2 Years Ago Something Magical Happened. Public Love Letter.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

THIS IS A SURPRISE POST FOR MY GIRL WHO IS ON A FLIGHT FROM DELHI RIGHT NOW, so lets make this surprise THE BEST EVER! I hope you guys will like my sharing, since I'm totally getting outside of my comfort zone!

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Maui, many months later...

Something magical happened exactly two years ago...

Exactly 2 year ago I was sitting in the audience of ManTalks (if you have not heard of it, you can check it out here: https://mantalks.com/).

It's basically a 3 hours night event where 3 speakers, typically men but not always, share their stories on a given theme in a very open and vulnerable way, with the sole purpose of helping people out with their own struggles in life. Man Talks had huge success in Vancouver and by now spread to other North American cities. It was my second Man Talks event and I was greatly impressed.
As I was sitting in the front of the audience, feeling the energy of the speakers, I was thinking to myself: One day I could be one of the speakers on stage. I do have quite a life journey to share with others...

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Summer yoga fun in Vancouver seawall, one of our favorite pass times

Before the third speaker started, I went to the back of the room to get some water, and before I could go back to my seat, the talk started so I got stuck in the last row. If I knew that this simple move changed my whole life, I would cry out of shear happiness right there.

For no particular reason I look to my left and my gaze landed on something that made my jaw drop.

I saw the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, emanating the intoxicating aura of gentle grace.

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She was smiling gently, utterly focused on the speaker on stage, totally unaware of her silent beauty screaming all around. And in that moment, something very powerful and strange happened: I remembered that woman. I cant' explain how or why, but as soon as my eyes fell on her, I had a strong inner feeling that I've known her before, for a very long time, maybe in a different time in a different world. It made me bit dizzy as the visceral feeling of memory overcame my body.

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Strawberry fields, New York City. Yes we have traveled the world together!

Pointless to say, I remember nothing of what the last speaker said. All I could think about was how am I going to speak to her.

She was with an East Indian looking girl and that girl saved me. After the last speaker ran off the stage in the round of applause, I mustered my courage and approached the girls and asked in the most nonchalant way I could:

"How did you guys like the talk?"
The Indian girl introduced herself (sorry her name vanished right after she said it) and I asked the name of her friend, my angel... Gladys...she uttered quietly with that air of shy, humble, beauty. My heart was racing. Thanks to all Gods in all the worlds, the Indian girl seemed to like me and asked me if she can add me on Facebook. I agreed and asked them if they want to have dinner with my friends. They said they already have a commitment with other friends. And that was it, we both went our own way. And my hopes got a sledge hammer impact...

Goofing around in Rome. Portugal was the next stop on this trip. We did quite a few more since then!

Obviously, first thing that I checked when I went on Facebook after the dinner with my friends, was if I can find Gladys in the friends of Neeta (that was her name I think!).

...and I found her!

There she was! Gladys Mak, dropping a smile from her profile picture that could stop dead in tracks a raging King Kong knocking off few skyscrapers. I almost cried with exhilaration. She accepted my friend request shorty after....

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Prague is one of our favorites!

....and I just could not behold myself, I had to drop it right off the bat: Hi Gladys, I have to meet you, do you have time tomorrow? I have something important to share with you!

Not very classy, I know. I've never had the knack how to talk to ladies...But I just wanted to run to her, kneel down, hold her hand and tell her: I have known you forever and you know me! This is meant to be, you and me are coming together again and this time will be the best!

None of that happened of course. She told me she is flying off from Vancouver back to Hong Kong tomorrow, and that she already had plans for breakfast. My heart was torn apart, but hope remained. At least I had her contact! She told me that she might come back to Vancouver sometimes soon. Oh God how badly I wished that I fell asleep and woke up on the day of her arrival, so I would not have to go through the wait.

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Saltspring Island

She came back 10 days later (or was it two weeks? eternity!) , and in those 10 days we shared bit of our lives to each other. In that time I realized that I found a rare gem. A woman of extraordinary beauty, who somehow managed not to use it to her advantage and remained humble. A woman of sharp intelligence and amazingly open mind. A woman of extraordinary kindness.

When I met her in Sheraton Hotel 10 days later, she fell in my arms and never left them. Rest is history guys. This is where the real story begins, and we had countless ups and downs, and yes I fucked up big time with this gentle kind-hearted being, but we made it though and 2 years later we stand together stronger than ever.

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Belize. Caribbean paradise of San Pedro

Now, looking back, and knowing this incredible being so much more, on such a deep level, I know that I am the luckiest guy in the world to call her my girlfriend and future wife. Some of you here were walking alongside our journey, namely my brother @lichtblick and you know that we almost parted, as my own shadows kept on doubting our relationship, yet somehow I sorted my shit out and I am here today, to tell you, that I have never loved anyone so deeply, that I have never appreciated anyone so much, that I have not admired anyone so much and MOST OF ALL: I HAVE NEVER FELT LOVED SO MUCH in return.

