How will the overwhelming discovery of extraterrestrial life affect our lives and beliefs?

in #life6 years ago

Image of Jonny Lindner at Pixabay

Today I come up with something a little different from what I always publish. Although not so much. If anyone has followed me, you may have noticed that I love science fiction.

Imagine that one day some spaceships arrive and they become present in all the capitals of the world. How would the different religions of the world respond? Would it change your beliefs?

Are you an orthodox religious? It could annoy your beliefs if you keep reading...

First of all, do you believe in aliens?

Obviously, we know that we are just a particle of dust that revolves around a tiny star, within a vast, endless universe.

Copernicus, Galileo, and many others made a Church-dominated world tremble, breaking the pillars of many beliefs, eliminating the assumptions that the Earth and the Sun were the centers of the universe.

Although there is a group of people who still believe that we inhabit a flat planet.

We have heard of many people all over the world having third type contact with extraterrestrials, millions claiming first and second type contact (these are the sightings of unidentified flying objects in the sky and the famous crop circles). Even heard of people being abducted, but it's always conjecture.

There is still no tangible evidence of their existence. Although there are those who say they live among us and their presence is what has increased technology at an incredible speed over the last 70 years. Too many fantastic theories and stories appear on Youtube.

Will aliens have souls?

Would Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha be an extraterrestrial?

Should aliens be saved as well? Do they have that same original sin caused by two humans at the beginning of time?

However, despite what we think, religions have had to evolve and accept the possibility of their existence:

Indeed, up to 55% of atheists believe that there can be life outside our planet. A percentage that is reduced to 44% among Muslims, 37% among Jews, 36% among Hindus and 32% among Christians.

Of course, we could say that the flying carriages, the angels and the miraculous events that appear in the scriptures, could evidence the extraterrestrial presence before the eyes of humans who did not know the technologies that today are already normal.

What do you think? Could religions collapse before the arrival of extraterrestrials to our planet? And I am referring to those religions that define the human being as something special and that occupies a privileged place in the Universe.

I'd really like to hear your opinion on this. Those of you who are like Me, open to the supernatural and hoping that someday we may see extraterrestrial life.

I am sure that the evangelicals will have an answer to such a presence. They always have it.

I could imagine Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on the doors of extraterrestrials to bring them eternal salvation.

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I have noticed a small error in your reply post.

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Dear @jadams2k18

Very unusual topic and I never came across anyone who would discuss this issue. It does surely sound like SF movie :)

First of all, do you believe in aliens?

I already love that question. I wonder how many people out there do believe in "aliens". World seem to be huge and for that reason many seem to believe that we're not alone out there.

But at the same time we must ask ourself a question: do we believe that human race has a chance to survive? That it will not vanish in the nearest generations? With all tech advancement and growing populations we may assume, that life on earth will not last forever.

So let's say that humans ruled this world for few thousands of years. How much longer do we have before we will be all gone? Is there any chance that we would colonize other planets before that happen?

Let's assume that entire humar race has only few thousands of years total from the moment when we developed some basic tools till moment when it's all over. Similar scenario would probably affect "aliens". Civilizations would grow and collapse. And what could be the chance that two different intelligent civilizations would exist around the same time?

Winning lottery would be more likely to happen :) Anyway I think I drifted a little bit from main topic.

Could religions collapse before the arrival of extraterrestrials to our planet?

Definetly for majority of people it would be a shock. And I wonder how would church (as a huge well organized structure) react. That could be the biggest challenge for them. But at the same time I can forse even more people praying and turning their heads into religion.

After all it's very easy to scare population and control it with fear. And wouldn't presence of "aliens" provide them with very efficient tool, to scare and control masses?

Cheers buddy


Hello @jadams2k18
Such an intriguing post..truly enjoyed reading your article.

To be honest, I believe in rationalism more than faith alone...Am not saying, there's no God or anything..but to believe in it, I need to have some legitimate proofs or, at least some rational explanations.

I mean.., why not?

