Was A Good Day. Watching Twin Peaks again.
Almost finished the original series but it was cut out of Netflix before I could finish it. Good to see the new Twin Peaks series is on DVD too. I heard allot about it but haven't watched even one episode from the new yet. I will finish watching the 1st one first!! It is an original series by David Lynch. A very known director who does many out there movies!
Watching Twin Peaks for the first time a few years back had a good effect on me. I grew up with a paranoid schizophrenic mother and she would watch soap operas on t.v. like Days Of Our Lives. Mom was freaked out and scared and would tell really disturbing stories. The soap operas were too weird and fake. Twin Peaks is perfect for me to patch work my childhood back together! You get the fake soap opera feeling coupled with the creepiness factor! No word of a lie, this show brings me back to that place! Very therapeutic. It's like I've known all the characters of the show even before I ever saw it!
I think it may be changing for me again watching it. I will get through the first series and then get to the 20 years later segment! Excited! The Fargo t.v. series reminded me a bit of this. I watched most of that too! What I liked about Fargo t.v. series is some of the shows were filmed in small town Alberta where I live! I know that alley in DIdsbury. HAHA. In the Twin Peaks DVD there is a map in special features where I could visit where Twin Peaks was filmed too! Will have to visit someday!
So yea, I feel pretty good. Like getting back to my creative weird self more and more!! I want to yes!! Jump right in. I want life to work for me now. Everyone here at home doesn't want to do slave work anymore. We want a way out. Somehow I think we can and will switch it up and get new jobs or career. We want the lifestyle where we can eat right, think and take care of ourselves in general. The warm weather during winter is helping to prop me up as well. Should be warm for another few days at least with the chinooks. Alright, now time for me to go to bed and have sweet dreams. Can't wait for tomorrow, this next day, will maybe finally set up this electronic drum set I've borrowed. Cheers!
Fascinating childhood memory lane.
Moms always got a nice heart and are natural care providers.
Your mom gat your back fully.
Yea, she did. Even with her mental illness, it taught me many people are slightly crazy and they don't even know it. She was really 'crazy' and didn't even know it. The government took us kids away from mom, but at least she loved us, cause the government didn't.
Oops! Heart breaking
May God bless and heal her
Your art is cool!
nice topic sharing,very good work,thanks for sharing
you are great @havok777.
Truely an insightful post. Mothers are always caring no matter whatsoever.
Regards Nainaz
Great work, and wonderful post
Thanks /@havok777
Have a nice day
good luck freind!
Excellent post
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