The scorpion and the frog - A real life example!

in #life8 years ago

Let me tell you a fable, which I am sure many have heard, but I have a real life example as it happened to me yesterday.

The scorpion and the frog

The scorpion was walking on the banks of the river, looking for a way to cross, as scorpions are not the greatest swimmers and due to their small size will be carried down the floodwater of the river and drown. As the scorpion walked he noticed a frog. Frogs on the other hand are great swimmers. So the scorpion walked up to the frog and asked if he can sit on the frog's back and then the frog swims through the river.

The frog said: But you are a scorpion, you will sting me and I will drown

Scorpion : Why will I do that? If I sting you, we will both end up in the water and we will both drown.

The frog accepted the explanation and offered the scorpion a ride on his back across the river. As they reached the middle of the river, the scorpion stung the frog in the back and the veracious venom steadily started working and the frog was paralysed, and started to drown. Just before the frog went under water he asked the scorpion.

Frog: Why did you do that, we are both going to drown now?

Scorpion: I am a scorpion and this is in my nature!

Image Credit


This Steemit application has given each and every one of us the ability to influence, by giving our opinions about other users posts and articles. This should not be taken lightly and is a massive responsibility. I am personally on this platform because I just Love it and find that it gives me an outlet to write about things that I find interesting. I never knew that I would enjoy writing so much :) I always try to add value to all users on the platform. The reason I always want to add value, is that it is *in my nature I enjoy seeing people around me being successful. Why? I have seen this in action. I always try to surround myself with people that knows more than me, as I can learn from them.

My logic is as follow:

  • If you treat everybody around you well, they want to treat you well.
  • If they do well, you will by default also do well.

The contradiction

In contradiction to this, some users are on the platform only to steal SBD out of the eco-system and ruin people's reputations. I have been featuring many users over the past few weeks, as I believe this is a way to assist the community by providing a diversity of content and at the same time provide the authors I feature a way to be seen. Furthermore, I am a business man that's been in business for many years, and I see the featuring as a business transaction. I paid all the SBD which were paid out to the featured author and I kept the STEEMPOWER. I did this because I am a firm believer in the platform, and believe that STEEMPOWER might be worth a lot of money at some stage in the future.

@caitlinm, you are a fucking scorpion and the sad thing is that you cannot change and will be walking with this mark on your back for the rest of your life.

Please follow me on my blog @jacor if you enjoy my topics and content.

@jacor will not feature scorpions as they will sting you in the back. None of the STEEM Dollars will then matter as we will both be dead



The story, although cute is a logical fallacy. Particularly is called naturalistic fallacy. In brief, just because you observe something in nature, whether is humans or other animals, it doesn't mean it will be true in the future or worse, forever.

The only absolute truth about our world is that everything changes all the time.

Also it might be good to explain why you are so angry and what did this person exactly do. The way you are presenting the situation does not reveal much. We cannot judge objectively as audience.

I understand that you are angry with some people not being grateful to you and the platform, but please do take a step back. It is natural with so much popularity to gain some enemies. You cannot explain "fairness" to most people in the way they will understand it since they cannot see how you are valued 1,000 times more than they are.

Helping others is your business obligation to yourseld since your income depends on people joining and filling up the middle ranks so more new members can join. You make it sound like you are doing people a favour. You are serving first yourself by stabilising the platform and then the rest occur as collateral investement.

This comment has been edited because I mistakenly thought jacor was some other person promoting posts. I left what is still relevant to my critique.

@kyriacos, upvoted your comment. Well put and though I agree with alot of it as people and things DO change, but NOT everyone and everything changes. Maybe it's the former day trader in me, but I look at things in odds or percentages.

So granted, there may be many a scorpion that decides to ride the frog unharmed. But I'm not betting my life on it as the majority and odds are not in my favor. As much as I do love to root for an under dog.

Hi @kyriacos , thank you for the comment. You can read what happened here . You are 100% right. It is very difficult to start on Steemit. The same happened to me when I started. Go have a look at my blog and see how many posts I had for $0.01 etc. I was just lucky, No skill to it :) if you know what I mean. I did however try to use my following to promote other authors to be seen. This was abused. Unfortunately I have to run and continue with my comment later.


ok I Just saw what happened. This is simple exploitation/fraud of the system. Not something that has to do with you or your efforts.

We are all lucky. Like I said. There is a great advantage joining early and having whales pushing you. We all more or less lucky now, even myself.

Talk soon.

both you and I got this yesterday ... hold strong my man

Its a shame people don't have enough respect for each other on here, were all here for the same reason to write and be read there's no need to treat people badly.

Fully agree - as @flowergirl said below. We should treat others as we want to be treated.

Exactly, there's no reason to treat each other any different

Noob here. Will Caitlin get a notification that you've linked to her or is it all one way?

There is no way to escape these scammers. They are destroying their own future reputation. No point in letting it get you down.

Hi @jacor ,

Its really unfortunate and shocking to see people like @caitlinm . They fail to understand the opportunity which is given by steemit and reputable member like you. In other words, they shit on the food they eat. I've been following your post, read lot of your featured author posts and today when I saw flags on @caitlinm post, I said to myself "What The Heck! jacor can never promote such scammers and it must be unintentional and unknowingly featured".

We are happy that we have such a great asset like you @jacor in this community and we love you for what you do. I'm sure there is no need to feel bad about what happened in past. It's life. It happens to all of us time-to-time. BS people try to impress us by showing their innocence and they attack on us from behind. That's a reminder for all of us.

Thank you for all of your support to other authors including me. You're one of the great people I've ever met in my life.

I totally agree with you! Sad that people are trying to bring down others for their own benefit. @jacor we believe that you will recover from this quickly and keep on promoting true and serious writers. Every one makes mistakes and that only makes you human. Now you know her true colours and should be wary on who you promote in future. Take your time in first doing a little backround check. Let us just kill all the scorpions while we still can!!! 😈

Thank you for the support @princewahaj, and all the compliments. I will continue writing as always, but might scale down on the featuring as it is not well received by everybody in the community.

Hi @jacor,

I totally agree with you! If you treat others good and be thankful for what they are doing for you, they will do the same to you.

As they say; you have to treat people the way you want to be treated, and I don't think anyone likes being treated badly.

Have a great weekend :)

Hi @flowergirl
Great reply
I am also a great believer in respect others and they will respect you. Treat them as you would like to be treated.
We are all people, and being rich or poor does not matter every body deserves to be treated as a human being.

What a great post. One’s nature cannot be changed.

That is unfortunately very true @jeemit01

Great post, it's unfortunate there will always be people out to ruin things

Great use of the story to drive home what happened. Sorry you have to deal with it. Always enjoy your features and will continue to follow you. Heck, one of these days I should submit a story for a possible feature as opposed to just overloading my blog :-)

Thank you @scaredycatguide , we have some weird people around :) Scammers are all over the place. Guess it is just a part of life!

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