On one hand, we (humans) claim to be the smartest of all the life forms exists and on the other hand, we tend to believe in something, which we can't see at all or even proof it's existence.

Moreover, the discovery of extraterrestrials is not just an idle fantasy..Many philosophers and scientists all over the world prooved their existence or at least provided with some analytical explanations regarding their existence.

Stephen Hawking once said,
"The idea that we are alone in the universe seems to me completely implausible and arrogant," he said.

"Considering the number of planets and stars that we know exist, it's extremely unlikely that we are the only form of evolved life."

And I guess, may be, this discovery may temper our religious beliefs in a good way...

Thank you @crypto.piotr for providing the link of such an awesome post.

thank you

Hello, @jeoleena!

I'm glad you took the time to stop by

I agree with what you say. And I like that you support a positive version of the influence extraterrestrials would have on religions.

Maybe it will make us reflect on the premises that we know as "truths". But not for bad, but to be more humble in front of a vast universe, maybe it will broaden our thinking to understand a new concept of God.

Thanks for coming

Aliens also exist in other countries. If you are a foreigner in another country then you are considered an alien. Hahaha kidding aside, majority of the bloggers here on Steemit except for the bots believed in aliens as well. It requires a great amount of imagination, creativity and strong principles to believe in such beings to exist. Thank you for sending this link to me as I believe this is a great topic to be discussed.

Hello @fycee!

Aliens also exist in other countries.

I loved your pun

majority of the bloggers here on Steemit except for the bots believed in aliens as well

I agreed with you. All of us who use the blockchain are open to new trends and changes. It is not uncommon to believe that we would also accept as normal the existence of other races in the universe.

As they would say here: "Dios nos cría y Steemit nos une" (God raises us and Steemit unites us)

Thanks for passing by

If you are a foreigner in another country then you are considered an alien.

hahaha you're right :) I know that this is the way it is in some countries.



Very interesting, I am a Christian and believe that there is an alien, we can not even know the size of the universe, and there is a certain logic in thinking that yes it would be possible for the divinities to be alien to the miracles of Jesus could be done with technology

I agreed with you @jcmrb

There are many indigenous communities that had contact with divine beings, I suppose they were extraterrestrials. Maybe Jesus was an alien

Thanks for commenting

Aliens are demons that can be stop with the name of JESUS.

The ancient Vedic texts of India written thousands of years ago talk of alien life on numerous planets in the cosmos and some are higher than us and some lower culturally. Some are seen as godly and live for thousands of years compared to us and the priests were once able to invoke them but those days are gone, lost in the mists of time.

That would prove the theory that the gods we worship today could have been highly advanced space travelers.

Hi there everyone!

This post stimulated my senses to the sixth level.

Though I am not against to any opinions but I would like to cite my own opinion on this matter.

First, I believe in a supreme God who has the Ultimate plan for all His creation. Life itself needs that perfect balance in order for it to exist. A change to its exact formulation even a single digit in scale, life will never be possible. That's why I believe that there is a master planner for all of this - God. As for the aliens' existence, I would say this is possible but these beings, I believe, were spirit beings whom have fallen for their rebellion to God together with Lucifer as their leader. Some of them dropped into the bodies of water and became mermaids, some on land and became fairies, dwarfs and elves, and those who were dropped on the outer space and other planets eventually became as the extraterrestrial beings as what we call them. Because they were punished and cursed by God they became deformed and ugly creatures.
Well, that's my stand on this topic.
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Thanks for sharing the link!

Hello @paulcesna

There is another user who also commented about the rebellion of the angels against God and originated life on other planets. Do you know where I can find out about that rebellion and why it happened? I refuse to believe that an "understanding God" could not mediate the situation and had to end up in rebellion. Also, escape from the kingdom of God? How? it is part of everything we see and don't see.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting

Hi @jadams2k18!
It is found in the book of Enoch. It's an ancient manuscript that has all the revelation about the spirits (fallen angels) and the origin of there rebellion and their fall.
We are living in the flesh, but there are still lots of unseen forces invisible for human eyes but things beyond human comprehension but actually exist and generally affects the humans existence and daily living - the spirit realm.
For what can be seen by the human eyes are only temporary but those unseen are eternal.
Well that's my own point of view according to all knowledge I've gained in my personal readings.

