in #life6 years ago


Dear Termites,
How’s being your work so far, I’m sure you’re enjoying the decomposing activities.

I have being thinking about your activities recently. I was wondering how you ate the rich man and Lazarus; I was thinking you have a separate table, plate, cutleries for a rich man and a poor man. But when I studied you better, I discovered you don’t actually separate them. Don’t you think that’s rude, don’t you think that’s unfair? The rich man is entitled to a separate desk, separate group of important termites to decompose him, you should try to honor his being. You seem not to understand but I’ll explain.

The yard of this rich man is enough to contain all your colony, he is capable of killing goats for you every five minutes that you may decompose and have more in excess. The rich man can even decide your living or your death, the rich man can destroy your termitarium and use your acquired mud to make fortune, and he can decide to kill your queen or to save her. Don’t you think he deserves to be honored, at least you’re there and he did not destroy you while he was alive, you should try to show him some respect.

Now that I’ve come to understand that you decompose both the rich and poor in the same process, I think you’ll at this point need to send an envoy to the rich man in the world. You’ll need to let them know that the physical things they achieved doesn’t decide a decomposition procedure, let them understand that the termites that was neglected, trampled and hated will be responsible for their decomposition, let them know that all there possession aren’t coming down into the pit with them, please enlighten them on the fact that the way they lived will decide their destination in heaven. Let them know that the poor man they cheated will be decomposed in the same process as he would be. Let them understand that their lavishness can amount to something beyond the grave if they use their wealth the right way, let them know that the lust of their eye will fasten their way to the grave which brings joy to your colony. Let the rich man know that Solomon the richest man in Babylon was decomposed by you, let the rich man understand that they aren’t meant to cheat, womanize, murder, and to fund evil deeds. Please I huge you, let your envoy deliver the full message, so they may understand that riches can mar or make them.

Well, as I thought, they might not be interested in your advice, if so, prepare your warriors to decompose as many rich individuals that prefer evil living to good living, set your soldiers to pierce mercilessly, prepare your entourage for war. If the rich couldn’t make a choice while living, what advantage do their dead bodies has than to feed you, if their entire life was to please their lustful self and not their creator, then they are of no difference to a dead pig. Pierce them, they are not advantageous to the world neither will they be advantageous to you if you fail to decompose them.
They might even design their coffin with gold and metals; they might be selfish to the extent of locking you out. Tender no mercy, their selfish nature on earth is being invoked again in your colony, no cheat is ever allowed. Set all your tools to visit his selfish nature and pierce mercilessly.

The world is greatly in pain, and sorrow, tribulations and disaster, caused by these selfish beings. If you fail to do your path we’ll all be set to ask you soon.

Thanks as you carry on your duty.

Bye till another time!!!


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