Don't Be A Fool, Drop Out Of School! Advice To Young People On How To Live The Good Life

in #life7 years ago

Everything in our cult(ure) is a lie and meant to make you feel worthless, hopeless and make you into a cog in the machine tied to a death contract (in French, mort gage) for life and working nearly every day of your life at something you hate.

Of course, you don't have to fall for that trap. And it begins by dropping out of school immediately. I don't even care what school you are in. Life is the classroom. School is for suckers.

In today's "walk n' talk", I discuss what a scam school is and why it is the last place you would ever go if you wanted to get an education.

I then give some insights on what you should be doing if you want to live a great life.

You can see it here:

Please pass this along to anyone who is currently stuck in a school system. Get them out before it is too late!


I'm a high school teacher (Spanish, Business Spanish, Medical Spanish) that introduced his class to cryptocurrency last year.

My students learn things and experience things.

We're not all brainwashers.

Teach us on here instead. My children are going to skip high school. I wasted four years of my life in high school, and I would have been better off going straight to college. Heck, many of the classes you have to take over anyway.

I showed my students Steemit and the power contained therein. Hopefully some of them have joined.

@nepd A syllabus tells you how to get an "A", a good teacher helps you develops the skills to "kick A"!

I hope they do too! It's a new world. Curiosity and effort are all that is needed to succeed.

I agree with all of you - some teachers still spoon feed and some teachers teach kids to think beyond the books - I have this speech almost every day - you do not only have to do what I tell you to do you can figure out your own research and work. Just a pity we still have parents with the mentality of kids must have a rigid structure and I must talk for 30 min and kids will just study what are in their books bla bla bla - most of the time we have problem parents and inquisitive kids

@finnian I can appreciate your experience, and the thoughts behind what you have shared. I was very involved, from the business club to music. The friendships and experiences I had couldn't have been replicated elsewhere, and I am glad I created those opportunities for myself.

That being said, I should have gone with my buddy to do every other day's school at the local community college, saving the other day for the fun stuff. If you do all the lower level classes for an engineering degree, you will have enough literacy and mathematics to supplement whatever it is you choose to pursue.

The other undervalued education today is vocational school. The economic freedom that is achieved early on my be capped by the lack of an advanced degree, but if you are an enterprising person, you can use what you have learned and your innate skills to be successful. The key is to find your passion(s), and learn everything you can to be successful in that.

I can't go back in time for myself, but I will make my own children aware of the opportunity that exists. That way, hopefully, they can avoid the feeling of "wasted years."

You didn't need to go to school to meet friends and do social things though. My wife is always saying that the kids have to go to government schools to learn "social skills." No, no they don't. That's learning crowd and conformity skills instead. ;-)

I am a teacher at

I agree finnian - social skills can be learned in many places

Thanks! I worry about the other things school teaches way more than what the kids might not learn by missing it.

For example one of my middle son's teachers a year ago told him, "It's not right for one person to be more successful than another."

Bwah?! Don't be teaching that garbage to my child, communist! haha

Whaaaaat? Ok that is just plain weird

But I say again , there are sure some problem parents out there that are not following the open minded approach I am trying to teach my kids - the textbook said this and this and there is no room for we can actually figure out a few things for ourselves and questions can maybe have more than one answer

@finnian it would have been better if cryptocurrency lectures be introduced into the educational system,but instead they keep introducing more scams called

I'd be happy if they just taught economics, but they don't... on purpose of course.

eish then I would be without a job hahahaaha - but I see your point - and yes many subjects I really also do not know what the function is - but on the other hand, nothing is stopping our kids to start thinking for themselves and investigating and throw away the eye patches

Jeff's advice on dropping out from school is a huge claims, and i can see his point. But in my opinion, there's still things u need to learn and experience from school. You'll still need the basics, like language and a bit of this and that, calculation and stuff. Or else it would still be a big trouble for the parents to teach from scratch. Because not all the ppl are free from work or financial freedom. My point is, parents play an important role to guide your children to the right path. Constant communications and being an up-to-date parents so that the kids would look up to you, and not looking at you like you're some out-dated old folks who would just yelling at them for not doing this and that.

There are other ways to learn Spanish than forcing kids to do it and forcing them into 12 years of indoctrination camps to do their pledge of allegiance. I learned Spanish in bed in Mexico. You should teach those who want to learn outside of skool where kids are held hostage.

That's a very narrow view of things. Not all schools are like the ones you've experienced.

Not all students need high school, but it helps many get to where THEY want to be... not where you think they should be.

