Asifa Bano - The World Should Know

in #life6 years ago (edited)


The story of Asifa Bano, an 8 year old girl raped and murdered in India, is all I have been able to think about for a few days now. I am not going to link a story or give details. You should read for yourself, but it is hard to read and understand what this little girl went through, the last few days of her life.

I decided to make a post to simply spread the word, make people aware of the story, and hopefully be as outraged as I am. The so-called Hindu's that did this, deserve no mercy shown, in this life or the next.

The anger and sadness I feel, is only overshadowed by the happiness of seeing my own little girl every day.
The stories about abuse of kids are common. Every day you hear about it in the US and other countries, so to say that it only happens in 3rd world countries is just not true. It happens because of religion, bigotry, hate, misogyny and the utter disrespect for other humans.

I hope that every single person involved in harming children, gets punished in the worst way, and I am finding it hard to wish anything but the worst things, for people responsible.

Haven’t spoken to anyone about this, and I let very few things get to me. This is one I cannot shake though.

What the fuck is wrong with the world and the, so-called, humans that inhabit at it?

I have placed a bounty on this post of 25 SBD. I am not looking for sympathy, nor do I want to promote any kind of hate. I want her story to be known, and I want people to show some humankindness.
If you have an idea to how we can help, promote love or any insight into why, some depraved men, can justify any crime because of religious belief, I would love to hear it.
Perhaps just upvote and re-steem. Most of all, be kind.

Here is my little girl, who I love and adore more than anything else. The last few days, she has probably been baffled by the amount of huge, and chocolate, that she has been given. I hate that she has to grow up in this world with this much hate filling it.



Very sad story i ever seen. In last few days i really upset with this matter. Why we be nonsense day by day? I hope asifa will get in jannah and the culprit get their punishment as early as posssible...

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Seeing that pretty innocent child's picture in the thumbnail of this post made me think this will be some happy joy-filled post.

I mean look at the innocence in her eyes. Who on earth could be so monstrous to lay a finger on this child.
That is someone's daughter, someone's sister, someone's friend, a future mother...
The thought that someone could do such to a child makes me sick. The world seems to be getting madder and madder daily. Worse things happening than the previous day.

I don't want to imagine someone doing that to someone I know. But these people really do deserve the worst punishment that could ever be thought of.

I can't agree with you more!!

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The so-called Hindu's that did this, deserve no mercy shown, in this life or the next.

So often people look at the eastern religions and enlightened and more advanced than western cultures and faith... but hindu radicals and the depraved minds of men still walk around in these religions and they prey on the weak and helpless. No 8 year old should ever suffer like this.

Thank you for informing us about Asifa Bano, if only her name. Her family is in my prayers and her name is remembered. May her name be written in the Lamb's book of life.

#familyprotection @familyprotection @canadian-coconut

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when I read about this in the newspaper it made me think of how this world has some truly depraved folks in it. I am thankful though that there exist fathers out there like you who love the responsibility of their child and has compassion enough to even be worried about a child who lives a world away.

one thing I do know is that with people like you raising the next generation we will be blessed with a compassionate and peaceful future where these things are unheard of.

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This is an incredible sad story @jmdk2000 I searched for her story online and every word i read i was getting more sad until tears start running down my face. There are really disgusting and bad people in earth and i know that Asifa is now on a better place.
Only love and awareness of this cases, can help tackle this problems.
Let no other girl suffer as Asifa!!

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Wow....this story is really terrible. I can't unterstand how humans can do such a thing..... We all have to protect our children. Even it is not our own child. They are so defenseless. How can they abuse this? i can't understand....

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Yes it's so true. You can read it in the Internet. Child abuse happens all over the world not only in the 3rd World. :(
And often the Parents or Family is involved.
In the poor countries, the parents sold their children because it's sometimes the only way how the Famely get money for food. And of course a lot perverse rich people from USA Westeurope, China, Japan, Arabian. I read on the Border to Syria a lot of Refugees sell their children for just a few bucks.
If I get a little daughter and someone want to rape her. You can be sure he will die a blody and brutal death.

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It’s so sad to hear stories like this, and they happen all to often. One thing we might be able to do to help is through the Steem platform! If a motivated individual or group created a page and posted valued content, maybe a foundation to aid children who are the victims of sexual violence could be set up. All the SBD or Steem awarded to the page could go directly to victims to help care for them or pay for medical bills. Anything to help them. I hope this idea helps or motivates you. Take care and hold onto that little girl tightly!

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Your thoughts are admirable. I haven't heard about this story yet but I'll be sure to check it out after my response. I can completely relate with you on your thoughts about the world... I am in Australia and we see and hear the same heartbreaking stories here too, I'm sure that you are right, it happens everywhere. In the last decade I have noticed a huge decline of decency in general society. I am certainly not saying everyone is like that but I feel a vast majority is starting to rule. I am often left wondering what the world will be like when our kids are old... what will they have to live thought, what will they have to witness and will they have any sense of freedom in their lives. It's a scary thought.

As far as the monsters who bring harm to innocent children... I don't think any decent human being can start to imagine why, how or what brings these people to do these crawl acts, especially to children but to anyone really. I would like to think there is a mental instability that has lead them to their path as I can not find another answer as to why. We live in a messed up world and these people are part of it.

I do believe in karma and while that doesn't help these children or ease the minds of the parents, I do believe a day will come where they will get what they deserve, one way or another. While these stories are heartbreaking what we can take away from it is to cherish life, our loved ones, our children and don't take anything for granted. To hold onto our children for a long as well can. Teach them to be safe and have an open and honest relationship with them. It would be nice to think we don't need to do any of these things, that they're children, care free little human beings but we have to do all we can to protect them and look after them. A reminder of this to everyone is always a good idea, it's easy to become too trusting, so good on you!!

You're daughter is gorgeous... somehow I don't think she's going to have any complaints about the extra attention and affection, that's what they thrive for right! Keep the cuddles coming! : )

I'm off now to find that story...

Thank you for your reply. And yes - my little one is one amazing little girl (O:

As they all are! : )

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Thank you!! : )

Nice post brother @jmdk2000 choose a nice topic to discuss, actually being a father, honestly speaking no one can bear this pain, and no one can feels unless we can't bear.
We should just feel the pain of victim's families...
I really can't understand why rape activities increases nowadays with childrens.
We should must initiate to spread awareness campaign against these types of culprits to safe our childrens from them.
And no more sorrow and feels guilt, we do our to stop these shameful activities.

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