Blockchain will CHANGE THE WORLD
I keep seeing articles touting things like "Bubble", "cryptocurrency is a scam", "blockchain has no relevant use outside of cryptocurrencies". I always get the sense pretty quickly that none of these people have really done any due diligence with regards to researching what this technology can do.

Data Storage - Blockchain has implications and ramifications that extend well beyond currency. It can be used to permanently record and store data that can't be tampered with.
Contracts - It will be able to effectively execute contracts negating the need for 3rd party services and settling disputes.
Copyrights - It will be able to copyright music, writing, images etc.
Indentity and privacy protection - Confirm your Identity and records and protect them permanently.
There are so many uses that have been thought of and hundreds that haven't been even considered yet. The blockchain will change the world whether we're ready for it or not.
I think the old guard is scared to death of the change that's coming.