9.12.2008 My diary #1
Hey guys I want to show you a page from my diary since I had 11 years, meanning 10 years ago:

Dear diary,
it's the first time I am speaking to you so I will take it easy and introduce myself. My name is Stîngaciu Ioana Mirela and I'm 11 years old. I like flowers, chocolate, cute boys and Christmas. I don't like school very much but I don't have a choice, I hope this year I have higher grades. Today was so much fun at school because I only had 2 classes and I didn't have test at geography (I hate geography), it's really hard. But I liked the gym class because we have a new teacher, he's really cute and I think I like him. I am kind hearted and I understand with everyone. I like to watch H2O series and go outside. I can't wait the Christmas holidays.
9th of December 2008