Hello there, well, i will try to do a short, sort of short, short short about myself.
I am 22 years old, current college student in Romania, Cluj-Napoca, studying law (Pls kill me). Well....i study law, but i don't really like it, don't get me wrong, it is interesting knowing your rights and that you can tell a cop to beat it when they do abuse things (Happens a lot here) but i am more focused on the creative side of life and the existential questions to life.I do see life as an adventure, but we blunt it so hard while growing up that nothing is adventurous, nothing is in an amazing light anymore, but i do try to still see it, and well, regarding what i will post, i will try to describe life as i see it, and many things regarding day to day life, as well as existential questions as well as i can describe and answer them.
P.S. i am chaotic in writing down my ideas, will try to sum things up and make them clear, but hey, this is what makes it unique.
Thank you for reading :D if you did...if you did not...i know tl:dr