I can feel the urge of jeff's trying to get the mass out from the brainwash shit he mention about. But at the same time, just like what @nepd said, not all students need high school, but it definitely helped a lot to get them where they wanted to be. Maybe I've had an really awesome time back in uni and highschool, i do see some of those who didn't really enjoyed it back then. MY grade wasn't grade, and later i found out what i've learnt so far, mostly were modified, especially history of my country - which is fucked up, but its ok, at least i know the truth now and i'll guide my children to the right path. But I think things like MATH and Language, let them learn from school should be fine. My point is that, we TAKE the good things from school, dump the bad ones, just like in life, we do that constantly dont we? :D

No child needs schooling, private or government. You can tutor them, they can learn on their own, etc. There are many options. It at least should not be compulsory. I wonder why it is? Hmmm

not only that. why should someone have to go to the other classes all day just to learn from one teacher who things outside of the marxist/keynsian box for one hour. Then a new semester begins with a new crew of gulag managers serving up remedial education to Western students who are falling behind in global standardized test scores against students from countries where the government does not run the k-12 system. So the argument that some teachers are actually teaching critical thinking and real skills is undermined by the fact that the institutionalized garbage that students are being inoculated with daily has effectively dumbed them down to the point to where they are ridiculed if they promote or suggest any idea which does not sync with the party line. Public education is little more than state religion.

Duolingo is so DAMN good. I took some in high school for 3 years (the AP classes) and the way they structured it made me learn only BASICs. I'm almost fluent after 6 months on duolingo, 2 Escalofrios (goosebumps) books, Octonauts, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Yugioh in spanish. WAY better way to learn.

Aren't you Canadian? But yeah agreed, teaching languages in schools is a waste of time. No one learns anything there. A month living in a country will be enough to learn a language.

The brainwashing is institutionalized in the system through the required textbooks and curriculum. I'm sure your class is interesting but unfortunately 12 years of gov induced psychosis is too much weight for any one teacher to counterbalance. At some point students have been so effectively brainwashed from global warming being plugged in their science books to a complete lack of information about how the money system operates, even showering them with evidence will only create sparks of enlightenment in only the brightest students. A large number of students in high school are more or less prisoners forced into indoctrination in a marxist style institution and it is difficult for one teacher to contradict the propaganda on every point. Nevertheless, introducing critical thinking and raising doubts about many of their long held indoctrinated beliefs may be enough to get them investigating more. Unfortunately the brainwashing is institutionalized and a few lights in the tunnel is not enough to find the way out. The best way out is to drop out and get a GED then stop paying taxes in order defund this albatross that enslaves people mentally when they are young then financially when they enter the workforce.

Yes there are some teachers that changed my life 4th grade teacher Mrs Johnson #1 Teacher

I'm also a HS teacher and respect all my co-teachers but @jeffberwick do have a point. Yes @nepd not all teachers are brainwashers and some of us try to make our lessons more relevant. I am actually learning more about life and teaching by listening more to my students' backstories and finding out ways to make my lessons relevant to them.

Although it's been a few decades since I was in high-school, I believe you are the exception rather than the norm nepd. For many, including myself, we look back on our school years and wonder, why the hell didn't you teach us things we could use in our everyday life?

Instead of spending years studying calculus and trigonometry, why not teach people how to budget, save and invest? Why not teach kids how to garden or how to cope with depression and anxiety? Or even, how to think critically in order to assess the truthfulness of mainstream media? These are just a few examples of life skills everyone should be taught from a young age.

Now, you may argue that these skills are best taught by parents, but many parents either don't have the skills themselves, don't have the time to teach their kids or assume the education system will include these topics in their curriculum.

I'll leave this video from boyinaband to demonstrate the frustration students have with the current education system

We are not all brainwashed. Final!!

None are more brainwashed than those who believe they were never brainwashed. I once heard a doctor say that in medical school, they teach you that half of the information is wrong, they just don't know which half.


Keep up the good work

Youtube and udemy are the new school. Free or pay a small fee = way cheaper, practical, and efficient. Why not travel the world while you learn? The truth is TEACHERS have all the power and they're stuck in an inefficient system. Look at jordan peterson. Making 30k a month posting his lectures on youtube!

Good job. Can't believe this thread.

Alas, but you can not do without school. They teach not only physics and mathematics. They teach patience and skill to contact - with other students and teachers.

I agree that a good teacher is wonderful.

