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RE: Really Trying To Ignore These Fortunes, But...

in #life7 years ago

lol! hey @glenalbrethsen...I just noticed your tags didn't list "funny" or "humor" but they should have, this was really funny stuff.

You WERE being funny weren't you? lol.
hey you gotta convince your wife that you just need a few
more months on here and things will look much better and
And maybe it will be. Here you don't have to strive too hard,
just cruise along doing what you do best. easy peazy!
great post!


I don't consider fortune cookie fortunes to be particularly revelatory, like the answer to prayers, but they do have a way of popping up when I have the exact things they're talking about weighing on my mind. They're not 100% accurate, but they've given me more food for thought than I care to admit.

I never really know how these fortune cookie fortune posts I've done are going to turn out, and what people are going to think of them, so I've avoided the humor tags and the like. And some people believe in them, so there's that, too. :)

hold it hold it hold it! you tellin me that there are people on Steemit who believe
in fortune cookies? Because everyone I've met on here are hardcore skeptics about
dang near everything! lol But it IS interesting that fortune cookies pop up and give you
food for thought right when you're contemplating serious matters!

It's amazing, isn't it, how hardcore people are about things that most people just take for granted. Like the Earth is round, even tough there's not really any advantage to making us think it's round when it's actually flat. Other than it's cool to say we went to the moon, when that was all staged too.

There's a lot of things to be skeptical about. I don't think you have to go to the least likeliest of things and then create an elaborate, impossible to keep under wraps conspiracy to make it possible.

Well, there's people who believe in all kinds of things, including dream interpretations and what not, so hey, fortune cookie fortunes, why not?

It is stunning how often in the last a year I've received a fortune that is exhorting me to do one thing or the other about things I'm personally grappling with. Then, there's others that are as about off base as possible. I know they're fairly generic, and handed out in random, and as far as I know, God doesn't answer me through them—it's just the timing of them and the frequency of them is a little unnerving. :)

lol! those fortune cookies make you wonder don't they?
well if people read them at the right time, take the advice or whatever and it looks like they predicted the future a couple of times then I can see how people would believe in them, as ridiculous as it sounds.

but look at Horoscopes! gets people hooked right in.
have a good night sir and a blessed Sunday!

See, I don't know that any of them have actually predicted the future. They just keep giving me advice, or guessing parts of my personality. So, should I take the advice of the fortune cookie fortune or do what my wife wants, which can range from driving school bus to becoming an accountant (which would mean at least another 16 months of school), and both pretty much a waste of the talents I think I have. :)

no those things don't predict the future that's certain.
but you may want to take their advice if it's better than your wife's!
No actually 16 months of school sounds horrible, driving a school bus sounds
horrible, I've been offered that also. both sound like a nightmare to me even if you'd
have job security with them both ..most likely.

So what would be your choice to pursue, if not Steemit, which your wife would
agree to?

I don't think there is anything I would choose to do that she is particularly fond of. The problem is, the times I've backed down haven't worked out very well, and then I end up being the reason why things didn't work out. It's been much better when I stuck to it.

For example, the newspaper business I ran did not get off the ground immediately. I had a pretty big hole to dig out of to begin with, and it wasn't until I became partners with another newspaper owner that the ship got righted. I could have stopped before that, given up and gone back to work somewhere, but then we would have missed out on some of the best financial times we've ever had. And, I would have missed out on a lot of my sons' growing up years, too. Because of the business, I had more flexibility in my schedule so I could homeschool them for awhile, go to their football practices and games, and so forth.

So, when it come to things like this I feel like I'm the one who has the better instincts for them, just as she knows things I won't ever know or figure out. She needs more security than what she feels she has now because she's the one who's putting in the hours at work rather than staying home and having the ability to do more of what she wanted when she wanted.

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