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RE: Why Black Panther is Killing It.

in #life6 years ago

This was supposed to be the newest and best Marvel movie. It was also supposed to be deeper than a super hero movie. Well, basically all they did was put African-Americans in the role of the main characters and followed the same exact formula of every other Marvel movie ever created. The action was mediocre at best. The villain was good, but at the point when he truly started to flesh out his character, I was bored and realized I was watching a movie. I literally said what was going to happen about 30 minutes before it happened. Now if you like super hero films, which I happen to not, I am sure you will have fun and enjoy this film. But, in my opinion this movie had th intensity of a haircut and was a boring commercial to sell toys.


I actually don't like superhero movies or most movies in general as they all lack the depth that it takes to keep me engaged for two hours. Whether this a reflection on my intelligence or my attention span, I'm not sure. Nonetheless, I completely agree with you. At the end of the day, its still a Marvel movie and we all know theres gonna be an intro scene thats a mission, then another action scene introducing the villian., then the low point of the movie where all is lost, and finally the happy ending. Because no director with a Marvel budget can stray from this shallow, mass-appealing paradigm, Black Panther lacks the immersiveness that a movie critic labels necessary for a great movie.

The only Superhero movie I can truly say came close to this was Logan. All other X Men movies suck ass but Logan is unique because it shows Wolverine dealing with aging, his powers waning, and the ramifications of not being able to have a family which are genuine human struggles imposed on a Man that is used the world not acknowledging him as human....its bloody and gritty too so its a breath of fresh air as far as superhero movies go.

Anyway, yea Black Panther was essentially made for the masses so everything is light in a sense. I disagree about the action though, I personally loved it and only had problems with how short-lived it was.

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