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RE: Best Case Scenario Following Election 2016

in #life8 years ago

I think you will be fine, i doubt this is the end of the world and people that voted for Trump...i don't think they did it out of hate.
I think they did it cause they wanted change, a path that gives the elitists the middle finger.
They want to be free, Hillary would not bring that freedom and neither will Trump.
It's the lesser of two evils, not much less...but a little.

There are so many great Americans, and this is the best they can couch up to run a global superpower?


They voted for Trump, and chose to IGNORE hate.

I think a lot of people voted because they felt he was less odious than Hillary (and he is in some ways, but no ways that immediately affect the majority of who I know and love), he would keep their financial status secure (for me it's the opposite), or he represents a time that is now past when people worried less about diversity and inclusion because everyone had their place and stayed in it. I understand, but I can't support any of it because he has chosen to be violently divisive. I do hope I'm okay. It was hard enough for my family post-9/11 and that has only just calmed down some.

Odious is incorrect. Criminal is the correct word, a bribed, treasonous, and unamerican criminal.

There is cryptographically verifiable evidence from her own emails of her "charity" taking million dollar bribes from countries that not only openly hate us, but won't let women work, drive, or leave the house without a bag over their heads. These "donations" were immediately followed by weapons sales and uses of force in the middle east. These weapons and attacks are the reason\excuse those "refugees" are flooding the world. She is directly responsible and her own emails prove it.

Lots of people voted because they simply don't want easily bribed traitors running the country.

Well, TBH, I'm glad she's not POTUS. I didn't like Hillary or Trump.

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