Sunday Catch Up

in #life6 years ago


I would love to be more consistent here on steemit.. but life happens. That’s a good excuse for everything right? “Why haven’t you disposed of the expired milk?” “LIFE!” ...I’m working on it.

I thought of having a theme for Sunday, because that’s usually the day I post after (unintentionally) taking a few days off. Sunday can be a busy day, since it’s our shopping day. So I think “catch up Sunday” makes for an appropriate theme.


We had what’s supposed to be our last hot day of the year. It reached 92 degrees out with winds gusting up to 39 miles an hour. Because of that, I was hesitant to go shopping (have you driven in that kind of wind?) but I also didn’t want to throw off our week, so off we went.

I don’t know what was my son’s deal, but he started to throw a fit at our first stop. God bless them, there was an older couple trying to help me out. The lady tried to play the “will you behave for a stranger” card, but my son was not having it. We left the whole shopping trip to go home empty handed. Must be terrible two’s. He took a nap and was fine.

Still determined not to mess up the week. I loaded the kiddos for a second time and headed for a different town. Almost a great success. They didn’t have everything I was looking for, and I forgot to use my $5 grocery coupon. Dang!!

What Else?

Within the last few months, it feels like we’ve been spending money like drunken sailors. Some of it was out of our control, but others (like relying on my credit card, oops) were. Something needed to be done about that.

I’m on track to getting rid of my credit card all together. I’ve got it paid off, transferred any automatic payments onto the debit card instead, and now I’m just waiting to cash out on my points. Then I’m cancelling the darn thing! Here I thought that as long as I paid it off each month, it was no big deal. It’s a big deal! Credit card companies spends lots of money on learning our spending behaviors, which means we spend more. Don’t think you can outsmart them.

My New Bestie

I’ve recently discovered Jordan Page from Love her! My husband says I gotta quit watching her because she’s all over the iPad’s YouTube feed. Not sorry.

I’m trying out some of her budgeting tips, and what a difference people! She recommends $100 per person per month (starting at $300) and $100 a week for other. Well the only way that’s going to work is if I plan our meals for the week. Which I’m actually doing. What a game changer that has been! Plus, I’m actually conscious about my spending instead of buying willy-nilly everything.

Cleaning Up My Act

Have you ever noticed I talk a lot about how I need to get better on my cleaning? I know I think it a lot, but I forget if I actually mention it a lot too, or if I’ve been good about hiding it. Well Jordan also gives tips on cleaning! She’s the reason I made all those lists last week. (Was it last week?)

I made this one somewhat pretty. Too bad it’s not really helping me... I blame Tuesday. I don’t like cleaning bathrooms, and so he messes up the rest of the week.

But some of her quick cleaning tips have helped. Like setting a timer for 5, 10, or 15 minutes and cleaning up and area in that time. I was so reluctant to try that out at first. I hate alarms! Brings me back to my schools days of waking with a heart attack to the blaring WA-WA-WA!

However, I am a very distracted cleaner. I can drag out one task for a half hour, easy! So I have the 10 minute timer a shot for my messy kitchen. Wow, it worked! I never knew I could clean up in such a short amount of time! Ok, it wasn’t spotless, but the important tasks were taken care of. Like picking up and sweeping versus let’s say flipping through a pile of papers.
My clean (to me) kitchen.

Oh, and I bought this gem for $3

Well I think I better get some shut eye. Starting to lose focus. I think I’m caught up for now. If not, More material for later!

I’m Hebrew Housewife. Remember, stay diligent!


You've inspired me to try meal planning again!
Everytime I do it it's great - I know what to buy when I shop and I don't spend any time wondering what to cook for dinner as it's already planned. But, somehow, I always seem to stop doing it after a while - too lazy to make a plan so I just wing it at the grocery store and cook with what I have.
Using a timer is great for cleaning. I often set 5 or 10 minutes on the clock and tell everyone in the family to start putting things away or clean something until the timer goes - it works a treat!

It’s amazing what a difference it does on the wallet! We were spending $150-200+ a week, and by Wednesday we’re looking through cabinets and the fridge wondering what on earth to eat!
I agree, I think I will continue with the timer method.

I liked this kind of post.
Oh, those fits. Just remember that he is trying to deal with a lot of things, it's most likely not a reflection of you as a parent.

I have such a mixed relationship with Jordan. She has so much good advice but to me, she's so American and over the top. I love her passion but I can't stand it at the same time. Does that make sense?! I keep going back to her for inspiration but after a video or two, I'm good and can't have any more JORDAN for a while. I don't think we would be friends but we could probably work well together... HAHA, now it makes no sense... I'll stop.

Thanks! I enjoy just sharing about mylife. Comes natural.

Haha! That’s probably why I enjoy her. The only part that gets me is the “Hey I’m Jordan Page from and budget boot” Ok, I get it, I know your websites. Must you keep repeating them?! Lol it’s probably only because I’ve been watching video after video.

Haha! That gets to me too but think of how many people stumble on just one of her viral/semi-viral videos and have no clue who she is...

Meal planning is so very helpful! It takes the stress out of what to do for supper. So if I just know, then I feel more settled. So weird. Sunday is my catch up day as well! Get all the things done before school starts again!

Yes, then I’m not thinking 10 minutes before it’s time to cook, “Hmm, what to make? Well everything is frozen so...” Lol.

Sunday is a great day to catch up on what you couldn't get to before Sabbath starts!

ha! look at all the penny pinchers on here congratulating you! lol. great job, that means you must be doing something right! little things can make such huge differences!
we love our credit cards though, just another way to make extra money!

Every penny counts janton! Especially if they are the ones before 1983 with real copper ;) They are worth 2¢ last I looked.
My credit card gives 1.25% cash back. That means I'd have to spend $100,000 to earn $1,250. I’m thinking that’s not the best investment I can make.

haha! no course not on the investment side in regards to credit cards, We just have them set up on auto payments and get 5% on fuel so we're always surprised at the amount of money we make at the end of the year for doing nothing, it's a nice bonus.

But of course that only works if you are very disciplined and we are, we don't spend a penny unless it's something we need! lol.

Also we like them for traveling, ever tried to travel without them? It's dang near impossible to reserve anything without them.
But no I'm not talking about investments lol. just free money.

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