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Hi @paulcesna,

Found your comment really interesting.

"...... they were punished and cursed by God they became deformed and ugly creatures."

Got a little doubt with regards to the above sentence.

If that be the case, they must have attacked our humanity in order to destroy the earth, which is the magnificent creation of the Almighty, but it hasn't happened. I am specifically asking this question because they don't have enough power to attack the Almighty.

I am asking this question taking the logical point of view into consideration and nothing more than that. Please clarify.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi @marvyinnovation!
Thanks for your interest.
The major rule for the spirit realm is respect of authority. And these fallen angels still knows that law of all spirit beings and each of them has their own rankings. God has placed a boundary for them so that they cannot surpass the realm of us humans. But since these spirits are very cunning, they lure us humans to disobey God's commandments by committing sins, and through this that covering from God will be broken and eventually will give them access to attack us spiritually.
How do these spirits attack us spiritually?

  1. Giving us diseases
  2. Making our lives miserable
  3. Indulging humans into immortality, addiction in any form, violence, hatred and all evil actions. All these they do for one purpose: to destroy the very creature that God created in His own image - humans. By this, the devil is able to make his vengeful plot against God.

By the way, I followed you. Please follow me, too. So we can be friends... I'm just a newbie and looking for new friends here in Steemit community. Thanks!

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I absolutely love how responsive you are @paulcesna

Yours, Piotr

Oh! Thanks @crypto.piotr, for me it's a compliment! I just love to talk about spiritual things for I have a deeper root and foundation in spiritual studies - the divine revelations and the hidden secrets of the past that affected our present situation. I hope you find interesting!
By the way, thank you for following me and upvoting my post! I followed you too.

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Hi @paulcesna,

Thank you very much for your awesome comment and your answer justifies your earlier comment. Thank you very much for this excellent comment.

Also, as @crypto.piotr said, your response is really great. I appreciate your enthu and congratulate your knowledge.

By the by, yeah of course, I will surely follow you @paulcesna.

Hi @marvyinnovation, thanks for the compliment... Thanks for following me too... Let's keep in touch... Don't forget to share me some of your new posts! So I may have some comments for you... Mabuhay from the Philippines!

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Sure Mabuhay, I will and this is Srinivasan from India.

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Hello! I think it's important to keep an open mind about these beliefs.
Over the centuries many things have changed regarding scientific beliefs and explanations of the universe.

Greetings @ crypto.piotr

Very interesting post. I think there is a significant flaw in the premise though as it doesn’t consider the element of time. In cosmic terms, humanity has barely been in existence, and will become extinct.

Time and existence is forever though. There is near certainty of life on other planets, but it doesn’t mean they will exist at the same time as we do, or in any proximity near enough for any of us to recognize the others presence.

I don’t think this would impact religious beliefs even if it did occur, as the same could be said about evolution or carbon dating. Faith finds a way to persist due to culture, norms and uncertainty regarding the unexplainable.

Hello @bdempsey

Time and existence is forever though. There is near certainty of life on other planets, but it doesn’t mean they will exist at the same time as we do, or in any proximity near enough for any of us to recognize the others presence.

I hadn't thought of that. However, some scriptures assure the coming of higher beings earlier, many years ago, so I think they existed long ago.

Faith finds a way to persist due to culture, norms and uncertainty regarding the unexplainable.

I agreed with you

Thanks for coming by

Hi @bdempsey,

"...... near certainty of life on other planets,..... "

What do you mean by the word 'life'?

Did you mean ETs or other forms of life?

I am raising this question because ETs have been visiting our earth for quite a long time now. Hence your words "near certainty" created confusion in my mind.

Please throw some light and clear my doubt.

Thanks in advance, @bdempsey.

