Livin' The Dream: How I am Living My Dream and You Can Too

in #life8 years ago

I woke up in Mexico City yesterday and had a bit of an epiphany.

I've often said that I believe we create our own reality. But I hadn't quite realized how I had created my own in the last few years and am now, in many ways, "living the dream."

And when I say, "living the dream", I mean that I dreamt about having a life like I do today and now, like a dream, it is happening.

It was about eight years ago that I decided to create the first anarcho-capitalist, Austrian economics based financial newsletter, The Dollar Vigilante.

Many people said the world wasn't ready for it... but I said, "Let's make them ready then."

And, I started a podcast, called Anarchast, about anarchy... a very unusual topic 8 years ago. And it has grown into a fairly large podcast and has even spun off its own conference, Anarchapulco, which had 500 people from across the world attend this year.

And, I've been covering cryptocurrencies since 2011 even despite many people warning me they were just a fad/scam/ponzi... and they have grown into a $100 billion+ market, just as I said it would.

And, I even now make very good money just posting to a decentralized, blockchain based social media platform... Steemit!

I realized how a decade ago this was all just a dream... a pipe dream even. But it has all come to pass... so, did I actually create my own reality?

And, can you do the same?

I pondered all this as I walked through a dog park in incredibly dangerous Mexico City and somehow survived.

You can see more here:

Please upvote and follow me here for more. Tomorrow I'll report in from Montana with my thoughts on one of the world's most dangerous drugs.

In the meantime, don't let anyone stop you from following your dreams. You never know where they may lead you.


I would rather feel the effects

I've been twice and I will bee going again. It's really nice! :)

Seriously! I've heard great things about it. What a joy it would be to be surrounded by such awesome people making shit happen. :) Maybe I'll see you there.

I agree with you. I am interested in checking out the next Anarchapulco too!

Jeff you have really helped out my financial situation i can't thank you enough! Pioneers are always seem as the crazy ones but keep it up and keep spreading your views.

Jeff, I've started following your channel and subscribed to your site since 2016. Although, I didn't invest enough to change my life entirely, but it has definitely changed my current situation.

I just want to say, thank you for changing my life with all the great advices.
I'm following the dream and walking the path.

Thank you, 謝謝你!

Chris from Taiwan.

Guys, thanks for the upvotes. They really mean a lot to me! Thank you so so much.

Please, follow my account, I post contents everyday!

Thta Mexican weathers looking rather nice

Yes, live your own dream instead the American Dream.

Alt Text

I am a firm believer that our brains are functional contraption to access the vast potential field of intelligence called concsiousness . Every second every moment we use this field to shape or choose our future. As you mention in your post, we can always create our reality by just accessing this field of unbounded intelligence.

The dream which we live today can only become reality if we believe our gut, which basically is a signal from our brains to create new ideas from the field. Once a reality , we always would look back and attribute it to the idea which motivated or inspired us ...

Could not have agreed with you more friend

I love thinking about our global consciousness and how we interact with this field. Is everything fractal and we are all part of the whole? Who knows but I love asking these kinds of questions. Thank you for sharing your words. You have a new follower! :)

If you can dream it, you can achieve it!

Yes! All that we create first exists as a thought. Such a powerful concept! Excited to follow you and be connected to like minds and hearts.

Happy to follow you and getting inspired from your super positive project "foodisfree"!

Glad to be connected on here! We're all in this together. :)

Jeff- You've inspired me to start the juice cleanse, I've been watching your videos on fasting, etc non-stop and can clearly tell how much of a positive effect you've seen. Congrats on living your dream and thanks for doing all you do.

Well said!

Living the dream Jeff!

Good post Jeff!

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