Here's My Perspective On Pain & Suffering

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Learn How To Suffer

Generally no one is excited to go through the trials of life. We prefer comfort over pain. But uncomfortable and painful testing is what actually fuels our growth. Muscle is grown out of being torn down first. Diamonds face intense pressure in the ground before they become worth anything. The beautiful island of Hawaii was formed out of raging volcanic magma. If you envision yourself on top of the mountain of life it will cost you something. You will suffer. The power lies in learning how to handle it over and over again.

If you can learn to suffer you will find a way to rise from the ashes.

We Ain't Scared

Every negative or painful situation you go through is a teaching moment. I know it sure doesn't feel that way in the moment. You sit there drinking your tears and licking your wounds. But you become initiated. You become fearless. You are much bigger than the problems you face. When I was in a sunken place there was no hope but then I looked up and saw a sliver of light radiating through the clouds. I reached up to pull myself out of the quicksand and a strong hand was there to propel me upwards. I am here now giving you this meal of motivation. It is good for your soul. Tap into the power. Tap into the light. See that you can overcome anything. In fact you can move mountains if you believe you can.

Fear. It's powerless. It's like a mirror. It only shows you your weaknesses. But it has no real power. It only possesses the illusion of power. That's why people fall for it because they believe the illusion that the sky is falling. We humans are bred to fear. We fear market collapses. We fear losing money. We fear death. We even fear Starbucks running out of our favorite latte. There goes those first world problems again. But I digress. We all face fear here and there. But it's how we handle it that counts. Look fear in the face and walk past it.

Ways to deal with or prepare for suffering:

  • Take cold showers
  • Live very frugally 
  • Workout
  • Get outside in nature
  • Go hiking
  • Pray
  • Surround yourself with people who will encourage you
  • Expose your body to cold temperatures
  • Talk to someone
  • Pursue things that interest you

These are just some of the things I could come up with. You may have other things that have helped you deal with hard times. We are all being trained for something as I have been trained for this very moment. Never would I have imagined that the very things that were causing me harm would actually become the things that would propel me as I help others do the same. This is how you become a diamond. You shall bend but not break. You shall suffer but come out shining. You shall live and not die. Shalom

What's things have been hard to deal with lately?

What is one thing that is hard for you to overcome?

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At the end of the day there is a happy ending to my life and I know this and this has to go through immense struggle for that happy cause.

True that. I agree 100%. I believe there is a bigger reason for all this struggle.

Suffering is an essential phase of almost everyone's life and at some stage we suffer very intensely and to be honest those moments gives the real teaching to life and the real understanding the maturity comes through struggle only.

Thank you @humanearl....steem on and stay blissful...

Going through hurts but like I said it is necessary for our growth. Thanks you for always supporting and trying to understand.

Adversity brings the best out of a man and every cloud has a silver lining. Your approach to deal with difficult situations is just amazing. Your motivation power knows no bounds. Your words are really polished refined diamonds.

You are really an inspiring and motivational personality. Like any other blog of yours this one is also filled with energy and positive thoughts which can help a man to steering clear of the storms life poses. The challenges of life can be shrugged away smiling following your kind attitude.

I am thankful for your kind words and motivation.

It's comments like this that inspire me more. This is big time. Thanks for this.

Thank you for enlightening me about fear.My fear are time it keeps running fast.You know there is a time that you want it to be fast and sometimes you want time to slow down.You want to achieve your goal as fast as you can but scared because life keep shorting.But fast and slow is just an illusion,time running same speed but it keeps on going no turning back.I set my mind to consider the negative situation in life as a way of God to strenghten us but scared what if i can't overcome the situation.But God is big anyway,And that is what i stand for.

Faith will stretch you beyond normal limits. Whenever we fear we are not acting in faith. The good thing is that faith can be grown and strengthened.

I agree with that.

This is a thrilling piece for me. Life is not a bed of roses, except of course one is born with a silver spoon, if the spoon never gets lost. lol

We humans are bred to fear. We fear market collapses. We fear losing money. We fear death. We even fear Starbucks running out of our favorite latte.

Fear has robbed us of many things. It robs people of joy, of peace, of relationship, it has robbed many of progress and so many other things. The fear of a challenge is sometimes even what attracts that challenge.
In life, expect the best but prepare for the worse, if it comes.

If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is weak...

True that. It grips you and if you let it, it will control your life. I choose not to let it control me bro.

Super article, I've found that trials are there to make you focus on something and learn an invaluable lesson. The saying "success is failure turned inside out" is 100% true. However, there are two types of people, those who at the slightest difficulty give up and resort to complaining and they get swallowed by their troubles and those who keep pushing and never give up. The 2nd group end up achieving truly great things as the failure serves as a catalyst. How long you remain in the adversity is also dependant on how quickly you learn the needed lesson, shed the baggage that needs to be shed and most importantly the required attitude.

Wow. Good stuff here. Complaining get you nowhere other than being aware of where you are. Once you understand where you are then you can game plan to get out of it. This has taken me a year and a half and I am still recovering.

Those are helpful ways to deal with suffering and i wish to add to the list.
We suffer not because we want to or because we have to but because we are living in this world where suffering cannot be taking away. Situations makes us suffer, people can also make us suffer but one thing is for sure, i have never heard motivational words from a man who gave up. Only the conqueror can tell you how he conquered in order to motivate you.
One way i deal with suffering apart from prayers, is continual process of bringing myself to the understanding that only success stories motivates. And if i have to motivate and inspire someone passing through same thing, i need to conquer first so i can say " Alast, i came out victorious".
Thanks @humanearl

your words are so true

And when you overcome things like that it pushes you even more to inspire others. Great words man!

very valuable post containing the pearls to the handheld carried in this life. ponder and think without waking up is toxic in themselves, crushing hopes that bright. I really enjoy writing and the content of this post. Thank you for your suggestions and advice @humanearl

No problem. I love doing this.

Great job Earl !
This is really something what ur doing.
Man you get it,that is so cool dear brother.
You can't stop now.
This is better than that Starbucks any old time man!
I wish you were a speaker at my church :) the kids would luv you.
Very inspirational .
Keep-on Brothern

Thanks for the love bro.

Nothing good they say comes easy. The mistake many make is thinking that they can get to the too of the ladder with just one step but that's very impossible . Another mistake maklny make is looking for shortcuts to success . Those shortcuts may seem fast but they will surely cut your life short.

The One thing that has been very difficult for me to overcome is that habit I have formed since I was 13 years. It's a habit I am not proud of and want to stop but havnt till now and it's really killing me inside...been asking God to help me and I do know that he will. I believe my God didn't bring me this far to see me get destroyed so I know he will come to my rescue .

He will man. Just trust him and allow him to shape you and help you overcome. It is hard but it is also worth it.

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