How Ayahuasca Taught Me and Helped Me Get Over Some Major Issues

in #life7 years ago

Many people have been following my complete transformation from an unhealthy, smoking, drinking, garbage eating, fat, toxic, stressed, depressed guy to about the opposite of that.

If you've just been following for the last few weeks or months you may not be aware of the entire transition.

It all began about two years ago when I hit rock bottom and decided I either had to kill myself or do something fairly extreme to shock myself out of my funk.

The word "ayahuasca" seemed to be calling me. I kept hearing about it and was naturally drawn into looking into it.

I ended up doing it twice and even though I didn't fully recognize it at the time it gave me the knowledge and the healing I needed to move on to the next progression of my healing... which was iboga.

You can hear all about my experience here:

In an upcoming post here on Steemit I'll go into my experience with iboga which was absolutely insane.

Follow me here on Steemit, @jeffberwick , so you don't miss it!


Inspired by your transformation I got on the Mucusfree diet.
Started it beginning of March and doing wonderful.
July 1 I started with the 1 Month fruit fast and again I am doing wonderful. So thanks for inspiring me Jeff.
Ayahuasca I did as well last year in total 8 ceremonies and this September 3 more with a Shaman from Peru, but conveniently in the Netherlands :)

So cool that this is offered in your home land too ;) I would consider a session or too if a shaman resides anywhere near New Jersey. Which could make sense since Paterson, NJ is home to the most Peruvians in the entire United States. Gotta get cracking to see my local Shaman :)

well in the Netherlands it really is all over the place. Dutch people organizing ceremonies and different Peruvian Shaman coming over. Yes the Netherlands land of the almost free :)))
Thank you for the up vote, much appreciated

I like to ponder how our global consciousness is being healed and connected by all of these plant medicine ceremonies around the world. In a way it's like energetic acupuncture on our global consciousness network!

Take care when transitioning on to the Mucusless diet, don't just start fasting and eating only raw, its dangerous. Take it from my experience I almost had a hear attack. I actually wrote a post about that a couple of days ago, so if you want check it out:

with this lifestyle the only foods you eat are: fruit, salads, cooked or baked vegetables, but...... only those that do not turn into mucus, puss or acid.
100 years ago Arnold Ehret discovered that stop eating mucus forming food, fasting and transition to a mucusfree diet will cure any disease. Luckily I have great health but after reading the book 'Mucusless Diet Healing System' by Prof Ehret and Prof Spiral

I decided that I wanted to be clean in the inside as well. I am a vegetarian but even so I was getting a lot of mucus in my body. Since I started the diet I lost 9 kg which is a bit much for my posture but it will even out eventually I am told. I have been ill with high fever within the first 2 weeks, sore throat, blowing my nose like insane for about 10 days. All this is due to the mucus leaving my body, detoxing. 8 weeks later I feel great, light, positive, energy still a little low since I am for sure not done eliminating mucus and puss that got stuck everywhere from all these years.
When you start changing your diet into mucus free there is the so called 'transition diet' which can last how ever long you want it to be since you still can eat certain low mucus forming foods. But my goal is mucus free. It is important that you do not transition too fast, your body needs time to adjust to all the good it is receiving :)
All I can say is READ THE BOOK and then read all the other as well. Spira speaks is a great addition too! Cheers

should be taking pectin and clay while you are detoxing to vacuum the toxins up for elimination, otherwise they can get reabsorbed in the gut. When you lose body fat, you are releasing all the toxins held in the fat, which is where are bodies store most of them

Thank you for the advice.
I am doing regular lemon ennema's as suggested in the book. And when not on the fruit fast the 'vegetable broom' also described in the book.

Wow, I thought I heard all there is to eating the right foods, this was a category that I was not aware of, thanks for the information !!

the mucusless diet is simply alkaline electric foods. this includes fruits and non starchy vegetables. this diet is truly the only way to live dis-ease free. check out arnold ehret and dr sebi, both were killed because of their ability and desire to heal others.

Ayahuasca can shows you some nasty things about yourself, you have to be mentally prepared if you really want to transform.

We have a lot to learn from the plant world if we open our minds and hearts to nature's wisdom! I'm going to look more into the Mucusfree diet. Thanks for the comment, @rimke. Onward and upward!

You are welcome @foodisfree
Happy you are interested in finding out more about it. It really transformed my look on food, cleansing and healing. Enjoy the journey 🍇

Thanks so much! We're all on our own journey and also a part of a shared journey. It's great to be able to share ideas and learn from others. Be well!

I did an ayahuasca session back in april this year.
For me it is a healing plant for sure. It got me back to playing guitar after 14 years of playing because of emotional blockage. I am doing one more session in august as I know I 'need' more healing.
Thanks for your awesome walk 'n talks Jeff.

I am also on a vegan, almost raw diet, and it is for the best. It healed 'my RA'. People are asking a lot of questions and are curious but at the same time they prop up all kinds of excuses not to do it themselves. Kind of funny. Most people are like that in many ways. But it does not matter. Lead by example. It is the only way I think.

By now, I have done about 20 DMT (the psychoactive substance in ayahuasca) trips. The experiences have ranged from absolute bliss and meaning to existential terror. All in all, I'm a changed man. Planning to post some trip reports + what I've learned. Will be interesting to see what people think about this.

Here's mine if you are so inclined to read :) Please share yours when you get the time. I will follow you.

Yes, please, share more of your experience! Thank you.

@jeffberwick Did my comment about this the other day inspired to talk about this topic next? :)

It starts with yourself! Once you start eating healthy and working out everything falls into place. That is why I am about to get up and hit the gym before I get to relaxed after work.

it is interesting to hear about your experience. I do not have any addiction. But my life has become more casual and I walk and exercise a lot more now that I live in Colombia. Colombia is also touted as being 'dangerous' when it isn't any more dangerous than when I lived in Reno, Nevada. I really enjoy the life here. I just need to find a source of income to get off the social security Ti..." if you know what I mean. My beliefs are in line with anarchist philosophy plus I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ, so I am content at the life I have chosen. Thank you for your post and I am glad to see you off the alcohol and smokes.

One day ill have the balls to do it. I think the jungle might freak me out too much so i'd probs go to the places in Majorca or something.

What on earth made you do iboga? I thought its just unpleasant but good at kicking addictions.

Great story @jeffberwick. Thanks for sharing. I met Aya. Few years ago in Ecuador, it was an amazing group of people at My wife and I went together, we definitaley felt the call. We were able to try Aya twice, San Pedro twice and Wilka. And also a sweat lodge with San Pedro in a 12 day retreat in the Andes. I will have to share about it on Steemit. Completely life changing experience!

Thats the one, sorry for not linking, my bad! Christine who runs it is awesome! It has only gotten better since I was there. We were the 4th group to go!

Excelente todo lo que has contado, como te has superado y de como has transformado tu vida, sigue adelante amigo y que sigas cosechando mucho exito..!! By @gaborey07 From Venezuela..!! Please friend, do not forget follow me and I will follow you back..

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