Our rude planet. Why are people so focused on themselves?

in #life6 years ago

One thing I've noticed lately is that rudeness seems to have become second nature to almost everyone.

"What? I'm never rude."

Everybody thinks that. It might even be true in your case.

However, I'm seeing more and more that people seem to be completely focused on themselves and not on the rest of the world.

That's not a good thing.

Source: Pixabay.com

If you've ever read my blog before then you probably know that I work in a restaurant.

Are people generally rude to their servers? Well they haven't really been in the past, but lately there seems to be a paradigm shift.

"Where's my salad? I've already been waiting for 2 minutes and even though you've got six other tables I need you to get all of my food out right this second!"

That seems like me going overboard but the reality is that most people seem to have this attitude lately.

"Where's the checker? I've been in line for 2 minutes already! Open another register!"

This happened just the other day at the dollar store.

I really wanted to turn around and say to my shopping companion "Look lady there is a reason they only charge one dollar for that bag of chips."

She wouldn't have cared though. She wanted service now.

I like to talk to people in my neighborhood. Most of my neighbors are older and I really like that. They are capable of giving me some good advice, and also older people tend be easier to get along with.

You would think that some of the younger people in the neighborhood would take note by watching these interactions, but unfortunately do not.

What do the young people tend to do? They come home with music blaring at 4:00 in the morning and wake the neighborhood up . They open and slam their door and then scream at their girlfriends and roommates all night long.

They might get really close to your car when they pull out. They might even scrape it. They're in a hurry. They have things to do.

Whatever you do, don't try talking to them about it because you will get a big up yours.

I can't help but wonder if there's something in the water lately.

Is there a government sponsored rudeness contest that I'm not aware of?

I can't say what the reason is, but I do have to ask....

Why do you want to be so rude?


agree but people dont want to understand this


good story, wait for next writing. the narration and the message conveyed make people drift to read it .


Many people seem to have the inborn rudeness in them. I remember when I got to a church for the first time and the way the usher talked to me made to never step my foot there again. So let us all learn to be polite and treat people with respect.

It definitely does seem that way.

I was thinking about this earlier today.

I think it is a by-product of the "Everyone gets a trophy" culture.
Also, add electronics, where people aren't looking around as often and seeing their impact on the rest of the world.
There is no reason to practice and get better at skills, you get a trophy, you get a trophy...
Now, go to your room be quiet and play on your phone. The parents have work today, and they cannot be distracted by those little people we call children.

I think that is why you will find older people more open to conversation. We practiced conversation before we got electronics, instead of the other way around.

Just thoughts...

Just the other day I saw a three year old girl fully immersed with her cell phone. She spent the entire time texting and checking Facebook even though she was only three. I thought to myself if Facebook is still here in 10 years this girl is going to be doing the same thing in the future. It's sad to see so many people build worlds that are more like prisons than anything else. How are we supposed to build a successful society that way?

i don't know Why are people so focused on themselves, but people really really focused on themselves, i think its really really bad.


Yeah you are right about people been rude these days. But i think the reason why most people are rude sometimes is because of stress, fustration, they are angry with themselves, with the govt. Or even the police.

Those could all be good factors.

We live in a self centered entitlement society. It is a lack of parenting, community maturity and lack of spiritual progress

Yeah you got that righy

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