We need more path breakers like you!

there are thousands of excellent teachers and awesome students all over the place. Not everyone needs high school, but it serves some very well.

@nepd The earliest forms of my negotiation and networking skills came from getting to know teachers, how they "tick", what limits I could push. While I wasn't the best student for most of my teachers, I had a good rapport with all of them.

Strangely enough, most of them saw what I was doing as a way of "taking initiative", though different than the usual "do all of the homework all of the time, pass the bubble sheet test and move up the grade".

Yes. Basic education is required (wherever we get it from) to help us 'design' what we want according to our own conscious choice. However, education of modern times ends up conditioning people into limits rather than liberating them.

In my opinion only 10% of students needs high school or collage. Everybody should be free to decide cos basically every kid hear from parents and teachers that they need to go to high school, they have to finish it etc.

BTW I have collage degree but if I would start over again I wouldnt go even to high school and that I will advice to my future kids.

Nice, that you do good job in education. Keep up good work its worthy and needed.

nepd I also feel some kids are just not made for sitting in a class and study "what the book says" and they make a great success of their lives - we still have this narrow mindedness of you did not go to a "normal" school so you cannot make a success

I'm a high school teacher (Spanish, Business Spanish, Medical Spanish) that introduced his class to cryptocurrency last year.

My students learn things and experience things.

We're not all brainwashers.

This! ☝️

Thank your for saying something out loud here that I was angrily thinking reading in my head reading this post @nepd. I'm so tired of the over generalized "school sucks" narrative I see pushed sometimes. I don't discredit people having negative experiences in school. But, I generally do discredit those who assume that everyone has such experiences and characterizes all education as "brainwashing".

School taught me to think critically about life situations and carefully weigh every side of an issue, not make overgeneralized assumptions about things of which I am not an expert. And that's exactly what I've taught my students as well.

But - you will have to admit, that most of the successful entrepreneurs in our lifetimes - Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs - these are all people that have started their own businesses and have not gone down the traditional path of university/college/tertiary education that takes away 5 years of their lives.
I respect teachers and give them applause for so much of the patience they have to go through every day with this generation.
While students do learn and experience through tertiary education, they are not readily practiceable for life nor do they have the financial structures ready to be able to contribute something useful and productive to the world. Just my 0.01 steem worth 😊

SO so so true.
I am a 14 year old in high school and i hate it. Whats the point in learning Algebra and pointless things like that. Why don't people go out there and experience life, not cave up and follow stupid rules but have freedom and be yourself. This is very well said Thanks a lot for this post :) I Need to take this whole system where you are just working in to consideraion. Working for what? To get food? Bullshit you can get fresh fruit and veg cheap and eat healthily. Life is more than having a job sitting inside your whole life just for money. Experiance Life!

Thanks for this post :)

The unwise words of a 14 Year Old Boy.
Sounds like me at your age. If only I knew then what I know now.

I advocate Education
I Advocate Mortgages
I advocate working Very Very Hard

Even with all of the above i'm alot happier than the misguided abused Boy I was at 14.

By all means have your words but don't call my opinions unwise words. Its what i think. You can have your opinion and ill have mine.

How wise is a 14 year old, who sees that this world needs to be big enough to hold all of our opinions. If we could all accept that there is no ultimate truth, only opinions, then we could all live in harmony on this beautiful planet.

Upvoting yourself doesn't make you right !!

Come and tell me different in 30 years.
I did and said exactly the same things the same as many others.

The Unwise words of a 14 Year old was a generalisation rather than pointed directly at you.

However because of your age you took it personally and got straight on the defensive.

You advocate programming, being in debt your whole life, and working really hard at pointless things?

I can only speak for the UK really. But we have two choices. Get in Debt to buy a house or pay Rent to someone else and make them rich. There isn't a 3rd option for us. Depending on your outlook and what you want in life a nice house isn't pointless to me, neither a nice Car etc. However when you do have a valid point is the time someone is terminally ill. THEN money and possessions are futile and pointless.

No foreclosures over there? No renting individual rooms and living well below your means?

Foreclosures or as we call them "Bankruptcy buys" are purchased by the wealthy and rented back to the poor for extortionate rates. My Neighbour Rents a 1 Bedroom House for £600 per month. The Average take home Wage is £1100. So over half gone !! For this he has to cram himself, wife and 4 Children into the small space.

Whereas yes I am in debt but I pay the same for a Mortgage on a 5 Bedroom House that in 25 Years I will own and pass down to my kids. Where my friend will no doubt be paying over £1,000 by that time.