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As time has no beginning or end, infinite opportunity for life in any form to exist. I haven’t seen anything that proves or disproves that ETs have visited Earth. But it is near mathematically certain that intelligent life will exist somewhere else in the universe at some time.

Of course @bdempsey, as you said, we are not ALONE in this universe.

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Greetings @crypto.piotr @jadams2k18
I enjoyed your article, I also enjoyed watching Star Wars, Men in Black, Transformers, Mars Attack, and E.T. movies, these movies are box office hits.
I suppose we humans are very much entertained with the possibility or impossibility of these Extra Terrestrials.
Although I wonder how these films were conceptualized as if they were real.
I also enjoy reading and watching conspiracy theories as they call it,
like who created the great pyramids, the origin of Annunaki,
the chariots of the gods, you name it, it drives my imagination.
Like everyone else here, it comes down to what you believe.
Everyone has his own opinion.
Regards to everybody

Hello @jackramsey

I also loved sci-fi movies and reading conspiracy theories too.

There are many things hidden on this planet, as well as outside it.

Thanks for passing by and commenting

Hidden and unexplained that makes us imagine what if?
Nice to hear from you

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Interesting reply and interesting way of promoting a post. How many people did you send 0.002 STEEM to?

Hello @sighmanjestah

Do you mean me? It was 0.005 STEEM. Does it bother you? I didn't mean to

Sorry for the trouble.

No problem, I was just curious. I thought it was an interesting way to promote a post. No, now that I look at it, it was @crypto-piotr that the question was directed to, and it didn’t bother me.

That's good news

Dear @crypto.piotr,

"..... it's very easy to scare population and control it with fear. And wouldn't presence of "aliens" provide them with very efficient tool, to scare and control masses?"

Excellent evaluation perfectly presented!

If opportunities arise, one human being will try to exploit another without any least botheration, which is what you have reflected in your comment wonderfully!

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Thank you for sharing me this post
I have read it all and in good manner I have made similar blog.
This post is being attractive to me so I have also Resteemed it and up voted it too.
Love u all

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Thanks a lot my friend @jadams2k18 for sending me the link .

Well I’m pretty sure that aliens don’t exist in this planet... Many people talk about this but nobody have any info... everything is created for humans, and all of this is created for governments...

Many experts have some videos but people don’t have nothing or have touched someone from other planet ...

So, this is just a story created for a few people ...!!!

Humans are so smart themselves create everything in this world..!!!

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Dear @edgarare1:

I have had contact with reliable evidence of extraterrestrial life. And I have also had group experiences where we have witnessed extraterrestrial activity.

Please could you tell me a little bit about your experience, how was that..?

Exist many info on internet but I would like to know something from you my friend @juanmolina...!!

It sounds amazing, did you touch them or talk about something with them...?

Touch them or talk to them no.I have seen them, in heaven.
Some friends have a family cottage.
One night we saw very clearly a ship landing on the mountain. Then we went in the morning to the place where we saw the lights the night before and we saw traces on the ground. Melted stones.

It should be noted that we know these mountains very well since we had been expeditions there for years. Those melted stones were not there before.

That is the most forceful proof. There are those rocks. Nobody will be able to move them from that place.

On many other occasions we also managed to see the lights landing. Always during the night.

That's great my friend!

How long ago did that happen? Right here in Venezuela? In which part? I would like to visit the place.

Do you have any pictures?

Hahahaha ... you got really excited?
No pics. This happened 30 years ago if I remember correctly.
At that time we did not have devices.

Never more uimos for there. Currently access has changed and is more difficult. But those rocks are there. I only had to make that trip up there and bring cameras or telephones to document.

Cerro Turimiquire, Sucre State, In Venezuela,

Man! I didn't see your comment until now... It takes a lot of time to answer every comment. I love it but it's hard.

That happened 30 years ago! No wonder you didn't have any cellphone!

I googled it on maps but no luck; nobody has posted any pictures

I'll go someday

It´s so sad---

Hello @edgarare1

Well I’m pretty sure that aliens don’t exist in this planet...

But you think they do exist outside, don't you?

