A bad apple in the workplace spoils the bunch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Saturdays in the restaurant business are often rough.

Unlike normal weekdays, you're unlikely to get regulars or businessmen.

Source: Pixabay.com

When I see six guys in black suits and ties walk in during the week, I get excited because I know that they have money and they want to eat well.

That doesn't happen on Saturday afternoon.

Instead, you will get a single mother with her five kids.....three of which need a high chair but they still take up prime real estate. Most sections only have one six top table, so if you have a guest that tips $100, or if you have a guest that tips $1.... they're still taking up the same amount of prime real estate for approximately an hour and a half.

Having said that, we are all used to it on Saturdays and Sundays.

The single mother or father that has been waiting all week to be able to go out to a nice restaurant and has no recourse but to bring her small children? I can dig it.

It's a weekend thing.

We also get a lot of unusual customers during the weekend.

Serious jerks who actually call people stupid, complain for no reason other than to try and get a free meal, and do everything in their power to subvert the system.

People that come in during the week don't have time for that but on the weekend you can be assured to find all of the cracks in the system.

Nevertheless, the weekend is a great time to make money. We just have to set our expectations at the right level.

Today was particularly bad.

Several guests were incredibly insulting. At least two guests tried to get free food by telling lies. Several people weren't getting their drinks fast enough because we only had one bartender and she was going as fast as she could.

High chair after High Chair, booster seat after booster seat, modified order after modified order.

Everyone knows that this is how the weekend works. Everyone's used to it. Even if things are a little bit more difficult than normal you have to be used to those sudden changes as well.

However, once in awhile you will get an employee that is so frustrated by the way things are going then he decides to make things difficult for everyone else.

That happened today.

Three different tables did not tip this server at all so he began to yell at the other servers and caused quite a ruckus.

He blamed his lack of tips on the other service for some reason instead of looking at his own service or the possibility of simple circumstance. "Shit happens."

When bad things happen in your world, you must be very careful not to allow them to affect other people's worlds.


We are all one society living together.

If I'm suffering, I don't want you to suffer also. What I really want is for you to somehow pull me out of my suffering. All it takes is a few kind words. All it takes is for you to be in a good mood and not be affected by my bad attitude. That means that I can't let my bad attitude become so bad that it destroys your peace.

This is a difficult concept for some people to understand. Especially people in the restaurant industry because not everyone is completely emotionally there when they are rushing from table to table. I can't blame them for that either.

However, there's an old adage that a bad apple spoils the bunch and when it comes to the workplace this is definitely true.

A bad attitude in the workplace can make being at work a difficult experience especially on the weekends when things are already tough.

A bad apple in the workplace spoils the bunch.


Lol. I used to serve. It wasn't too bad compared to teaching. Haha. You make it through. I worked at Sloppy Joe's in Daytona Beach.

Well that sounds like an interesting place.

Yeah sir i also agree with you.In many people combination if there are any bad people this batch also bad.
Thanks for sharing sir @jeezzle.


My pleasure sir.


Maybe; but a bomb a day keeps the doctor away too; kind of similar I think...

A few years ago I worked in the fast food chain wendys, when I was studying at the university and the weekends were crazy, the more tense the work environment became, the more anyone could shout or look ugly... good thing is that at the end of the shift we knew that the bad said or done was in the past. The customers do not know what is happening in the restaurant.

That's true. In the food industry one day does not really tend to lead into the next.

A bad attitude at work, at home, in life only attracts heaviness, failure and bad vibration.
Nobody wants a bad apple nearby, as long as we live in a society you need to be objective and positive to keep everything in balance.

Balance is good.

Working with the public is something for a few.
which is bad when the situation gets a little out of control and there is no time to take a break and relax.
Hopefully the weekend money always makes up for the extra work.

True. I think it will.

Yeah, that is definitely true. A bad attitude or mood can also rub off on other people making a day toxic and hard to enjoy. My husband had a bad attitude today while we were working outside together. I sprayed him with the water hose. Made me feel much more cheerful.

Bad attitudes are definitely contagious. It's difficult enough to get through the work day without someone else bringing you down.

I have a bunch of friends in jobs where they deal with the general public day to day, and they all say the same thing: until you do a job like this, you have no idea how many doofuses are out there, how dreadfully they will behave, how entitled they will act.

Sounds like you are confirming this opinion for me.

I guess in a way, servers have to be like an army, supporting each other, with a little kindness and thoughtfulness against this battalion of doofuses. Otherwise, the whole army loses the battle together. :(

Sometimes people go out and act entitled. There's good people out there too though.

Hopefully one could easily remove the rotten apple before it damages the basket; Although it is difficult to do so because you can not healthy environment for the mood of a few.

Well it would mean getting rid of someone I've known for several years.

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