A single room in the UK is approximately £400 per month.

We are such a small Island there just isn't the capacity to house the ever growing population. This was the main reason for getting out of Europe because the huge influx of people forced upon us.

I bought a foreclosure, and I'm not wealthy. My mortgage is extremely low. There are ways to do it, but people have to live well below their means, have a lot more cash flowing in than out, and be smart about what they purchase.

The point in studying things like maths is that you can use it to make alot of money...and who doesnt want to be rich

The problem is you're taught algebra and such but never told how you'd apply it as teachers know only how to teach the material. When your water pipe under the sink is leaking, you need math to figure out what size pipe you have. Otherwise you sit there feeling like a moron and buying random fittings that don't fit, or worse yet, devising contraptions to measure it. If you knew that during math class, you'd have paid more attention (I know I would have).

You're exactly right. Why not actually teach people to apply math in every day life. Such as using measurements and fractions to replace a leaky pipe.

You're young so many of the things you say you'll look back on and think a little different. That being said, I agree with your take on the matter. The only thing I'll tell you with certainty is algebra is the last math you'll ever need. Learn at least the basics of algebra because you really do use it much more than you think.

It depends as usual. Do you want to do something that involves math? Then you'll need Algebra. Still, you can teach yourself on the Internet, and no teacher in a government school is needed.

What are you passions? What are your natural talents? If you don't know them already, go out and figure them out. Ask your friends what they think you are naturally good at.

Do your best to not waste your valuable time. It's your life after all. Tick tock, tick tock! I wasted 20 years of my life on a hamster wheel doing Information Technology work, and I hated it the entire time. Don't do what I did.

Follow your passions, set goals and achieve them, and learn things that are valuable no matter what you do (liberty, economics, languages, etc.)

Well if you're advocating for freedom than I see where you're coming from. But algebra is not useless, quite the contrary actually. But I can understand why someone would hate it ;)

Unfortunately it is the law (enforcement by the state) to go to school (indoctrination by the state) until you're 18 at which time you are strongly encouraged to go to university (for more indoctrination by the state) to accrue a debt (you owe to the state) which if you are lucky (haha) will enable you to get a job (just over broke) and start to pay your debt back in taxes (theft by the state). One huge con! Time to opt out!

What state are you in? I'd look into it more closely. They don't want to help parents get around the system, but most states have a way around it.

Trapped 4 ever, experience is what we need...
why should future doctor waste time studying classic literature and history of culture...
I missed early days of Bitcoin, cuz of all school and Uni thing taking so much time...never had a chance to look into things...

Exactly - that's what they want us to do - be so busy chasing our tails to make ends meet that we don't notice what's really going on ... until it's too late!!

What you refer to is the middle-class trap to "fully participate" in school, then go to uni. It's not applied to the lower classes as they are ineligible to receive a chance at debt.

College is the hugest scam ever. A 1000% increase in tuition in the last 30 years? When will the madness stop? I'm sick and tired of young people being financially screwed for their entire life to get a piece of paper that isn't worth anything. On top of that they learn no work skills. Amazing how colleges are completely unaccountable for this. Ever more amazing all of your loans are guaranteed by Sallie Mae, you cant even get rid of student loans going bankrupt!

Yes, thank goodness by eldest has decided that she doesn't want to get laden with debt and is going to opt out of the university ball and chain!

As a former high school English teacher I can tell you this: The school day is way too fucking long. The day is wasted away playing meaningless games, having parties in which the kids are fed a bunch of chemicalized junk food, pep assemblies, etc.... because what needs to be accomplished (supposedly)in a day can be done in a couple hours, not 7 or 8 hours. That is a fact. Parents, go follow your child through his/her school day no matter their age. You'll see what I mean.

Then there are those insane standardized test days where the poor kids have to literally sit for hours answering questions in writing. That is torture and should be outlawed.

Kids are kept in school for so long, as in so many hours and so many days and so many years and they're forced to start at such a young age, so that they can be fully brainwashed into thinking everything they see going on around them in society is normal. Like, it's normal to dress like a whore when you're twelve and drink soda with the neurotoxin aspartame in it and eat GMO'd "foods" like Doritos and to bow down to authority by asking permission to go to the bathroom and to get into debt, and that wearing pink clothing cures cancer, etc.... It's so surreal to me now. Back in the day, I didn't know better.

That said, I was the teacher who knew how to get creative with the state-mandated curriculum and my classroom was always the safe haven for the kids who didn't want to worship the damn jocks and cheerleaders at the pep assemblies or the kids who didn't want to eat in the gross cafeteria. There are good teachers out there, but they don't stay teaching for long.