They're even talking about a race of lizard men. Have you ever heard about them?

I'm glad you took the time to stop by

There are many things that are not explained yet, may be they wuoldn't be never explained by science, so people created different kind of explanations. But the mystery follows.
Hi! Egarare1

I believe it has been shown mathematically that there is a high probability of intelligent life in the Universe, besides mankind. That said, we still do not have definitive proof. Most of the people who claim to have had contact are certifiable lunatics. When one makes an incredible claim, it is incumbent they provide incredible proof. If they do arrive on the front lawn of the Whitehouse, so their existence cannot be denied, I am confident the religious fundamentalists will continue to deny they exist and claim it is a government conspiracy to attack their faith. For me, I hope to live long enough to see it

Hello @clayrawlings!

Most of the people who claim to have had contact are certifiable lunatics.

You've made me laugh enormously with that phrase.

It's probably the governments that have been hiding the truth all this time.

Thanks for coming by

What do you think? Could religions collapse before the arrival of extraterrestrials to our planet?

¿Extraterrestrials? ¡Nah! they don't exist!!

¿Aliens? Uhm, probably!! ...if I am the one messing with the buttons sat on the mixing desk. 🤪

Hey! Thanks for coming by

That's very funny

Good one!

If by any chance we find extraterrastial life there would be panic and chaos as well as those who will not believe it also there will be those like me who believe all other beings in the universe are not smarter then humans

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Hi, @khussan! Our most primitive response is to fear the unknown. So I think we would also attack them for fear of harm.

Thanks for coming by

Well, you did send in a memo so I might as well heed the call of the wild to check upon it...

So we are dealing with a hypothetical situation, which we are already grounded upon a metaphysical arrival in a tension-wide World. I like that type of situation; yet let's get to the first set of questions.

  1. I only know one religion (two if you count Neo-Confucianism as a religion) group that would basically modify but remain the same in content and form: Buddhism. The Abrahamic religions will be fractured six ways from Sunday, at least the fundamentalist strains. (Islam, particularly more for Sunni and less for Shi'iate Islam, will have a funny course of modifications; yet they are part of the Abrahamic religions and shall be modified nonetheless).
  2. Particularly me: I couldn't care less if a God Alien or a normal LMAO green small alien came up to me or to the doorsteps of the World's Capitals. I accept that they could exist but we have yet to make contact to know each other's existence truly. So the question's answer would be: indifferent.
  3. Just look above: I am indifferent to them existing or not existing.
Now this is an interesting set of statements, one from an existentialist line (more Jean-Paul Sartre), one to talking about the demystification of Science which allowed Science to start demystifying the World, one of the extraordinary claim people (who need extraordinary evidence) and one about us not truly knowing if we can validate these theories truly. BUT MORE QUESTIONS!!!! FEED ME MOAR!!!!~ :p

  1. My only answer is: will it matter? Never mind that souls take on different contexts under different religions, but that souls are highly debated even in theological spaces. Them being here will definitely through a monkey wrench to the discussion and we'd have to make new categories for theology and the philosophy of religion to figure out.
  2. Let the theologians and philosophers banter that about; but they are already figured it to be an automatic yes by the inclusion of them being in a different plane of reality whenever they left the Earth.
  3. Religiously, I only leave that to a God to decide. But I care not for a God to exist; if God Godself existed, cool I shall shake the hand of God; if God Godself doesn't, then into the empty Void shall my carcass go.
  4. That's going into bounds of metaphysicality that the Second World Theory bitched on about with water and its molecular compound being possibly similar to a possible molecular composition on Planet X with molecules XYZ being the Planet X equivalent to H20. However, this is the bounds of metaphysical thinking that needs a fleshing out a rigourous dialectical exploration.
Yay, stats! I love 'em! And it is possible that oral history had been manipulated by writers seeking out their brand of a written religion; this is most certainly true when it comes to the Bible and Emperor Constantine censoring and making propaganda of heretics of those that had written those parts of the Bibile in. So it only is the case that alien civilizations decided to take a small pitstop, which turned into oral history which later got written down and twisted by society until we get to today where you are asking the question of them possibly being here. Infinite possibilities in the metaphysical World. Anyways, MOAR QUESTIONS!!!!~ :p

