What to Do If You Are Afraid of Drowning
If you are afraid of drowning, you are not alone. In fact, more than one-third of adults in the United States experience this phobia. But despite this common problem, there are several treatments that can help you overcome it. You may be able to find relief from your fear with the use of exposure therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, or even hypnosis.
During the treatment process, the therapist will work with the patient to find the underlying cause of the phobia. Then, the therapist will guide the patient through a series of incremental steps that can gradually ease the fear and allow the patient to incorporate new water-related activities into their lives.
One of the most common forms of treatment for aquaphobia is exposure therapy. This type of therapy is very effective at helping you overcome your fears. It involves exposing the patient to the triggering situation a number of times, which can help the person overcome their phobia.
Another way to treat a fear of water is to take swim lessons. Learning to swim is very important if you want to avoid drowning. Your health care provider can recommend a swimming instructor, if needed. However, you should also learn other coping strategies.
A more serious phobia may require medication or a specialized therapist. There are also mindfulness-based therapies, such as yoga and meditation, which can be helpful. Depending on the phobia, a therapist may prescribe antidepressants or other medications to help the person cope with the fear.
Many people with an aquaphobia develop a deep phobia, causing them to avoid all situations that involve water. In addition, they might be frightened of large bodies of water. These phobias often result from a traumatic event in childhood, such as a fall from a boat or seeing a death in a swimming pool. Symptoms of this phobia can include panic attacks when in deep water, and avoiding social situations in which the individual might become a victim of water.
Exposure therapy is a great first step in the treatment of a phobia. It involves repeatedly exposing the patient to the trigger of their fear, which can be a person, place, or object. Typically, the therapist will keep track of the patient's reaction to the triggering situation. Eventually, the phobia will dissipate and the patient will be able to retrain their brain to recognize a triggering situation as a normal part of the environment.
Some people with an aquaphobia can be taught to control the symptoms of their phobia through the use of hypnosis. This type of therapy involves using your mind to imagine yourself in or near water.
Visualization is another method of treating an aquaphobia. Using this technique, you conjure up images of yourself in water and the objects that surround it. When you are imagining yourself in or near the water, you can feel relaxed and calm.
Other treatment options for aquaphobia include cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy. In this form of therapy, you will be challenged to question your thoughts and beliefs. At the same time, you will be given positive messages to reinforce in your mind.
Great post. It is really common for humans to have phobia of any certain thing which they should overcome as soon they can otherwise it can cause problems for their future. One quote that helped me over come my fear of darkness was "Fear is a dellusion."
Excellent post! Keep up the great work!