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RE: Nicky Havey Update - Music, Travel and Platform Project #52 - The Penultimate Drum & Bass Show From Me...?

in #life6 years ago

howdy sir nickyhavey! you mean it's not all fun and games here? Well dang, could have fooled me! lol. You don't leave till April?? Shoot you got lots of time, that's years away in steemit time!


Haha not ALL the time Lord Janton! That would be too much fun and awesomeness to handle. Plenty of time indeed, just building up the bank as much as I can so I can stay out there for as long as I can. I know, so many moons away in steem time!

Has Baroness Janton removed the axe from your neck then?

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy today sir nickyhavey! What if you get down there and they offer you a job? Hey, Mrs. J isn't hovering over me but I saw her sharpening that axe the other day so she isn't ready to stop pressuring me yet! "Baroness" lol. I wonder if it would help matters if I start calling her that?

I will cross that bridge if that happens Lord Janton, I can only work up to 6 months in one place in Australia if I decide to do that.

Haha you can certainly give it a go on the "Baroness" front, buy her crown for Xmas with the steem you have and see if that will help sway matters 😉 or it may work the other way and she becomes an axe wielding "off with your head" monster like the Queen in Alice in Wonderland.

Posted using Partiko Android

howdy sir nickyhavey! buy her a crown! lol. she would kill me if I tried something like that, that would be wasteful spending and she's a tightwad. I'll try the Baroness title and see how she likes that!
Are you guys getting any snow yet?

Haha a woman who is a tightwad? Say it isn't so Lord Janton! She's a keeper lol. Let me know how the Baroness title goes! Good day for crypto yesterday by the looks of things...

We don't have snow yet. In fact the temperature has gone up and looks like we will have a mild Christmas rather than a white one. That is fine for me, I like not having to scrape ice off my car in the morning!

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree sir nickyhavey, I love mild winters as long as it snows enough for the crops to have moisture in the soil and all that important agricultural stuff because I like to eat too.

Yes Mrs. J is a penny pincher and she reigns me in..well, more like stops me cold before I even get a chance to buy anything! It is a blessing though because she's always saving instead of spending like many females. She hates shopping! I think she's the only female on earth who hates shopping! yay! lol.

Yes eating is very important and it's one of my favourite activities!

Wow, Baroness Janton sounds like a rare gem Haha. Hates shopping? My goodness, please tell me where you found her and I will also look under rocks in the same area 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

ha! sir nickyhavey I know it's rather unusual but surely you have met a few women who were not shopaholics?

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