And, people who allow the school to tell them that their child needs to be vaccinated in order to attend are being totally taken advantage of by the pharmaceutical companies. I have no idea why people comply with that one.

Also, almost all parents are using the public education system as a babysitter. Period. They go off to work all day so they can pay taxes to their master while their kids are being "looked after" at school. You would be amazed at how many kids participate in before and after school programs, meaning their parents drop them off before 7 in the morning and pick them up around 6 in the evening. And then they bring them to soccer or whatever practice and eat dinner in the car. It's no life whatsoever.

Now, on a more positive note. Kids today are totally different than we were, Jeff. You and I are about the same age. If their parents would just leave them alone by not forcing them to do a bunch of activities and by not forcing them down a certain path, these kids will manifest wonderful things for themselves. They are different from you and I. I see it. The key is that their parents, the ones who have been entrusted to guide these souls, need to wake up and not make them do what they did and what their parents did because "that's just what you do." The paradigm is changing. I see the institution of school as being gone in the very near future. It's archaic.

That's pretty accurate. Parents don't want to have their kids at home because kids are inconvenient. They want to do shit like talk or play, which isn't all that desirable. Parents know that school is shit and boring and unproductive as we've all been there ourselves. It's not a surprise to them. Everyone knows, just no one cares because the alternative means that parents would be responsible for their children, which means they'll have fewer hours to play Warcraft or watch The Voice.

It's true. I really admire the people who have said enough is enough and are "unschooling." Really, I don't see how typical schools will survive the next 5 years. Like I said, I used to teach and have since done a lot of volunteering, and teachers, administrators and students are burnt out. There's a teacher shortage for a reason.

I'm not surprised the burnout is strong. We're planning on homeschooling ours. I don't believe in the unschooling movement myself simply because to me all that is is developing kids' natural curiosities and hobbies, which parents should be doing anyways.

Absolutely we should be encouraging what our kids find interesting, as in what "they" find interesting. We're the guides on the side. I like unschooling because it is...more free. My kids are teens now and they learn and develop what resonates with them. They both were reading by age four because I read to them from the time they were infants. They didn't need to learn phonetics because they just absorbed the language. My 14 year old son is a way better writer than I am because he likes to write, not because anyone taught him how to write. My daughter is an incredible artist...self taught. She was hired to illustrate a series of childrens' books when she was 16. She's still doing it now. She was just "discovered." She's making money doing what she loves. When I was her age I was assembling burgers for Burger King.

I wasn't "awake" when my kids started school. When I woke up they wanted nothing to do with homeschooling or unschooling or anything like that. My husband and I stay on top of the curriculum, which is the insane Common Core. So, we're constantly pointing out absurdities. Fortunately both of our kids have had several teachers who overtly oppose Common Core. They've had some real decent teachers. But, if I had it to do all over again, I would unschool or home school. I don't like the herd mentality you see in schools and I don't like the propaganda. You're wise that you are going the home-schooling route.

On top of all of this, the time goes by so quickly. There's no need to be sending 5 year olds off to school. Kids should be with their parents, not sent off to some classroom where they will be lost in a sea of other kids.

I understand now, you got Common Core where you are. It's literally annihilating the education system through stupidity. Everyone I know is either putting their kids into private school or pulling them out the moment Common Core infects their school.

tell all your friends to buy steem. tell them all the cool kids and hipsters are doing it

Also when you Buy Steem don't be afraid to POWER UP !!!

Man I wish I read this post earlier... I spent 4 years at uni wondering what was I doing and I ended up making a living out of the Internet... so yeah school was so useful, duh.

I think some schooling is good, but most colleges imo are overrated. It's better to get out in the world and make money than to be 100K in debt from student loans when you finally get out of school

Yeah, there's a big difference between getting a STEM degree without any debt once it is done compared to a degree that is not in STEM with tons of debt left over.

i had the worst time in school system and couldn't wait to get out! i've learned more life outside of school. i also learned early on to be an entrepreneur and create a 'job' i can do around the world. and i did and do!

Love the advice as always Jeff! Thanks for doing what you do.

Hiya Jeff. I love your openness, Even if people disagree, Its real and you can work with that! You have probably heard of this guy but if you have time check out "David Siegel" He's the CEO of the new coin coming out. He's got some opinions in line with your's and probably most people following you.
Just a thought.
Love & Peace always. .

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