Life in Japan #1 : Unknown flowers [full of pics]

in #life8 years ago

Welcome Steemian friends to Nim's blog, the 4th blog of I'll be talking about my experience living in japan last year...old time but whenever I look back on those day I still remember how happy I was and how far my life has been through things.

I lived in Shimizu

a harbor town in Shizuoka prefecture, Japan. Shizuoka is famous for being the Home of Mount Fuji! which I will talk about in the next post but now let see what I have for you guys today


3 months there was awesome! it was Spring in the first 2 months (April-May) and last month was summer (June). mind weather creates beautiful nature. it was perfect, wasn't it?
I took all these beautiful flowers with my phone, Asus Zenfone Selfie the quality of the pictures makes me love my phone much more than before!

Anything can be somebody's passions and flowers are mine!
If you like flowers or whatever, it's well worth a visit :)

no name flower.jpg

The first one up there called Daisy Fleabane (エリゲロン) thanks to Flower Dictionary , Google translator and Google that helped me really well as always, I feel really thankful! 🙏🏽

I took this picture by the road next to a small farm of a Japanese farmer family. The flower was growing exactly in the small dried ditch.
this is the farm I'm talking about


many farms in the town I found had small stores in front of their farms to sell their agricultural products, the special things are nobody's there to receive your money you gotta check the price of the goods you want to purchase from the tags then you put the money in the small wooden box, you gotta be honest! haha

sorry I didn't have any pictures of the veggy stores but here is my drawing just to make it easy to imagine(?) hehe

simple wooden store with quality products and friendly price my favorite!



Like a dream come true

I fell in love with Dandilions since I saw it from Samsung phone's wallpaper (no dandelions in Thailand) I accidently found one on the street close to my apartment after that I found fuck loads of them everywhere in the town lol

Dandilion in line.jpg

Dandelion (タンポポ) are so tough! I once tried to pull them just because I was lazy to plant them from the seeds wanted to have them in a pot seeing the flowers blooming immediately bad idea! it was so hard their roots were strong and long deep in the ground I gave up (T^T never do it again)


Rugosa rose or Japanese rose, Wikipedia said it's native to eastern Asia, in northeastern China, Japan, Korea and southeastern Siberia.

I walked a lot and rode a bike a lot

everyday I went to a supermarket I always had to stop myself by a road, picked my phone up and took some shots of these beautiful things that the world has given to us. some I know the name but some I don't

dun know.jpgwhat is my name? 😙

Do you know me? 😄

Tiny little flower has grown up from the small cracked sidewalk.

ice plant.jpg

Ice Plant (デロスペルマ) their leaves are so soft just like when you touch a caterpillar 😫 (I have never touched a caterpillar before but I just guess, Are their bodies soft?)


I don't know the name of this one but I remember I walked pass it nearly everyday for shopping I had waited to see its fully blooming but it took sooo long until I forgot about it hahaha

**Viola (ビオラ) **

Somebody threw a coffee can in here hehe it's just beautiful together with this pink one.


This Poppy (ポピー) reminds me of ... This thing which will stick to your brain for 10 mins!

Lantana camara (ランタナ)


Pink Wood Sorrel.jpg
Pink Wood Sorrel (イモカタバミ)


Forget me not (ワスレナグサ)

Pardon My English!

Hope you guys enjoy my story and thank you for coming around! drop some comments below
to let me know what you think

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see you around!

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