Getting 'VEGAN' W/ it! You'll be Surprised When You Find Out What I Eat! Hint: It's NOT What You Think! 💜💙
A Heartfelt, Deliciously Irresistible, Unmissable, (Kissable) Guide For Everyone and Anyone! 💜💙
'What do you eat?' 'Aren't you hungry?' 'Where do you get your protein?' 'How can you live like that?'
These are the questions I constantly face as a vegan so, to answer, I ask you...
What's that in my hand?
Honestly, most of the time I am eating delicious, homemade treats like this Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream Sandwich check out the recipe here!
HOLY MOLY! That isn't "boring" by any means!
(Boring: A constant criticism from those who don't yet know!)
I do things a bit differently- Food and I are in LOVE 💜
But here's the thing- changing your diet in any capacity can be incredibly challenging!
Eating is tradition, it's sacred, it's inherent in our way of life, it's something we have been experiencing since we were born! We can't live without it; food is life!
As such, we are incredibly attached to it and changing anything to do with it, what we have gotten accustomed to, learned to like, and learned to expect can seem too difficult an idea to conceive. 'Giving up' any of the foods we have come to love seems out of grasp... so, let's not 'give up' anything!
How about some chocolatey-strawberry cheesecake bites?
Trust me my friends, I am one of the most food-obsessed people I know!
I dream, breath and live to make food to eat the food so, I would never sacrifice my relationship with eating unless... it wasn't a sacrifice (meaning I would have to gain more than I would lose for me to consider it!)
I was there not wanting to put my knife down not too long ago, crying in the aisle of the supermarket like a lunatic at the chicken in the fridge because it wasn't in my cart and all I wanted in the world was some chicken alfredo! (OK that was 3 years ago, but the pain was real and I still remember it to this day with closed eyes of embarrassment over how I handled my transition at times!) I never thought back then I could simply make the same meal, with any of the many options available to us now!
Knowing this, I have made it one of my missions in life to help others if they are looking to try to make some changes in their food choices.
I know it can be incredibly helpful to see someone else who is making the change you are looking at wanting to make for yourself and presenting options to use as a guide. When I decided to make these changes myself, I was lost and confused at first, I hope to use what I learned to help you now! I eat the same recipes I used to, just geared over to my new dietary needs and I'll tell you what- I feel a hellova lot better nowadays!
Given my activity in the vegan world over here on Steemit, I have been asked these same questions and I thought instead of telling you, it's best I just show you don't you think? Come along with me! :)
Fresh, organic, locally produced food sources:
This is my haul from the farmer's market last week!
I never used to put any thought into where I bought my food, I would always just go to the supermarket to pick it up. Over the last 4 years (the time which I have been drastically changing my lifestyle) I began questioning and rethinking that method of collecting my food. I recently wrote a post about my affinity for Farmer's Markets you can read it here, if you're interested!
If you're like my mother, you might be thinking something like this:
"There are no Farmer's Markets near me."
(There was by the way...)
Do you know for certain? You might be pleasantly surprised to find there are!
I have found markets all over the world as I traveled, some that residents of the cities and towns didn't even know about. All it takes is a little search on the internet machine to find out 💜💙
There are many reasons that I state in my post about why I love Farmer's Markets so much; one of those reasons being getting to know the person/people/group behind where your food comes from. To me, there is something ultimately rewarding about having that relationship back with my food and having that, connects me closer to the food I am choosing to put into my body.
While I strongly encourage supporting your local farmers and co-ops, nothing can compare to growing food yourself, on your own land with your own hands. That food is going to have more value for you than we have time to get into on this post! If you have any room in your yard, growing some of your own veggies will significantly improve your lifestyle over time by granting you convenience of having food on demand, and will serve to subsidize grocery costs as well. Both pretty good perks if you ask me ;)
Last year, I found myself having a midnight conversation under the light of the moon in my driveway with family members about the importance of organic vs conventionally grown food. I am going to put this as simply as possible as we don't need to get into it too much more here (it can be its own post for sure) but here is my opinion at its core:
Organic foods should not contain pesticides, herbicides or toxins if they are meeting standard set guidelines BUT since we live in the world we do, and 'money talks', your sourcing is important (see above) to know what you're actually getting opposed to what you're being told you're getting. I don't know about you, but I trust a one man show in his backyard producing a small amount of apples from his tree, maybe some carrots and potatoes from his garden and some herbs he collected over a commercially owned operation with the (expensive) seal of approval on it.
