The 5 love languages (guys this is as valuable as gold for a relationship)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

These are what psychologists call the 5 love languages , Each person has a primary and a secondary. Meaning each person perceives love expressed in a different way, and each person is receptive to love in a different way. Just because a person expresses love by spending quality time, does not mean they are 100 % receptive to quality time. So one by one lets look at each of the 5.

Quality time : Person expresses love by spending time with the the other person. Going to the park, concerts, hiking, watching television under a blanket, all are examples of together time. Does not have to be a trip to Maui or a Shopping spree, but any amount of time in the others company is enough to feel love.

Words of Affirmation : This type of Love Language is when people express and feel loved by hearing it from the other person , They want to be told they are loved, and feel that words spoken or written are the best expression of Love, which is conceivably true because think back .. How long does it take a date (not mom or friend) to say "I love You" in a relationship.

Tasks : This type of love language is when a person feels that they show love and appreciation by doing small tasks, to make life more convenient for their significant other. Putting gas in her car, Getting it washed, cleaning something, or having her dry cleaning done and picked up are all small tasks that drop into this category, things that make life easier, and more convenient , and less stressing on the other person. I do love when my bf or s/o puts gas in my car for me. Hint - Heat her towel in the dryer while she is in the shower, that is a game changer if you want some good love.

Gifts: This love language is a person who feels gifts are the way to express love, as in i got you this necklace, or bracelet, car, knife set, gun, etc. This is the trickiest of all the love languages because people not receptive to gifts do not like this, and people who usually are gift givers, tend to think lack of other types of affection can be compensated by 1 large gift. When in reality it usually is the opposite .. If your my bf and you ignore me, or cancel quality time, or dont give me that back rub , giving me 1 large gift is not going to buy up the affection points, it still counts as 1 affection point, not 10 that you missed, even if its a Porsche , its still 1 act. People who speak this language need to learn that unlike other parts of a body, larger isn't always better, and not always as satisfying. However a person who is receptive to gifts will love this type of person , because they feel that if you work hard and love me enough to spend money you earned on me I must be special.

Touch: This is nearly 100% of everyone's secondary or primary love language, you cant have love without physical touch. Hugs, kisses, massages, cuddling, sex, foreplay are all forms of touch. While it is perfect to show someone you love them and always someones first or second love language , it is imperative that you use your other one to show them that you love them for other reasons, any of the above will do, but Tasks and Words tend to be the best ones to combine with this.

Remember what you speak and what you are receptive too are 2 different things.. I primarily love giving gifts and telling people i love them if i do. However I am not receptive to getting gifts, or being told how much i am loved. I would prefer you give me a back rub after an awesome dinner , then throw me on a bed or give me a bath. 1 large gift to me is the same as 1 small gifts, so it can be a Pez dispenser, or a Tiffany diamond, you wont buy back lost affection, those both carry the same weight in my book.

Till next time this is Sierra , saying be manly , and be brave. And show her some sssssss.JPG affection, sfsdfsfs.JPG


Nice post! That's interesting. When it comes to giving love I tend to be the person giving gifts and doing tasks. But when it comes to receiving love I am not the person who wants a lot of gifts. I enjoy words and touches.

I’m the exact same way , I love to be told and re-assured and touched , and I tend to spoil my s/o and make their life easier . Funny how it works out

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