prayer is a refuge

in #life6 years ago

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The privilege of praying to God, do you think that prayer can be considered a miracle?

Miracles are defined as actions or phenomena that surpass any power known to human beings and that is attributed to an over natural force, does the sentence fit into this definition?

When we are holding a prayer, your deepest thoughts and feelings instantly reach the creator no matter where we are or if we are praying in silence, that is something that truly surpasses any power known to human beings that is why the fact that someone can Pray to God and that God hears it is a true miracle. We can only approach the throne of God thanks to its undeserved kindness. Today we have very complicated lives and in some cases with many worries, we may be young or old. We may feel overwhelmed by our problems. Sometimes we just feel alone and helpless, what can we be? the apostle Paul says that prayer will help us, please go to Philippians 4: 6 and listen to this advice from Paul inspired by jehovah,

"Do not be anxious about anything. Rather, in any situation, through prayers and prayers and giving thanks, let God know your requests."
(Philippians 4: 6)

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Paul is saying that in all fields of our life prayer is essential even if no one sees the difficulties that we are going through Jehovah if he sees them and that he does when we pray we see verse 7,

"And the peace of God, which is beyond what any human being can understand, will protect their hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4: 7).

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This incomparable peace of God is a rare tranquility that, although you are going through very difficult circumstances, you have felt this inner peace that results from opening our heart to jehovah in prayer and when we have a close friendship with jehovah we benefit even more from prayer a key factor with our friendship with jehovah is in;

“Trust in jehovah and do good; live on earth and act faithfully. ”
(Psalm 37: 3).

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You will agree that when we need to talk with someone what worries us, we turn to a trusted friend. Why? Because we have developed a close relationship with that person he knows us and understands our situation and we know that we can count on him now more than ever we need to have a close relationship with jehovah so that this is possible we must be convinced that jehovah knows who we are and That he understands our situation, our concerns, and our needs, let us note what Jehovah promises us:

“Make jehova your greatest delight, and he will grant you the desires of your heart. Put your way in the hands of jehovah; trust him, and he will act in your favor. ”(Psalm 37: 4,5).
jehova knows who we are he understands us better than anyone else, even better than ourselves he wants us to trust him and promises that he will help us, the miracle of prayer allows us to feel the love of jehovah very closely our father takes time to Hearing us himself has not delegated this task to anyone else, but he may wonder why the creator of the universe would like to hear me, the answer is in: (1 Peter 5: 7).

"At the same time you cast all your restlessness, because he cares about you."

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Because he cares about you, Jehovah is very happy and is very pleased to see that despite all the problems you try your best to serve him, he suffers when you suffer and you want to help him as that makes you feel.

"I love Jehovah because he hears my voice, my prayers for help."
(Psalm 116: 1).

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When we pray to Jehovah we cannot see him listening to us but it is as if we feel that he is hugging us as a result the more we pray, the more our love for him grows and our confidence that will help us strengthen our love and our trust in him is not just about recognize that he hears our prayers we must be convinced that he answers them.

We must be sure that your answer will be the best, no matter what happens, we must recognize that Jehovah knows the best way. If we learn to recognize the answers to our prayers, we will approach one more to Jehovah, so let us continue to value the great privilege of praying to God.
I hope you love this great theme, which is very valuable to me since prayer is a refuge that I have at any time and in any place, no matter what, jehovah God is my refuge.
I send a huge hug to everyone and thank you in advance for your great support.


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