Simple enough right? We don't want to be ingesting toxins into our bodies or that's going to cause a whole host of issues so, one more time... SOURCING MATTERS.
So now that we have a bit of the basics of where to get the food from, let's talk about what I pick up on a weekly basis and how I use it in my meals.
What to buy
Local In Season Fruits: What kind of fruit grows near you? Do you know?
What fruits you can get in your area will be climate and region specific. For me in wintertime in the tropics, I got a big bunch of oranges (taste almost like mandarins), a few apples, a pound of guava, pink passionfruit and 2 large papayas! As you'll see in my pictures, I always stock up on mini (finger) bananas (also known as apple bananas) and have just recently found someone selling strawberries (all organic, spray-free, yay!)
These fruits are what get me started every morning when I wake up. After my glass of water, I go straight for a smoothie. Having fresh fruits of different varieties allows me to change up my combinations and keep things flavorful and never boring! Let me tell you- fresh fruit like this is incomparable to store bought. I bought a watermelon last night at the grocery store here having an insatiable craving and that bad boy found himself in my compost as my sanity kicked in and I could taste the "NO!" in my mouth! ;)
Staples: My Must Haves
There are certain items that I never leave the market without. These are ingredients that I use in multiple dishes and have become dependent on in my cooking!
I use tomatoes for sauces (hot sauce, salsa, marinara, masala etc.) , salads, toppings... basically I can find a use for a tomato in every meal not to mention they are wonderful raw with some salt and pepper or even a drizzle of balsamic if you're fancy like that ;)
Every week I buy this one stall out of these delicious white oyster mushrooms. I can't get enough mushrooms no matter how hard I try! Their texture is perfect, it gives me a similar sensation as I was used to from meat. Not to mention the taste! Mushrooms can (and do) go in almost every dish I make. Buddha bowls, curries, burgers, salads, gravies... everything is better with mushrooms! (If only I could start growing more varieties- this is on my to-do list!)
Mushrooms (mycelium fruit) are really interesting to me, I have always loved them for their taste but after hearing a truly inspiring talk about their medicinal purposes by Paul Stamets in California back in 2015, I make sure to fill my system with as much as I can get!
Pumpkins/Sweet Potatoes
See those pumpkin seeds inside the pumpkin there? They are now out in my garden, coming to life like it's the end of time! They are growing like weeds and I am super excited for the day where I can harvest them right off of my own property! Soon I hope =D
This is a special kind of pumpkin that I had never had before living in Bali. The farmers tell me its a pumpkin but not what variety it is. It's not our typical orange, Halloween pumpkins... it's a really sweet, deliciously orange fleshed squash that I have come to adore cooked with some salt and pepper and green beans with coconut oil. (It sounds so simple but it is a delicious combination!)
As for the sweet potatoes, I think I am going to turn into one soon! They have different varieties and I never know which one I am getting until I end up preparing them! There are even purple ones which are obvious and are my absolute favourite. I grew up on Russet potatoes but have switched to sweet potatoes, cassava and taro roots (other tuberous roots) which my favorite farmer grows with care! I love sweet potatoes now for their versatility and flavor they add to my dishes. They're never dull in anything I cook them up in!
Eggplant, Green Beans, Okra
I didn't have very much exposure to eggplant or okra before my diet change. My mom used to make us green beans from the can, warmed up from the trusty microwave when I was younger -_- I would always try to get away with pushing the beans to the side. I retained the thought that I didn't like them given that my only experience with them were mushy, aluminum tasting pieces covered in butter to help them down.
Fresh beans are worlds a part different and easy to grow! I buy 4-6 bundles of fresh green beans every week and they are so fresh that my pups go crazy for them!
Eggplant is a new one for me, I have been experimenting with it and am loving its purple addition to my meals. See my eggplant, mushroom lasagna for an example!
Okra is another veggie I have just come to love! I used to be grossed out by its slime that comes out of it when you cut it but it's delicious when prepared correctly and is often used in Indian dishes (which are some of my all time favorites! I love Indian food!)
Spring Onion (Green Onion), Kale
I am definitely a huge fan of kale. I realize how stereotypical that is of a vegan but it's for good reason- kale is jammed packed full of nutrients into a mean, green, fighting machine! I have gone to some serious lengths to get kale in the past. We recently had no kale around due to the weather and it was really rough for me! Luckily it's back and I have some growing outside now as well!
