Top 10: Before I Die List

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Top 10: Before I Die List

“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” – Mark Twain

Truly, death is inevitable. It is considered to be one of the most feared of people. They are afraid to die because they still have more plans in life and basically, they are afraid of what would happen if they die. Sudden or expected death still the same fear that is being felt within. But somehow I believe that death is not totally a loss, but a gain. It would only be a loss if you haven’t lived your life the way you were supposed to be. It can even be a blessing from above. It will always depend on the person on how he or she would ready herself for it. So with this, I had come up with an idea on to make my “ Before I Die List” that I would try to fulfill before My Heavenly Father took my life back at Him. I don’t really have this kind of list since no one really in this world, I guess, no one would volunteer themselves to die. I know it sounds hilarious but I believe it would inspire me to do more activities and go to more places to enjoy life and discover what this world could offer.


So here is my Top 10 Before I Die List:

10. I want to go to Palawan

It is definitely the best place to be. I’ve been seeing beautiful photos of it from the internet. I just can’t help but dream of going there with my future husband and family. I want to personally witness its crystal clear water and the living things seen underwater. I want to personally see its beautiful scenery and share it with my family. I want to breathe its fresh air, drink its fresh water and eat its fresh and delicious food. It is the best place to have a quality time with your partner and your family. It is natural and far different from the polluted city that we’ve been living. And if given a chance to live there, then I would never have second thoughts on that.


9. I want to be elected in the upcoming elections

It is within my blood the desire and love to serve other people. That is what I have seen from my father who was also a public servant before he passed away. I was with him during his activities and even beyond his responsibility. It is on him whom I had seen and I had felt how helping can make a person really feel genuine happiness. It is him who showed to me what public service is. It is really my father who influenced me on which I had brought and been practicing even up to this day. I just love how it feels to help other people. It’s amazing to hear their thank you without asking anything in return. And now since the election is fast approaching, I’ve been asking God about His plans for me. I don’t want to decide on my own. I want God to do His will and I would be very happy to follow His will in my life.


8. I want to climb Mt. Everest

Sounds impossible, but who knows? I may complain too much whenever we are doing mountain trekking but I still do believe that it is for me. I want to experience the struggles and frustrations they had when they tried on climbing the tallest mountain or earth. I also want to personally see the view that they are seeing when they were on top. Maybe I’ll just have to condition myself and try to climb mountains near my place.


7. I want to have a Big Bike Motorcycle

Honestly speaking, I don’t know how to drive bicycle so it is expected that I also do not know how to drive motorcycles too. But I just can’t help but look and wish to have one big bike motorcycle. Why big bike Motorcycle? Hello! Any woman that drives a big bike motorcycle really looks good and hot on it. I know my reason is too shallow but I can’t stop myself from imagining myself riding a big bike motorcycle while wearing my all black leather outfit. Hopefully, if God’s willing, I would really buy one for myself. But first and foremost, let me learn how to drive a simple bicycle first before I level up to avoid accidents.


6. I want to dance in ASAP

When I was still young, I really wanted to be a part of the ASF DANCERS (Wowowee Dancers). I’ve been dreaming to be a part of them and to dance on television. But of course, since I am old enough now and I believe that my talent had already evolved, I now want to see myself performing on ASAP. I want to have a production number with Maja Salvador, Sarah Geronimo, and Morisette Amon. I know, it is really impossible but I will never lose hope that sooner or later it would happen.


5. I want to bring back my figure before

I want to bring back the muscles and the abs I had before. Not to impress other people but I want to get fit again for my health and also for my son. It is me who would be there when he is in need. And if ever that I am sick, then who would be there for him? So I must take good care of myself first for me to take good care of my son.


4. I want to personally meet my Celebrity Idols, Morisette and Kathniel.

I super love Kathniel and Morisette. I’ve been a fan of Kathniel ever since their “Growing Up” TV Show. I have seen them grow and I have seen them develop with each other. I always stalk them on their social media accounts even on YouTube. I also love Morisette, so much. I always view her video performances on YouTube. I love her voice and personality. I really hope that I would be given a chance to meet them in person and be one of their friends. Wow!



3. I want to go back to School and eventually Graduate and have a Regular and Stable Job

Yes, I may be too old for that but I still believe that there’s no age in education. I may have failed before but that doesn’t mean that I would just stop there and never dream and aim bigger in life. I have more dreams and plans in life now compared to what I have before since Sean is already a part of it. I will do my best to save for my tuition fee and enroll myself back to school. This time, I will study harder, work harder and be better for the sake of Sean’s future. And eventually, when I graduate, I could be able to look for a regular and sustainable job that could help me provide and support my son alone. I know it wouldn’t be impossible. I still have a lot of hopes for this to happen. All I have to do is to strive more and strive harder to achieve this goal.


2. I want to bring Sean to any place as long as it’s far from Iligan and stay there for good

Iligan City is my birthplace and this is where I grow up, failed and rose again. But this place had caused me so much pain that staying away from this place can only be the reason to heal the scars it had caused me. Living in a new place means living a new life and forgetting all the negative vibes and happenings that ever happened in Iligan City. Hoping and praying to move sooner or later, as soon as possible.


1. I want to marry the Man I Love

I may have failed in love for a couple of times but I still believe that God had prepared someone for me. He had prepared someone who would make me believe in love again and who would prove to me that not all boys are the same. I believe He had prepared someone who would love me the way I deserve and even by the way that I do not deserve. I’ve been praying for that person to come and I believe that my Father God would listen to a true and genuine heart, asking for his blessings and enlightenment. Life means having a happy, complete family and would be there to welcome you at home.


Actually, I still have a lot on my list but I had only shared with you my top 10. I am sharing this not because I am ready to die, but I believe this would help me to have more goals to be achieved in life. I guess dreaming is free and it wouldn’t be impossible at all if only you work harder and better as you can. Let us live our lives to the fullest and let us the purpose of why we exist in this world. Never waste your time on someone or something that hinders you from growing and from being a better version of yourself. Stand up and be firm for life. We would never know what will happen tomorrow.

Thank you so much for listening guys! You can also drop some comments and suggestions on the post you want me to share more about myself. You can also share your list also. Feel free to do it. Keep Steeming and More Power! ♥




this post deserves more upvote.. i wish i have a huge uupvote value... keep blogging sis!

Thank you so much sis! ♥

I wish that impossible as it may seems all of your wishes will come true. Theres no impossible with God anyway....

Indeed! In Jesus Name!

Great post! Enjoy life to the fullest while you can! Goodluck to your journey...

Thank you so much! I am really glad that Steemit came into my life because it somehow helped me achieve some of my goals and I know it would be a great help for me to achieve some of it.

I also have a list like this. But it's about 15 items hahaha. I hope you achieve everything in your list. Let's all live life to the fullest. Cheers! Resteemed.

Thank you so much! Hopefully, if God allows ♥

Yes, of course. If we can think about it, we can let it happen. Good luck. Especially the everest stuff.