What Matters More: Heath or Wealth?

in #life7 years ago

This most popular health or wealth question is definitely not like the chicken or egg question. Both health and wealth are important, inevitable, and necessary for life but each of them holds specific place in everyone’s life. Actually, the dispute between health and wealth occurs when the value of both is wrongly understood by people. They get drastically abused by the power of health or wealth while not knowing the way to manage the both in the right manner.

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This old proverb “Health is wealth” may sounds clichéd in this modern world but it certainly holds great weight and logical reasoning in it. Everyone struggles for different things in life and his perspective or thoughts are shaped according to the circumstances that he has faced in life. People say that answering this simple question will solve the health or wealth debate forever: Can money buy health or health buy money? I guess, the answer to this question is relative and this debate can never be solved till the end of time.

People who are rich and are fighting with critical diseases believe that money cannot buy health because if it can, they would never had to face these terrible diseases. On the other hand, people who are poor and struggle really hard to make both end meet say that money is a powerful tool and it can make all their dreams come true once they get it. They believe that they can have a healthier or luxurious lifestyle and can buy best products for themselves with money.

Why Certain People Choose Health over Wealth

There are a few people in this world who struggle to remain healthy and fit before they are caught by some disease. They do proper exercise and take in healthy foods in order to stay healthy. Our society is filled with many distractions that promote unhealthy and unfit lifestyle which include bad eating habits, senseless dietary routines and unhygienic living habits. It takes constant determination and effort to maintain a properly healthy and fit lifestyle. People who are well-aware of the importance of staying fit never compromise their health over some wealth. They take proper sleep and follow a good schedule every day. They hold the belief that if you enjoy good health, you can also struggle to make money but if you do not have the power to even walk yourself, there is no use of adding up money in your bank accounts.

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The vast majority of people realize the importance of health very late in life or never do at all. Their whole wealth gets depleted in the process of getting health again. In the world of today, there are many health conditions and illnesses that do not have a permanent solution or remedy that can help them to cure the problem once and for all even if people have a lot of money. On the contrary, the individuals who are blessed with good health and know how to groom it well work smartly to earn money for their secure future. Investing in wealth is a wise decision but the place of health can never be replaced in life.

Why People Value Money More than Health

People who have languished in poverty for a long time in their life start loving wealth more than their life. They long to have the luxuries that rich people enjoy in their entire life. They also want to enjoy things that are above the necessities of life. Usually, people who do not have a lot of wealth believe that money is the solution to all of their problems and they spend their whole life in finding ways that can lead them towards the abundance of wealth while compromising their health in doing so.

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It seems really natural to think that rich people are happier than others. The thing is people do not want to get rich; they want to get happy. While travelling in the pursuit of happiness, some people develop the belief that money is what that keeps everyone happy. I personally believe that money cannot provide you the fulfilment that your soul needs for having a sound sleep at the end of the day. Yes, money can help you in achieving your goals, provide you a good future, make your life more enjoyable but when you get all these things, you realize that merely having all these stuff does not guarantee peace and happiness.


After discussing both the point of views, it should be concluded that both health and money hold their certain place in life and both are important for having a contented life. But, you should not compromise your health in the process of getting wealth. Excess of everything is bad. Give proper time to both the things in life as balance is the essential key of nature.


There is a popular saying that health is wealth. However it can't be said that wealth is health.
It's a healthy man that can enjoy wealth, so I believe that in looking for wealth one must take care of the health.

Nice post

Your health is your true wealth.

Anyways for me i believe Health is wealth!

Recently a known person for me was affected by final stage of cancer. All medical hopes were gone. This young mother was undergoing the usual cancer treatment. A fund raising campaign was made and within 2 days more than 4 million was collected from donations from all over the world. With all that money in hand no body could safe her life. This gave us all a good remembarance on a old school proverb. "Tons of gold cannot purchase ounce of health. ". So taking care of health is very very important. Thanks for this wonderful article.

Health is most important in our lives. We can`t buy health with money.

Interesting debate...... Having good health allows one to work harder to generate more wealth BUT having more wealth also provides better health as one can afford better medical care..... Both are important.... Let's hope we can all be healthier and wealthier :)

Some people believe in making money irrespective of whether or not they'll be alive to enjoy it. To such people even a single day of pleasure is better than living a 100 years without certainty of riches. This simply implies that they value wealth above health. I would also like to add that some people believe in just living life in pursuit of riches since there's no guarantee of health, even after adhering to health rules. Some individuals would practice chain smoking all their lives without having a lung cancer but some would smoke just two sticks of cigarette per week and others don't even smoke at all, yet they come down with cancer. So in my own opinion, everyone should live life with moderation but strive to make wealth as this is absolutely necessary. After all, if you don't live to enjoy your wealth, your family & friends will.

no health? - so what to do with all that wealth?
no wealth-so how to stay in that admirable health?
discovering to live natures laws will bring you both - health and wealth

The answer to such questions is always different things matter for different people and you cannot objectivly claim one is better



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