in #life7 years ago (edited)

The greatest enemy and limitation any man can have is himself. You are the reason behind your failures and disappointments. Have you ever felt the urge to withdraw whenever it seems you are about to hit the gold mine?
You have always heard the story of the man who was told that he had deposits of diamonds around his house. He dug around and still couldn't find it. In despair he got frustrated and left the house. A few months later a mining company bought the house. They pulled down the building and found out that the huge diamond deposits were just under the room which served as the owners bedroom. This man has been sleeping on his wealth for over three decades.
The importance of this story is so simple. If you fail do to for it now, some one else would and you'll keep blaming yourself for not doing it when it was needful.
That's what happens when you linger in drawing that proposal or you discard the idea of talking to that guy or girl you admire.
We often comfort ourselves that one man's food is another man's poison but have tasked yourself to know if its really a poison. See, good things come in small packages, they come in unpleasant forms. Don't judge a book from its cover,that's what they say, but you can judge a book from its contents. The problem is how many of us have the time to go through the contents.

I'm going to highlight three main reasons why poeple fail to do things promptly.

Fear is the first reason: Fear of being mocked, laughed at and shoved aside is what limits a lot of people. Fear turns shadows into monsters. Fear sucks courage from a man and makes him less human. Fear holds one down, makes him feel both irrelevant and insignificant. Show me a fearful man and I'll show you a limited life. Fear kills faster than a bullet. Do you know why boxers boast a lot before they get into the ring? Its just to create fear within their opponents. And if that can be achieved successfully then it becomes quite easy to win. The future holds unknown prospects for almost every one, fear of the future hinders you from seeing into the future. Its very easy to overcome your fears. Always look at the brighter side and move towards it now.

SELF LIMITATION :The poorest man is not the man with limited possessions but one with a limited mind set. Confidence is a thing of the mind. The gift of cognition is the greatest gift anyone could have. When you take a good introspective look at yourself and identity your strengths and weaknesses then you've gotten the secret of wonders. Understanding your self is a daunting task which only the mind can perform.

The actual self is is the idea of yourself in the mind of others. The ideal self is a perfect picture of yourself within your own mind. A lot of people have low self esteem because of what they believe they are in the minds of others. The mind is a powerful tool within us, knowing this fact is one thing, utilizing the potentials embedded within is another thing. Release yourself from the cell you incarcerated yourself. Break free from your limitations, especially that of the mind.

The last reason we fail to act now is because of the loss of value. How valuable do you think your ideas are. Forget about its genuity. Face the value. How much value do you think you are worth. In his teachings Christ said that even the tiniest bird cannot fall from the sky without God knowing about it. This underscores the value that is attached to life.
You are more valuable than millions of diamonds. The value of human life cannot be equated to trillions of dollars.

Creativity is not a function of divine intution it has to do with doing something that has been done before in a way it has never been done. It starts with the value you attach to yourself and your work. Value makes antiquties look new.
You can't go far if you don't value your dreams. You won't break the existing records if you don't see value in the efforts you are expending.

To live the life you desire you need to be able to act right and now.

I leave you with you Dr Russell Conwell's timeless classic, Acres of Diamonds : "...the land upon which you stand is your goldmine, if only you will apply with it the right attitude."

Image source : Pixabay

Email :[email protected]

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This is inspiring , nice post

Thanks so much for reading through bro.

Nice one bro. Anytime I check your blog, I keep reading things that inspire me.

By the way, it has been a while since you posted articles. Hope all is well?

Thanks so much for reading through bro.
And, your observation is correct. I've been having challenge with my phone, which is the only means I use to write and post.

Oh! Thank God you are back

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