Babe....shit I am crying when I say this, forgive my language but you know me better than anyone:

I love you. Thank you for being in my life!


I love you my little Glady. My sweet @gladysmak

Please don't ever change. You are perfect. The most generous, loving, kind, humble, hardworking and beautiful human I've ever met, and having you as partner is a lottery winning ticket right there!

Thank you for being so brave and relentless in your love for me, despite my crazy artist manner, despite all my frikin moods and run aways. I think you are the only person in the world who can stand me, and who can tame me while still giving me freedom to be who I am!

Just stop reading my mind all the time and saying same things and having the same ideas at the same time as me, it's kind scary! :D

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Thanks for doing all the crazy things with me such as illegal camping!:)

And for you Steemit fellow warriors of light: you were part of our journey. We both got on Steemit only few months after we met, so we consider you a significant part of our life. Thank you for all the love and support you have shown us in this year and half, you guys rock!

Post scriptum: 10 months later I was indeed standing on stage of Man Talks, holding a mic and sharing my story just as I wished the day when I met Gladys, in front of packed audience from which my baby love @gladysmak was smiling at me.
And one more cherry on the top of cake: that Indian girl Neeta, who added me on Facebook, added Gladys in her friends only moments before she added me. Gladys told me that later, I was blown away. If it wasn't for that agent of Divine grace disguised in random stranger , I would have never crossed path with the woman of my life. How awesome is that synchronicity?

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This picture is from Man Talks audience, right after I finished my speech. Do you believe in fate?:)!

Life is a funny thing

I hope your flight was great babe and that you liked the surprise! Welcome home!

Huge thanks for EVERYONE for your support. All $ from this post will go to a lovely present for this amazing girl who rocks my world and whose blog rocks Steemit too! :)


follow @jankasparec & @gladysmak

Did I forget to mention that I love you? :P



Dear my love @jankasparec,

This made me cry so bad. I saw the post on the way home and I told myself Hey i am gonna finish the post at home cause I know I will cry so much. People saw it yeah indeed this is a very beautiful love story, I saw as the most beautiful one. We met each other because of some random people and btw her name is called Neet haha I just checked it on Facebook :P When we were together for few months, I know we are similar. We don't have to say but already know what other's thinking. Not many couples can do it but we did it well!! I love the story how we met so much! It's so amazing! Let me know everything happens for a reason.

I think you are the best one who can stand my side 100% and you are my superman. Why do I say that? It's because you always protect me, mentally or physically. I know you may say why I seldom tell you this. Yes babe. when i looked at you, I can feel that you are like a solid mountain that I can reply on. YOU'RE JUST SO AMAZING!

I love how you show me the world, teach me all new things, bring me a better and healthier life! You still remember where is the first time we travelled together? That's Europe!!! I can't imagine I could meet your family when we just started dating for few months. I appreciate what you have done to me. We have so many good memories :) Which trip you love the most? I love every of them. But the one I feel your love strongly is when we were in Belize:) You bring me new life and sight for life.Of course , always it's not easy to build up a solid relationship without challenges . We had a lot, Sooo much which is nobody can compare with! As you said they made us strong. I always believe in you and I know you are the BEST for me<3 I am happy we have our 2th year anniversary and more are coming for sure. I won't change anything cause I am still the one who love you 100% and support you 100%. I am here always to be your backup. Please remember that my love.

Let's hold each other hand walk to the beautiful future and I will keep learning to be a good girlfriend and how to treat you much better and better my future husband :) This is my best luck to have you and went through all the things with you thats no doubt. I always love you, I will and never stop in my life.

Btw the question you asked us actually is 'Do you still remember what is the name of the book the guy mentioned on the talk?' haha I put what you said in the heart, no bad things now, only All good and loving words:) Even I can;t always fly to you, just remember we love each other and stay strong babe! See you in Feb! Can't wait to hold you tight my superman :)

I love you SO MUCH <3 Happy 2nd anniversary!


Your Glady

Oh babe.....I don't know what do say. It's just so overwhelming at this very moment that all I can say: I love you my love :-* Many more anniversaries to come for sure! Miss you in every moment!

just for you

it's actually 2nd not 2th : )

haha overlooked! Thanks for letting me know! It's very important :D

Dear friend
steam world you have successfully opened the edge. And you have successfully top level reached, this is my wish. And I am glad this is my practice in your development.
My request to you, I am like a small child in the steam world unknown and withut benefited.
You must know
"People for people"
So went my way in the world, steam your collaboration service.
Please do follow me and help and thanks to me

How do I block you @sajumiah? stop trolling my blog man! Hey @homeyeats you got a great eye! Thanks for reading it so diligently! Respect to you sir :D

Hi @jankasparec I don't know if it's something that steemcleanprs can take care of? You're welcome, best of luck to you and @gladysmak hope to hear more of your stories!

