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RE: Why Everything Counts

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Makes sense to me! I love the intent behind the post :)
You're so right! Every person that ever took the time to actually read our posts is a mini-miracle leading to the bigger dream reality we want!
The underlying commodity we're earning is People's attention
It's difficult to put a price on that, everybody's seems to be worth something different depending on the circumstances...

But what's clear is to be able to keep other people's attention, and better yet, offer them something unique that we have, something that gives them something to think about, to consider...

It's like planting seeds... One day, the seeds turn into crops, and we get to cash out on things that are truly beyond what we ever imagined!

I'm not saying blogging will work as a career for everybody, but they're meaningful experiences!

Like you said, improving our skills such as writing (from daily practice) is not only a reward in of itself, but a skill that will go a long way in helping us for the rest of our lives!

Thanks for sharing nexus! Really like your posts' style ;)

Everything DOES Count !


Right, I like to view the Steemit platform is a sort of gift economy of sorts. We give to those whom we think are worthy and deserving. I'm truly fortunate to have as many followers as I do and I cherish each and every one of them as I know without them this wouldn't be feasible.

You raised a valid point in expressing that we are earning people's attention. It's hard to do sometimes especially when the attention span is lessening each year.

I learn how to look at things from various perspectives, find out what truly interests me and who can lead me to gaining further experience and knowledge.

I began reading at an early age and that led me to want to write for others because I enjoyed it so much. I was opened to ideas, concepts and thoughts I would have otherwise more likely never known about or discovered. Reading was once an escape mechanism for me, now it's more like an adventure!

Makes sense

All wonderful things

And it is like a gift economy, although maybe it's a little bit more than that... Keep an eye out for my next post, it'll be exactly about that very question!

Thanks for taking the time to write back, Peace Nexus xx

I do my best to make a point of replying to each comment because I think that's one of the best ways to get to knowing other people on the platform, instead of just putting your stuff out there for others to read. It's important to build community and keep your followers wanting to continue interacting so it makes sense to give back where I can.

I've been keeping up with my goal of writing each day thus far and am proud of that accomplishment. It really doesn't take much to be real and share part of your life with others. By sharing some details about yourself others get to know the real you!

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