Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

in #life5 years ago

A "comfort zone" is a set of comfort levels, often involving an outer circle consisting of those aspects of an activity that are easiest for us to perform. The final area around that inner circle is generally seen as difficult. The names suggest a comfort zone on an imaginary map of "safe" and "unsafe" activities. The closer an activity is to one's comfort zone, the easier it is for us.

However, each person's comfort zone is different. The more you explore the complexity and range of human behavior, the more you will find things that are physically, emotionally and mentally difficult and uncomfortable. In the beginning, you may find you have a particular skill and that is helpful for you, but over time, as you discover more people have the same skill, you will begin to learn how to adjust.

However, being with others as well, makes people more comfortable, often allowing them to relax into situations that they may have found rather stressful. Having others to take care of and simply give "one more" to is often what's missing in group experiences.

Not only that, but once one breaks through that comfort zone and engages with one's own differences and circumstances, at that point it is easy to be happy with and grow towards the "you." Once you can learn to love what is difficult, and find that you enjoy the struggle, you are closer to being at peace with yourself and in control of yourself. Because of its focus on and practical application of transcendent experiences and principles.

If a person who had been considered good at something finds that it isn't as easy as they thought, this might be a sign that they are weak. If a person who had been considered good at something finds that they are now struggling with something that they once excelled at, this might be a sign that they are weak. While it is difficult to determine a person's true strength or weakness through rational analysis of their self-image or self-perceptions, self-identification can often serve as a good indicator of potential weaknesses and strengths.

One of the most fascinating and intriguing questions in psychology is that of comfort and discomfort. A comfort zone for some is a place of comfort, while for others it is a place of discomfort, which is achieved by the use of some effort on the part of the one who is comfortable. For some it is done by focusing on a task which is known to be pleasant, carefully selecting a stimulus which will trigger some response, and paying attention to the responses and reactions of other individuals around. This is an extremely demanding lifestyle.

Once we achieve a comfortable level of comfort, we cannot imagine another state of being completely. We can only imagine and feel a state of perfectly complete helplessness or mastery or bliss. It's the ultimate state of mental and emotional contentment. The only way to achieve this is to have absolute peace, transcendence, and self-mastery.

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