How Astonishing is This Very Moment?
Do you understand just how profound this very moment we are sharing is? In this very second, right now, there lies an endless amount of possibilities for each one of us to decide upon. It is certainly the case that many things are leading the great majority of us towards blindness of our opportunity. Insecurity, fear, disbelief and many other obstacles block the path to our realisation that we can do anything we want to do in this moment. But if we can for a moment, come to comprehend that none of that is real, and that it all resides only in our head, then we might be left in extreme awe and fascination as we behold the limitless options we have at our disposal in not just this moment - but ever single one. What will you do with this moment? Will you make a new friend? Travel to a new location? Let go of a trauma? Will you overcome a fear? Begin your greatest creation? Or simply dance for the sake of it?
This second is just as rich with possibility as each other second you will live? Will you allow circumstance or conditioned fear to disable you from exploring those opportunities? Will you spend this moment, like so many others, wishing you had a different experience in life? Or will you embrace gratitude for the experience you have been given - and seek to enrich it?
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If you have any topics you would like me to discuss in future meditations then please let them be known in the comments section below.