Is Being Solo an Advantage Nowadays?

in #life5 years ago

Centuries and even decades ago, being solo, which meant being unmarried, because only marriage could give status to a relationship, meant being an outcast. You had no reason not to get married, and, in many communities, no other choice either.

There were very few situations that exempted someone from the noble duty of forming a family, being a priest for example was one of them. No one asked you if or whom you wanted to marry. These decisions were usually left for parents and other elderly relatives to make and, in some traditional societies, this rule still applies.


Young people were meant to be united in holly matrimony either for the purpose of maintaining or enhancing their wealth or social position or simply because that was the natural course of life.

Things have changed tremendously during the past century and marriage is no longer an obligation, but a choice. Mentalities have changed as well, together with our lifestyle and the timeline that dictates our major life stages as many people choose to form a family rather later in life after they accomplish their career goals.

Others choose not to take the big step at all and simply live alone. These people who are often complex and intriguing and don't shy from standing out from the crowd usually justify their solitary life by highlighting its advantages. Some of these are:


  • being solo allows you to be more flexible. You can make decisions based on your desires only and are always able to do what you want, when you want to because there's no partner to pull you back

  • you can be adventurous and change partners as you please because you don't have and refuse to make commitments; this way you always get the best out of each relationship as passion doesn't fade away plus, sex ia always good

  • you don't need to compromise or have endless, useless arguments with your partner because you never let a relationship last too long to get there

  • you are usually more at ease financially speaking because you don't get to the point where your partner ends up controlling your finances

  • you are never bored and always on the look out for a new and exciting encounter

I am sure that there are equally numerous disadvantages of not being in a stable relationship. However, if you've ever been solo and you've liked it, I am also sure there are parts of that life you can't but miss.

pictures source:


The only drawback is that you die alone, and nobody finds you for weeks

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Funny ..... if you have a black sense of humor :)

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