I think I'll cry too. :-)
All the best to you guys.

Haha bro @ace108 I’ll cry for sure just seeing your first comment ever on my blog 😂 no seriously , thank you 🙏🏻! All the best to you too! We’ll come visit you in Singa one day if you won’t be annoyed by my presence 😁

Of course not. I'll be around here more often than not :-)

Thank you
You are lucky
A few seconds later you were going to be a lot of income.
I'm glad your achievement in

Great! Singa is not exactly our favorite spot on Earth, but a good gateway to "wilder" destinations such as Indonesia ;) Hey did you see the "very relevant reply" for your comment that @sajumiah below? Steemit is full of funny people ne :D

We have all good, bad and ugly.
Some starting to do it at level 2 :-)

that's all right

Thank you
You are lucky
A few seconds later you were going to be a lot of income.
I'm glad your achievement in

Oh what a lovely lady here. Really I can see the happiness and love in you and to @jaskanparec. Wishing you all the best.

Sounds like true love made in heaven....hang onto each other and treasure what you found....beautiful love story...

Love is truely magical!
I wish you guys the best, you both deserve it!

Such a beautiful love letter.
Congrats to your 2nd year anniversary.
Love you both :-)

Thanks a lot brother @lichtblick! You've been the witness of our journey in those two years! We both love you very much!

Thank you for your words @lichtblick. You are here always to support us that is amazing. We love you too <3

This one is also worth sharing and resteeming, so much love HAS to be shared!

Thanks a lot for it all, what a great blessing for you and us all to be bathing in the light of your love.

Namaste :)

Thank your Eric brother! So happy to hear from you and to read your kind words! Much Love~ Namaste <3

All worth the upvotes and resteem as well! ;)

Your profile is very lovnoiz to me parkasarta.
We need your co-operation in the private steemit.

You guys are great. My girlfriend and future wife is in Milano and i'm stuck in Turkey. This post made me emotional. We are together for 7 years with the same love like the first day. I hope you the best. Very brave post and interesting story. Hope to see you get married.

That's so lovely to hear bro @oguylmz! All the best to you two too! :)

I will be here when you post your wedding pictures. Best wishes..

Will do! With Steemit shirts on! Maybe haha 😆

wow excellent comment

That was one of the best posts I've seen on steemit so far and you're one of the most beautiful couples I've seen. Much love to both of you and I hope you continue to move in such a positive direction!

Also.. This part here.. "A woman of extraordinary beauty, who somehow managed not to use it to her advantage and remained humble."
Yeah, you definitely managed to find a rare one in my opinion! If you can find a beautiful woman who doesn't use her beauty to take advantage of others.. Then in my opinion, you are lucky. :) All the best to you friend! <3

Hey bro @apolymask so good to hear from you! Yes that's rare indeed and I feel very lucky! Thanks from the bottom of my heart!

You're welcome. :) Thank you for sharing your inspiring story!

so touchy and lovely. best love story i read so far in all my months in steemit and thanks for awakening this inner love spirit in me. as if i knew i posted about why i fell in love with steemit yesterday and this post cemented it all. your angel is truly a beauty to behold and you guys were made to be togther so get her something special and say one steemian who admires both of you also upvoted to make up for this amazing gift! hope to know how it goes. Thanks for sharing

Ken brother! Your comment warmed my heart! Thanks so much for taking time and for your kindness, it won't go unnoticed in the eternal annals of Karma :) Thanks @kenhudoy! following you

Welcome and have been a follower for sometime now
Let's keep in touch and do find time to check my blog posts. Hoping one day we hang out... Myself and my love and you guys to discuss love and steemit 😎

like getting a good comment

Hahaha.. good comment indeed. I do also create good contents🙋

like getting a good comment

Of course I knew you & @gladysmak are together, but never knew how you met! I had actually wondered (privately) if you met her on a flight. Congratulations on two years, the best is yet to come! ☺

Thanks @enternamehere ! ❤️ I’m happy we met in the way we did. We have a few friends who met on tinder, and I don’t wanna tell that kind of story to our kids haha 😁

many many thanks just for you

The story of perseverance.
All the best to you and Gladys :-)

Ace! You killin me 😊 But in a way you’re right , although I’d call it story of fatal love 😎 thanks for your comment!

You're welcome. Fatal love better than fatal attractions.

That I cold not agree more with. My life, until I met Gladys, was all about "fatal attractions". Now I see beyond that. Thanks @ace108, gotta visit your blog more often!

You're welcome

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