Spring onion is another thing that just goes on and in everything. Cheese, sauces, salads, my mouth... It brings flavour to any dish and is a delicious easy additive! (Yes, you read that right! We can make some mean cheeze (cheese with a 'z is the vegan form) that you'd never know was vegan!)
Herbs and Shallots (Onions and Garlic- not shown)
I tell you all, I doubt I would last long without garlic and onions! I try to incorporate many fresh (and dried) herbs to my diet but I always come back to my garlic and onion. I love these shallots that they have here too, they're sweet and can be eaten raw (without a punch in the tastebuds) which I love!
Try out some fresh herbs, they bring out every meal in a way that dried can't hope to compete with ;)
Meat Substitutes: Tofu and Tempe
Here is the kicker (debate about soy aside for now) having meat replacements makes this whole thing one heckova lot easier to do! I never miss meat ever when I have tofu and tempe around. It's essentially the same thing in my opinion, if prepared and seasoned correctly. (Tempe is fermented soy FYI)
I have a guy that I get this wonderful fresh tempe from every week! He makes it by hand using non-GMO, organic soy beans and wraps it in banana leaves to be ecofriendly! I love it and even freeze some if I know I will want a bunch for a recipe coming up, it retains taste and consistency even if frozen and thawed!
A note about soy: here your sourcing is extra important. There is a wide debate over soy being good vs bad for us, I trust my body as you should do too. I have had conventionally grown soy and it's made me regret it whereas these organically sourced products leave me feeling nothing but satisfied!
Of course I get different things every week depending on where I am in the world, what is in season and what I am dreaming of making!
I have noticed many benefits since I changed my eating habits. One of those that I know you'll be interested to hear is how much money I save even though I make fancy, elaborate meals, multiple times a day! That'll be the next post in this new series I am starting to raise awareness about veganism!
Now let me leave you with a giant hug, and an invitation to ask me anything (I would love to help you on your journey!) Oh, and some pictures of recipes made recently- all vegan, gluten free, sugar free and delicious ;)
How about some Philly Cheeze Steaks to tickle your taste buds? Here's the recipe!
Try out a galaxy inspired treat to start you off in the morning! See how it was made here!
If you like Peanut Butter Cups, this one right here is for you!
Strawberries. chocolate and coconut come together to make your mouth explode with happiness! Here's the recipe for it!
If you want more of where that came from, feel free to follow along and I promise more will appear!
I make treats like it's my business (though I eat them faster than would ever make sense to try to make a profit from them!) I also make all of my meals so that means that at least one meal a day is a fun one worth sharing since I am passionately addicted to being in the kitchen, making these marvelous dishes to share! I hope to see you around!
As always, sending you love through food! I believe we can heal ourselves through food and for me, the proof of that is in the pudding (sugar free-vegan pudding of course!*) I have never felt better, more energized, more alive than I do now and I am happy to share it with you!
(PS Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have! I'd love to help where I can!)

This is an awesome post! Resteemed! Great info, thanks for this!
Thanks @egregorian! I am happy to be able to share this with the Steemit community! I get a lot of questions regarding my lifestyle so I hope this helps <3
I like how you inspire rather than make a case to prove your point :)
It makes me want to expand my palate and add more veggies into my diet without feeling like I've "given up" on meat haha..
Keep it up and thanks for sharing!!
Haha thank you! Like I say, I don't want you to 'give up' anything! That's not going to be an effective strategy! I know! I am stubborn as can be :)
I'd love to help you along your way with that! I constantly post recipes like the ones in the post to inspire changes that don't mean sacrificing flavor or satisfaction from food. In fact, I just made a toffee filled banana cream pie that was one of the best things I have ever put in my mouth! Let me know if I can help at all, I'd be more than happy to <3
I forgot to mention that I started #veganwednesday as a contest to promote not only veganism but changes in diets, encouraging others and sharing stories... I'd love it if you'd enter if you end up giving this a try! <3
Upvoted and Resteemed by xx-votesplus, the dropAhead curation team!
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I love you like we love food. This post is amazing. I've always found it odd the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle. However, now I feel so good and I can't imagine life any other way!
Great to hear! I think I am leaving red meat and poultry behind too.
