IP in Fashion, California Venture Capital and Deep Neutral Network
IP in Fashion, California Venture Capital and Deep Neutral Network
Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry
A tremendous amount of intellectual capital is invested in the creation and marketing of fashion products. This is why some of the largest fashion houses fully utilise a variety of different IP tools in order to protect their intellectual property.
Silicon Valley Powered American Tech Dominance—Now It Has a Challenger (Reddit)
Silicon Valley, long the undisputed king of venture capital, is now sharing its throne with Asia.
A decade ago, nearly three-quarters of the world’s financing of innovative, tech-heavy startups and young companies took place in the U.S.
Now, a surge of new money—mostly from China—has helped drive funding totals into the stratosphere and has transformed the venture landscape.
Ancient Paper Art Could Hold the Key to Smart Clothing
Researchers from the University of Buffalo may have unlocked a major development in the smart clothing industry by applying kirigami principles to electronics.
How paper-cutting can make ultra strong, stretchable electronics
How Attractive Are You in the Eyes of Deep Neural Network?
The original paper implemented a bunch of different models, including classic ML models with handcrafted features and 3 deep learning models: AlexNet, ResNet18, and ResNext50.
It’s Time to Regulate ‘Smart City’ Technology, Too
Data is being gathered in virtually every mode of transportation.
That means data breaches and misuse happen there too—in transit systems, airlines, ride-hailing services, and even walking, biking and jogging.