
What do you mean exactly?

Wow.. I thought you knew.
Let's take your last DLive >
When you click on the video thumbnail to go to Dlive to view the video after your broadcast is done, you get a broadcast is offline error. Just try it.

Now I do see that you have two video on you Dlive account. Did you reupload them or did they automatically appear there?

ahhhh yes, now I know what you are talking about after you explained it in more detail. I would just maybe reupload the clips from the broadcast and turn those into separate videos? Until they develop a fix I cant think of a good option, and yes I did upload those 2 videos mostly just for testing purposes.

Ah ok. Great many thanks! I see your really full into Dtube/Dlive now, not even uploading on YouTube daily anymore :). Pretty cool, believe it or not, motivation for me to do the same.
Joining you on Monday. Still going to use YouTube, but for different purposes.

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