Yay Oleg! <3 We can start a club together us 3... =D
I am so happy to hear that my dear I am so excited to hear all about how it goes for you! I remember talking to you what? A month and a bit ago about all of this! I keep finding myself wanting to share the results I have seen with everybody haha I am loving the fact that you feel this way too <3 Love you right back!
The 3 amgios eating together :) I love it, lets do it! Btw, have either one of you heard of a company called maozveg? They are my favorite veg place to eat for lunch when i don't pack it. Where do you go to buy food when you are in a rush ? Also, do you go grocery shopping every week for fresh produce?
I love it too! Would be so fun to have a picnic with you! You two should jump on a plane and come to Bali, I'll cook for us and we can lay out in the sun enjoying it together ;)
I have not heard of that company but I live in a kind of small town in Indonesia haha so I am limited with things like this.
I buy 90% of everything I eat from the farmer's market, the rest I get at stores or I find sources to buy from over time (example coconuts) I get a lot of my specialty items from Malaysia since I can't get them here but I am lucky to say I am mostly not in a rush. If I were, like when I am traveling, I eat bags of nuts, dried fruits and treats I have prepared to take along with me. I always have a bunch of food in my bag.
I get my produce on Saturdays and Wednesdays because those are the only days the farmer's sell their organic produce! I hope this helps my dear <3
The fruit and vegetable there must taste so amazing compared to the process stuff they make here for us. I really like the farmers market. I do think the fruit looks and tastes a little bit different. I still think they use some pesticide there is just no escaping it. I think we should go visit you there and then you should hop on a plane and come visit me in Florida. What do you think?
At a normal farmer's market, I would say probably (unfortunately) pesticides are almost a guarantee. However, living in the states as you are, you're supposed to be protected by your gov't with the labeling system so, I have a bunch of friends in Florida that go to their local organic farmer's market each week! Where are you in Florida my dear? You can tell me on DC ;) But here, it's the same, they still use pesticides but that's why I go to the organic market and support the small farmers growing in their own small lands. I think this makes a huge difference! <3 I might be able to manage a Florida trip at some point when I need to do a North America run ;) XO
I am a little south of west palm beach. There are a few farmer markets around here one of which is seasonal and will reopen late October. So come visit me, I'll feed you! :)
Your approach is so refreshing to the some of the other vegans I have met. I love the vegan principle, but not yet thought about it too hard as have two youngish children to cater for too. Perhaps I'll try one vegan meal a week and grow from there. Your recipes look divine.
Hi @hopehuggs :) I don't think any other approach is effective. It sure didn't work on me, I can't understand why we do that to each other! I don't seek to change people if they don't want but do want to inspire them and help them if they do! <3 I make almost all of my meals in response to food I am familiar with already. For example, I made a take on mac and cheese on the weekend which honestly tasted pretty dang close to KD! I am saving up recipes for my own future children as I share with my nieces and nephews who all love Aunties treats! My advice is to not even make a fuss about it, kids are too smart, if they think you're taking something away from them they freak out but my kiddies don't even know they are eating healthier and I'm less afraid to let them have more since the ingredients are natural. I'm happy to help, I post a bunch of recipes on my blog but I can also help you directly if you ever would like don't hesitate to ask =D
Also, I started #veganwednesday which just passed this week but might be a fun way to get you thinking about that one day a week, you can post your experience in there and interact with the supportive community I am trying to grow :) I hope this helps a bit! I'm excited to hear what you think! <3
I will definitely go through your blog and pick a recipe. Thank you have helped me decide to definitely to start one vegan meal a week. Thank you for the offer of support and I will keep you updated on how we go. I will even try an alternative to chicken in my chicken curry, as that is one of our absolute favourite dinners.
Took our first step today, bought a vegan spread for bread etc and it is really much more yummy than the dairy alternatives.
I'm curious to know about the vegan spread! =D Where abouts are you in the world @hopehuggs?
I'm in the UK, it's from my local supermarket Aldi.
What's in it?
I just love hearing this! Not necessarily because you've chosen vegan but because you're making a dietary change! I love being able to help people through the transition <3 I am happy to be here for support! Hmmm curry... OK, I use mushrooms and tofu to get the meat texture in curry. The great part is, it's almost hard to tell because of everything else going on in there. I never missed meat in it! <3 I'll be sure to post more recipes as well. =D I was working closely with a friend for the last maybe half a year and she went from eating nachos and pasta every day to now surprising me every time she sends me her food diary and she's doing fantastic, running marathons and is overall happier and more full of energy! I hope you find similar benefits <3
I've bought some Quorn chicken to give it a whirl the first time, but will try to experiment more and I look forward to trying some of your recipes out to.
