I am not. There are areas of my life where I am that (to better or worse). Though there are others where I struggle immensly.

Here's a thought though...

What if we evolved this way as if we were completely open and honest in the past we would be either clubbed to death, proclaimed insane (or a philospher, depending on our luck :D ), put on spikes or burned alive for being a witch, etc.
And therefore most of us have genes of cowards as cowards are the ones that survived and reproduced in past.
Man fighting in war or fighting and expressing his strong beliefs is statistically less likely to survive and have offsprings than the one who sat quietly during commnism just hoping for it to pass. I know my family for example has no "partizans". Did it make me more cowardy or less likely to be completely authentic?

On the other hand, there is also socety in which we live in which teaches us to not stick-out. Especially in Nordic countries. In Denmark for example they have a phrase for it which I would paraphrase to "don't stick out. Stay the same and let's work together".
So there is that pressre, too.

So, from that, can we conclude that we are doomed to be a bunch of PC pussies in some extend or the other?
Is it only on the internet we are more likely be more raw and authentic? Are troll Youtube comments a fucked up mutation of it?


surely, yes - these factors contributed to the habit of closing up.

can make such a conclusion as you state at the end...? NO. cuz times have changed. and so must we to evolve.

the internet may be a safe stepping-stone, given people can more freely express themselves with anonymity, and yes trolling may be part of that phenomenon. though ultimately, evolution must occur - and the maturation of expression happen such that some might build enough confidence with the training wheels of their social media games to speak louder and bolder in real life....

Yes, I agree that we are evolving. Just the topics we as humanity discuss more and more - freedom, consent, sexual expression, rise in libertarianis, movements like radical honesty, etc.
Even corporations are becoming more transparent.

So I think we are on a great way to some amazing times :).

I do wonder how much evolutionary biology influences how we act today. I heard people on podcasts mention how important evolutionary biology is but I haven't been able to find any interesting free online content about this topic.

Do you know of any good youtube videos or authors that talk about this topic?

Depending in what sence you want to learn about it.

If you want to look more into the genes and how they influence us then unfortunatelly I don't.

If you want to hear how our ancestors influence our life, how we formed our habits, what we should eat, what is the best "social structure" we thrive in, and things like that then I would have few recommendations.

A good start might be a Rewild Yourself Podcast which goes into some of these topics and some of the guessts there are amazing. Though the quality of information is going down as it's used for reinforcment of the guys ideas. Though there are some gems there.

I will check out some of their earlier content!