Happiness is your decision

in #life7 years ago

"Happiness is not something already done. It's about your own actions. "Dalai Lama

I often see how people nearby, in the street, in my office, talk about their discouragement, about not wanting to do anything, about being tired. They feel distressed or sad, they say that they do not have the reins of their lives because they are stopped by fear. Then I listen to many others commenting that you have to fight your fears and maybe this will work for some, but definitely not all. The mere idea of ​​combating this internal violence with more violence may be a new reason to increase paralysis or the sensation of it.

What if you find a way not to fight it or rather, learn to observe it, identifying it every time it appears, in what situations it is present and in a very gentle way you learn to breathe in its presence in a natural and simple way. Finally, you do not stop in front of that fear but the same rhythm of your breathing becomes fluidity, in courage, in energy that calms you and makes that even in your presence you can make the decisions that you know are there for a long time, that You evade, you postpone and do not dare to assume.

It is possible to go through fear. Every time you watch it, it begins to diminish. It's like when you meditate. At first it may seem that there are more thoughts, more physical sensations, but it is only the result of you being separated from the chaos of your mind because you stop and observe what really happens. On the other hand, your nervous system begins to de-stress; you are observing with full attention and learning to take your focus to silence, discovering that it has always been there, you are making the habit of identifying it, breathing it, making it yours ... Then, when you discover that wonderful experience even with all those thoughts, without fighting with them , it seems that they are disappearing or that the volume of that tortuous voice in your head diminishes and you experience peace.

With fear happens the same. The way you relate to silence is the same way you relate to yourself and others. They are patterns of behavior that we learn but that we can change. Once you see it in front it seems that it is even bigger, more inhospitable than before, but with total gentleness towards you you can accept that it is just another opportunity in your life so that you can transcend it and reaffirm what you really want, no matter what be called, peace, abundance, love, happiness or fulfillment.

That is to be gentle. That is the only thing that is required to begin with the habit of being totally clear with you, with others. Scientific studies vary in determining the time it takes to create a habit: 21 days, 40, 3 months. Regardless of the time, what is really remarkable is that to create it we need iron will, total clarity about what it is that motivates you to go for it, that is: what is your desire, and begin. Then on the one hand you have fear and on the other, that immense desire that fills you, inspires you, that you crave for yourself, now.

You have to have the courage to listen to your heart and see with total and absolute clarity who you really are, what you want right now, for you, for no one else. This wonderful game that is life is about you, your well-being, your passion in action, serving your highest purposes, your own peace. Converting that desire into simple daily inspiration and into small actions moves you from fear to happiness in a constant way, from frustration to well-being in a loving way. They are only new habits, but you can create them, you just have to be fully focused from your heart.

So I ask you again, what is it that you most want at this time in your life, despite the fear that there may be ...? It does not matter if it is the smallest thing in the world or if it is an abstract, such as love, calm or kindness. Perhaps it is not the most comfortable decision because it requires all your focus and your implacable will that you see through your fears listening with total clarity that deep voice that comes from your heart, your intuition, the Silence.

What are you waiting for? It is worth your life to undertake the actions of your own happiness.

Actions for your happiness ... Observe and transcend your fears

Every time you feel that sense of fear comes, breathe consciously, slowly, slowly, deeply. Put your full attention on the rhythm of your breathing and observe the physical sensations, the thoughts, observe ...
You can do it with your eyes closed or open.
Practice every morning, afternoon and / or evening, between 10 and 20 minutes.
While you watch, stay alert, you will know that from the silence that appears, there are the true answers, all the certainties of your heart.

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