I'm not sure what that is to be honest with you! A lot of the "vegan" products are actually super unhealthy, I would be keen to keep an eye on the ingredients! I don't want to be steering you wrong at all! I use coconut oil in sub of butter and really watch out for filers and chemicals in a lot of the packaged products. <3
look delicious.
very healthy post and still love that first photo. just beautiful....
You're too sweet, thank you so much <3 the result of a clean diet! I used to look really unhealthy before when I was so sick!
This is an awesome post! And I totally hear you. People always ask us what we eat too. They see the plant-based diet as eating lettuce leaves only.... to be honest since we started cooking plant-based dishes, my meals have improved on flavor and creativity.

Yesterday's shopping trip.... all of this for only $15 ... so amazing!
Have a great day and keep spreading the plant-based vibe! If only everybody with go for the meatless Mondays, the world would be such a better place.
Awww Amy, of course you'd show up here with all of your amazing fruits and veg ;) Thanks for the picture, looks like we eat quite similarly (as if we didn't already know this!) ;)
Absolutely happy to spread the word. Every day I find myself more and more drawn to putting in time to this cause. I studied nutrition last year and once I finished my course was starting to take clients and then moving and traveling made me drop it all but I want to bring it back in order to encourage and inspire people to make the moves I did that have helped me so much!
I agree with you about skill set improving as well. I don't know if I think I have to prove something extra now but looking back to my steak in a skillet with maybe a potato for my meal I roll my eyes at myself wondering how I thought that was so great. I had to smother it in BBQ sauce as well.. CRINGE
I love that we're on this journey together and am as always, grateful to be connected with you now <3 Have a fantastic week!
Happy to spread the word with you. Nothing more important than the power of food for good health. Which course did you do? Always interested to learn more about nutrition. I studied biology and pharmacy and quickly noticed that conventional medicine isn't the answer to most of our diseases so I took up a 4 year after work/weekend course about nutrition and holistic health. Always amazed how we did and are doing very similar things in life xxx
Wow! Of course you did! I just love you Amy. You are a damn rockstar! I studied raw food nutrition which is funny because I don't always eat raw. I eat about 50-75% raw per day and I believe that it is sufficient. Once I get my dehydrator, I might move into it a bit more though to experiment. I really enjoy my warm, cooked meals but then again I used to enjoy meat on skewers so it's always a change going on for my tummy!
I had enrolled in a few online classes right before I got Steemit and have never attended any of the online lectures or participated because I have been overloaded which now thinking about it, is quite a shame. I love learning everything I can about it so I might try to get back into it and cut down on being on here so much :P
I really believe you're my soul sister! <3
Hehe! I have the same feeling! I'm sure we will meet somewhere soonish my gorgeous soul sister! Can wait. Though I love raw foods too, raw food diet is not my thing! I love food too much to exclude cooked dishes hehe. There is so much to learn and do... why are days only 24 hours lol. I try to limit my steemit time too since I'm building my new website and 8-week lifestyle transformation program... so much to do, but I love it. Have a beautiful day ;)
That's what I said too. I have like ups and downs in my diet and right now, I oversaturated myself in treats so I am just trying to eat as many greens as possible haha my blood feels too sweet! ;)
Have you have had/heard of raw food that is not quite cooked but warm? We have a restaurant here that does it to perfection, I want to try it out when I get my dehydrator! Just 1 more month until that happy day =D
I agree with you, I need more time haha oh my goodness, you do the website too? I don't know how you do, you have so much content! Wow, you're an impressive lady my dearest! I have to step my game up ;)
Yep. A friend of mine in Belgium is into that. Where did you find a dehydrator? Would love one too. And yes kinda busy these days.. new website, new coaching program, steemit, online shop, food/exercise videos and social media and other stuff for (my hubby's and colleagues' new blockchain based community building platform. Crowdfund and blockchain event in Barcelona in a month...) busy times... but very exciting times. If I write it down like that I actually don't know how I do all this stuff! Think it might be time to hire an extra set of hands. Looking forward to a few days off :) Do you have a website or online products too? I happily promote them across my platforms. Starting a youtube channel too since everybody is doing food videos now... have a lovely day xxx
My brother is coming from the states and he is bringing me a whole goody bag of 50 pounds of kitchen stuff I feel I need that have been sitting in storage :P I'm about to step my kitchen game up ;) I need me a spiralizer so I can make cool meals like my friend Amy ;)
Holy sh*t. You made me tired just reading that! You have so much going on, I am so proud of you! I really need to go stalk you more <3 I always swim around your profile on here but I'm going to go to your actual website! I feel like I've been missing out now ;)
I started a website a little while back but honestly I can be so brutal at keeping up with things. I'm such a free spirit that I have a hard time committing to anything. I felt that way about coaching too. I did it for free for friends and family but I like to just pick up and go and run around and hate knowing what day it is so it didn't work out so well. I have been asked so many times to start, maybe I will. I only got my laptop a couple of months ago, before that I was traveling for the last year with only a phone! You're amazing! Thank you so much for the offer, right now this is me but I'd love to find a way to collaborate in the future! <3
I hope you don't get too overloaded! I love your posts and don't want them to stop! Don't get too busy for me <3
What a delicious post @heart-to-heart!! A very juicy and inspiring way to approach food. It's great to meet another foodie who goes for the fresh stuff and cares about where food is sourced. PRIMO!!
