You never realise it until it's too late.
You never realise it until it's too late.
One day, you wake up, look in the mirror, and realise you've let yourself go.
I ask myself, how could I let this happen?
Was it a beer too many? A daily coke?
Worse still, could it be the sedentary lifestyle a result of complacency?
Ask yourself this :
Is it worth all the money in the world to sacrifice your health and well being, only to be pulled into a vicious cycle of greed?
Is it worth the time away from doing the things you are passionate for, just to live just a little bit more securely?
What are you actually going to do with your billion dollars when you no longer have the vitality to run wild and free?
I failed my own litmus test.
I thought I could be the shining example of life and what it means to live a good one.
In my current state, I am anything but.
It takes a real conceited effort to make a drastic change in ones life, especially once you're pass the freebie period also known as youth.
However, we are well equipped for this challenge. Our whole lives thus far, in preparation for the eventuality of the greatest challenge in life - simply to live, healthy, and well.
I pledge today, to strive for a state of health better than ever.
I will share my journey, and let the blockchain forever hold my decree in stone.
If I agree with you the sooner you start to improve your health the sooner you will see the results. Select good foods, fruit, vegetables, little meat, pork, more fish and some chicken, zero chips. Walk do exercises, and of course then reflect the results in your Steemit BLOG. Regards @honeybee

Looks like Surya Namaskar. A very healthy exercise to do - slowly and easily - every day.
Man, this was so sad, yet inspiring to read... gonna resteem you! Stay strong friend!
Go for it @Honeybee. Get well; be well; stay well.
Life is a journey. Make it a happy and healthy one.
Upvoted sir honeybee... very nice post and the information is correct.. keep it up..
@honeybee great article.
As you said we may realize time has passed away and maybe we realize we are not in the place or being the person we wished to be, but while we are alive there is always a chance to improve and grow.
It has been prooved by numerous studies that above 75.000 USD per year the hapiness doesn't increase, and I an willing to believe that is far below than that.
If we do our passion and we do it for the good of others, I believe we have a big step given so far.
All my support and my prays in the name of Jesuschrist to you.
God Bless Us All!