The Arnold Schwarzenegger's Chronicles: how to compete, work, succeed and reach your goals.
More wisdom from Conan and Terminator.

My preparation for going up against Sergio didn't stop at the gym. I bought a movie projector. I assembled a whole collection of his performances in competition, and I watched those films at home again and again. Sergio really did have a stunning physique, but I realized that he had been using the same posing routine for several years. This was knowledge I could use to plan for the final one-on-one pose-off at Mr.Olympia. I memorized his moves in the order in which he hit them, and I got ready for each one with three poses of my own. I rehearsed this and vizualized it over and over: "When he hits this, I will do this and this, and this!" My goal was to overwhelm every move Sergio made.
Write down your goals

I always wrote down my goals. It wasn't just sufficient to tell myself something like "My New Year's resolution is to lose twenty pounds and learn better English and read a little bit more." No. That was only a start. Now I had to make it very specific so that all those fine intentions were not floating around. [...] It might seem like I was handcuffing myself by setting such specific goals, but it was actually just the opposite: I found it liberating. Knowing exactly where I wanted to end up freed me totally to improvise how to get there.
Don't overthink about the future risks

Problems were all he could see. It could be terrible. Tenants would make noise. What if somebody came home drunk? What if somebody slipped, and got sued? You know what America is like with the lawsuits! and blah blah blah. I caught myself listening. "Artie, you almost just scared me now." I laughed. "Don't tell me any more of this information. I walk into a problem and then figure out what the problem really is. Don't tell me ahead of time." Often, it's easier to make a decision when you don't know as much, because then you can't overthink. If you know too much, it can freeze you. The whole deal looks like a minefield.
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Arnold is the man! Big fan here.
Thanks for this series. Subscribed!
Great to hear! :) Thanks a lot!
Great series - I've always been a fan of Arnold. I checked out some of your other work too. Subscribed.
Much appreciated! Thanks!