Several of us seem to be expressing our food realities--I just wrote a post on dietary labels, and @dayleeo wrote about her plant based diet too. How fun it is to be hanging with others who give importance to what goes into their body. Kuddos to you!! Thanks for sharing.
Hi @everlove I am sorry for the delay! I seem to have gotten sucked into the Steemit vortex ;)
Yes, the fresh, localized, seasonal ingredients are so important! I'd love to read your labeling article. I don't really even buy much with a label anymore (probably a lot to do with where I live but also because I have done far too much research on it!) I have started a post on that as well, I'll have to get it out at some point because it's so important! I'll save yours here and read it tonight <3 Thanks for sharing!
I love @dayleeo, her and I came together right from the start, I'll check out her new post as well!
In case you both are interesting, in attempts to share this inspiration, I started #veganwednesday not exclusive to veganism but sharing and inspiring others about a vegan life through whatever means the heart creates. I have some recipe entries, some opinion pieces, even a poem! I hope you two will get involved as you are exactly the kind of humans I am trying to bring together to grow this community! <3
WHOA! That's a whole ton of foods! These days if possible I will try to support local markets especially from the Malay folks but since I am in the capital, it is kind of hard to find cheap organic foods (even from farmers market).
So what I do, is I try to visit the nearest grocery shop which now knows me for my frequent visit for eggs and bananas. LOL.
Otherwise, I am still trying to learn gardening. I had a bit of mulberry harvest earlier but I need to find a natural way to boost its nutrients because they are all living in recycle water bottles.
Keep it up! When I have more time I will definitely check out your recipes!
upvoted and resteemed!
You're in KL right? That's funny because I get so excited to go there and get organic products that I can't find here :)
I see a lot of organic produce at the grocery stores, though I would much rather support the farmers, I just am only ever there for a couple of days at a time. I know BMS organics is great as well if you haven't heard of it!
Mulberry, that is so great! I got a bunch of seeds last time I was in KL to plant here, I will be posting their progress as they grow :) Greens like spinach grow really fast, you should try that!
I'm happy to have met you, I think we could end up seeing each other very soon since I will be back next week :)
Hm I have not really tried growing spinach yet. I am not really green with my thumbs at the moment, but I am trying to learn. Right now I want to turn my lawn into less maintanance but still fresh and green. I have wrote a post about that on my recently revived old account (where I found my password finally, yay!)
Our Next Nursery Chronicles: Adopting Roadside Survivors and Our First Moss Terrarium
I am hoping to see progress as it grows and if that is successful, I am up for the next level, spinach (though I need to find a way to protect them. I have tons of snails that loves to come out of no where and attack anything I plant)
Spinach is really easy to grow don't worry! I'll snap a picture of one of my gardens later for you- I just threw the seeds everywhere with no method. (The no method, is a method however just to be confusing lol)
I don't believe that gardens need maintaining. It should be limited interference according to permaculture which I have a certificate in. I'm happy to help you get it going! Maybe I can come by when I am visiting and help you (not this time as I will be rushed but next time!)
I'm excited to read this- I want to grow some moss myself soon =D