RE: If You Want to Be a Writer, Write
Haha, man you always seem to be there tightening up my words, because sometimes I speak loosely. "Should" is one of those loose words. No one should do anything, like you said life flows. So you're dead on, I shouldn't have used that word because it lines up with there being an idea of the right thing to do, but there is no real right thing, there are just things we are drawn to or spurred to do from inside. Everything else we do we do for approval, which is not what I'm about, I'm about freedom ;)
The reason I took some time off was to digest some of the realizations or teachings I was receiving. I am just finishing that I Am the Word book and plan on lightly rereading it before the next one. It's powerful stuff, one of those books that fell into my lap at the right time.
My reason for writing was that the habits I replaced writing with during my lull were ones that I don't want to keep, writing has always been my outlet to help me understand myself and just for expression. Writing and running when I'm fit, great form of expression. And started picking up the guitar. But my inspiration is always at the keyboard, the thing that keeps me from writing is wondering what to write. I can never figure it out til I start, which is how I like it.
Thanks for the honest comment, you and a few others always keep me on track and tighten up my understanding and wording and I really appreciate it. Much love, hope you've been doing well the past few weeks!
Its all crazy-making stuff really....Liking the guitar/keyboard vibe.