  1. I already gave thoughts above on that possibility. So I shall use this to talk about this post being a good hypothetical post but also being a conversation starter post. I like it, good for "coffee" talk - despite me despising coffee.
  2. Well if the material conditions betters, we can see a plummet on religious people; yet institutional religion will be a tough nut to crack and will have to be in the hands of the laymen before they disappear. And this will be especially true if ETs don't decide to crash into our planet and waddle on it!~
I shall share my opinions again: it would be cool to see them but I shall remain indifferent to the arrival of aliens; for sure it will change the Superstructure (Culture and Ideology) of every society and it might have a rammifying affect on the Economy due to how people take the event.

On the topic of religions, I do like what is doing right now when he goes and explain the philosophical terrain of religions.

Hi @theironfelix,

Your comment is not a mere comment. Some points, I understood and some I don't.

But still I felt like you have explained almost 360 degrees of the concerned topic. Wow!

Actually, I searched and saw an YouTube video and the link is given below:

So on seeing that video, I was convinced, albeit not fully, that ETs have visited and are still visiting our earth.

I just want to know your invaluable comment on the same.

Thanks in advance, @theironfelix.

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Well, such is life. Some things we can know and some that'll require research out of us.

Regarding this: I am very happy you found it so!~ c:

In my Biology class, the question, "if alien exist always pop out"!

My common answers is:

1st: up to now there is no ET enrolled in our school, nor some declared in a noontime shows an alien participating in their games.
Why arent they coming out? Maybe there is REALLY NO ALIEN OUT THERE!

2nd: If i told you that there are really aliens that exist among us, who roam our planet, and we are visited by numerous aliens from the past, and (jokingly) I also came from the sky, then what will you do? Will your faith in God differs, will you not panic? will you still be interested to go to school?go to your church, what will you feel?

As I process the discussion:
Saying on the class
The question of existence is just a mental experiment.
Its your conscious knowledge and its acceptance will matter if the truth came out.
And the continue valuing life and our species matters to these aliens too.
How can they treat us an equal lifeforms if we dont love our own.
If they are really the gods of the ancient, will you are ready to listen?
Will you protect the Earth now that aliens do not exist, or you will protect the earth knowing they do?

My students have no follow up questions, the bell rings.

I really like to entertain those kind of questions, somehow they are quite satisfied.

I didn't know you are a Biology teacher. That's great

It is one of the classes that I liked the most, too interesting because we studied our environment, our composition, the theory of evolutionism. Also that theory of spontaneous generation, which gave me a lot of laughter. Animals, bacteria, so many important things that matter covers.

I'm glad you're putting the minds of your students to work, that they're somehow prepared to deal with change. A very rigid society tends to cease to exist.

Thanks for coming by

Welcome, happy to be here too.

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Dear @guruvaj

What an awesome comment buddy. Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion with us.

Enjoy your weekend :)


If your beliefs are more or less in sync with rationality. New discoveries or alien nations or intelligent planets would not be more than a speed bump- an anomaly which can be integrated or explained. If your belief system is not capable of encompassing the truth of physical laws and measurable effects then it is flawed.

Some things which beliefs address such as happiness and peace and spirituality and social well-being which may physically be not quantifiable- these may not be in opposition to scientific thinking. Man needs to be both a social and rational to live a full life.

Smashing comment @sarez Sir. Agreed.

But still lot of things are hanging in the mid air expecting a solid answer. Please do see this YouTube video and pass your invaluable comment, Sir. The link is given below:

One can always expect your response in a completely different angle.

Thanks in advance, @sarez Sir.

I absolutely agree

Dear, @sarez. I'm glad you took the time to stop by

I absolutely agree with what you're saying.

Thank God for rational or scientific thinking, isn't it?

Surely there is a term to describe the antagonism I have just written.


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