
Like alcohol, tobacco and oil, sugar is a commodity that kills us all, but because it provide profit to it's manufacturers and special interests, they are a protected class in society. Capitalism demands profits over safety and health.

As they have replaced healthy fats with toxic sugar in many processed foods, society's health will continue to decline unless these evil corporations are held accountable for poisoning our food supply.

Ah the power of populism over biology

As always in life: it's about balance. I've never been a huge fan of food trends. Nowadays one even needs to apologize if eating a steak.

Sugar doesn't kill anybody if applied in the right dosis. Of course drinking coke instead of water may kill you over time, but that's no news. During the past 37 years of my life I haven't ever gone on any type of diet, and the annual cross check at the hospital always shows me best values.

If we go ahead with these food trends there will be a point in time when we're actually not allowed to eat anything at all.

Sugar is commonly used in the recipes for sweeteners, and these sweet dishes are very tasted and eaten,
but enjoy this taste - but we are forgetting that these sweetness of sugar gradually helps us Slow poison is slowing down in the body .
Whose bitterness will face some time later in the form of diseases because you must also have heard that Chinese is a white poison.
In this case, it is necessary to know that what is the reason that the sugar filled with sweetness is called white poison
so that we can also prevent anyone from playing with their health.
So let's know today that this white truth of sugar -

  1. The digestive system gets Diminished - The excessive amount of sugar begins to form acid in the body which causes the gas to become in the stomach. 500 calories is spent to digest sugar .
    That is, the body has to work very hard and if the sugar is not eaten after the physical work, then the harmful chemical reaction starts in the body which slow down the digestion speed.

  2. Obesity and diabetes - There is a lack of nutrients in the sugar and the amount of calories is very high, which causes obesity problems in people who eat more sugar.
    Which brings with it a lot of diseases, including diabetes, which is a disease caused by the amount of insulin in the body being unbalanced.

  3. Aging comes quickly - Acidity in the blood increases with excessive sugar, which leads to harmful effects on the skin, such as wrinkles before the skin starts prematurely and the signs of old age on the skin begin to appear clearly.

  4. Increase in cardiovascular diseases - Excessive use of sugar reduces good cholesterol and enhances bad cholesterol and triglycerides, thereby increasing the chances of having high BP and cardiovascular disease.

  5. Damage to teeth - Excessive intake of sugar removes the top cover of teeth. Sugar does not contain any nutrients and sugar causes bad bacteria to grow easily in the mouth, which damage the teeth.

6)Harmful to the bones - The calcium required for digestion of sugar is taken from bones and teeth, resulting in the balance of phosphorus and calcium in the bones and the bones become weak, causing osteoporosis such as bone disease.

  1. Uncomfortable change in nature - By consuming more sugar, a person starts to feel moody and feels stress. Such people have mood swings and they start feeling tired of being happy anywhere.

A spoonful of sugar contains about 50 calories and taking more sugar than the body's necessity means giving an open invitation to diseases. In such a situation, limit the quantity of sugar so that it will keep the energy of giving energy to the body, not the white poison and attacking the body.

Very good post for Diabetes patients. No doubt it is silent killer

Good comment to reafirm what I have been learning for years.

You got my post nice thank you all guys

Posted using Partiko Android

Sugar is the worst thing ever; I gave it up in 2012 and can't stand the stuff now

Sugar is so bad for you. It is horrible what it does to your body.

Appreciative. I am a regular visitor of your website. Thanks for informative and tremendous work. Thanks for sharing and keep publishing good articles.

While I was doing a keto diet this time last year it was amazing to see just how many foods we eat in the US that contains sugar. Since sugar is addictive and or your brain/body craves it this would explain why food and beverage companies put it in their products. The food and beverage companies know that sugar is a problem in the US considering that 80%+ Americans are overweight or obese. Going full keto is rough, but you will drop weight as your body reaches ketosis. Sugar is one of the main reasons people have trouble losing weight. As long as the body can run on sugar it will never burn the fat you're trying to get rid of.

Most people in India prefer jiggery after meals.
But do you know that many secrets of health are hidden along with taste? Yes, jaggery removes diseases related to your stomach. This strengthens the digestive tract and also enhances the skin. Let's know what else jaggery is beneficial for you.

Sodium and potassium are found in jar. It is helpful in controlling the amount of acid in the body, which also keeps blood pressure in control.
Jigs contain antioxidants and minerals which strengthen our immune system. Its use provides relief from diseases such as colds and colds.

It brings out harmful toxins from our blood and improves the blood flow in the body. It keeps our liver healthy.
Iron Source-
Junk contains plenty of iron. This is very beneficial for people with anemia.

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