Are You Living the Life You Want or the One Society Wants?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The Powers That Be, the media, how are they influencing the way you live your life?


I wrote a post about meeting strangers on Steemit as a contributor for @adsactly and I loved this comment by @wdougwatson:

I think meeting people in general is a great idea. Of course you have to think about safety and try to use good judgement. If you think about all the fear porn out there you can see that The Powers That Be don't want you to meet and interact with others. They want you isolated, easier to control. Break free from their control. Make #friends. Live #life. Exit the #Matrix.#agora #anarchy #action!

It got me thinking...

How many of us are living lives where our heads and hearts are not aligned, or doing something because it is expected of us by society, or just to be politically correct?

Expectations might be something that just affects one day like...

Christmas lunch around the in-laws. You might consider that to cause more arguements than it's worth to avoid it, but are you doing it just because it is expected?

I had to frequently decide which parent, should I spend Christmas with. For many years it ended up being neither, because it all seemed so fake and forced and lots of discussions about how well my brother is doing in Austrailia, good for him. He is the one person in the world I am indifferent about. I do not care and will not pretend to.

What things are we doing every day because they are expected?

Why not change them?

Expectations can affect decisions that affect years of your life...

I went to University because it was expected of me, even though I had no idea of what I wanted to do. Well I wanted to do a degree in writing, but got "that's never going to make you money, daughter dearest". I'll just do business studies and marketing and excel academically, but not have the aptitude to ever use it in a job, but here I am now writing on Steemit, earning Steem, living MY dream.

The 9 to 5.

Why today, do they not show children or teach children there is more options out there than just a 9 to 5 job. The world is full of opportunities, you don't have to be stuck behind a desk in a boring office, where gossips gather around the water cooler and poison the air.

I am going to show my children that there are other options, and I am in the process of setting up income streams(they are going to write on Steemit when they are older too, maybe I will have enough 'celebrity' status by then to give them a helping hand and upvote).

I want them to see that being an entrepreneur is an option, but only if they want to go down that route. It is their choice. I want them to know that it is in their power to be whoever they want to be.

At the moment my 6 year old would like to be a vet when she grows up and my four year old would like to be a fairy.

You have don't have to keep up with the Jones, you don't have to do a job you hate for 20 odd years, you don't have to conform to anyone's ideals, except your own.

Ask yourself...

What do you want?

What do you really want?

What would society say about that? Fuck society.

BTW 'Society' might be family, or a partner - anyone that tries to suppress the person you are. We only have one life. Make it one that is lived fully and by your rules.

Plan and live the lifestyle (or ultimate goal) you choose.

It might be it takes hard work and sacrifice to get there.

If you are lucky the journey might be one that you enjoy.

My greatest joy and purpose is helping people, in whatever form that takes.

I also need to get a bit better at helping myself too, that's the bit of the journey I'm not so good at, and not particularly enjoying. But to be able continue helping other people, it is necessary.

But don't be afraid to make choices that are right for you and stick to it.

Life is short, don't let anyone dicate it for you, except yourself

A great place to help you achieve your goals daily and keep you on your toes, as to continuious self improvement and doesn't conform to society is the Politically Incorrect Discord Group (click image to join):

Politically Incorrect Discord Group


Kind of like what the creator of this picture has to say actually:

Debates are voluntary, not mandatory. People reserve the right to not give a flying fuck. Your approval is not needed for someone to think, feel and express themselves authentically; even if they authentically believe that alien space raccoons are trying to take over the world.

As long as they present their statements in admission that it is THEIR PERSPECTIVE and THEIR RIGHT TO HAVE IT, then they can believe whatever the hell they want and they are not obligated to present you with evidence.

Having an opinion, feelings or systems of belief is not "disinfo". Its called individuality. If you don't respect individuality, you're a cock sucking nazi. And, thats our opinion. Not an absolute fact, merely an individuated perspective of reality; equal to all others which exist

The Hope Bank

Be individual, be you!


Great post

What did you like about it?

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

- Albert Einstein

I like Albert Einstein.

I am 'mostly' living like I want, but there is definitely room for improvement.

always room for improvement :)

100% correct.

Self-actualization is never reached because you can always improve.

I had to frequently decide which parent, should I spend Christmas with. For many years it ended up being neither, because it all seemed so fake and forced and lots of discussions about how well my brother is doing in Austrailia, good for him. He is the one person in the world I am indifferent about. I do not care and will not pretend to.

100% Helen. Glad that you are so transparent. It makes you a character here on Steem. People will know who you are when they hear or read the name "HopeHuggs".

Why today, do they not show children or teach children there is more options out there than just a 9 to 5 job. The world is full of opportunities, you don't have to be stuck behind a desk in a boring office, where gossips gather around the water cooler and poison the air.

Absolutely agree again. Fuck that 9-5 shit. That shit is for slaves who want to die with regrets.

BTW 'Society' might be family, or a partner - anyone that tries to suppress the person you are. We only have one life. Make it one that is lived fully and by your rules.

Agree with this whole post. This will be resteemed.

I'm quite enjoying writing this freestyle type of post as I don't always know where they are going to go, but yeah society sucks. I like to live by my own rules, it's liberating.

Excellent post!!, you are absolutely right, nowadays, being an entrepreneur is the key to have a happy life without the limitations that society imposes itself in a mechanized way, teach your children of steemit, that will be a valuable treasure for them, the education system only teach you things reissued and about issues that you will never see or experience, I have liked your motivational words very much, you are great @hopehuggs.

Thank you @luming. Yes, I have an aim, next year when the "what parents do for their jobs week" is at the kids' school, I will be showing that there is an alternative to the traditional. It would also be good if educational system taught things like mindfulness and self-sufficiency. I guess that is why a lot of people homeschool these days.

This post made me stop and think. There are a lot of things we take for granted; a lot of things we let society decide for us. The concept of individuality and society has always clashed from the beginning of time. But remember, as a notable sociologist once said, who you are is determined by your self perception and what others think about you. There is no two ways to it.

That might be the case, but I'm not too bothered what others think. Never have been as a whole. However, I have paid too much attention, to people like my father and my ex-husband, which has affected life decisions. It is my time now. They can have opinions, I just won't take any notice.

in nature.
a black wolf (or a white one) in a pack of brown wolves had BETTER be a good fighter.
or it won't survive.

I'm a fighter. Although a passive one.

Life with no regrets! No wrong decisions. If you want it enough, you'll make it happen.

Though for the unlucky ones that get bitten by risk, they may need to take a temporary hit to get back to a sustainable state (not survival mode). I'm not even sure why I mention it... I always feel when parents try to stop you it's because they don't want you to fall into survival mode. But most of us are not in danger of that, so that's good at least.

Society! Tbppppffft.

I hate I missed this when you wrote it.
I hadn't found a good tool for @mentions till now.

I'm glad my little comment inspired you . :) I 100% agree with the post btw. Most of our lives is spent taking steps that others have prescribed for us. We go along on autopilot not questioning and then one day you are 70.
Live. Your. Life.

Thanks for the post.
Keep Steeming!

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