in #life6 years ago

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Longlife is a blessing but some of us are still struggling with this truth because we just can't see that we already have what we need.

What do you mean I can't withdraw? Is it not my money!!!?
Shouted by the customer making threats at a cashier in a bank, standing and waiting to be attended to I watched from afar observing the situation to see what the outcome will be. This customer continued ranting as he was infuriated till a gentle man approached him...

I am the operation manager sir, we know the money is yours but you can't have access to it until you follow our protocols. You have to fill the request properly or we won't give you that money no matter what noise you make here or how long you wait! Please kindly comply and you will have your money in due time. If you need our assistance, we would gladly help you.
The manager explained politely and clearly. The customer had to comply to cash his money.

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I stood there and thought about this event and couldn't help but see a correlation between this and our heritage with God
We have already been so blessed by God and in our accounts we have huge deposits of forgiveness, salvation, righteousness, health and prosperity etc.

It is also just amazing that all these are ours; it will never be taken away from us. God gave us all this in CHRIST JESUS. However, like that man in the bank who was shouting hell let lose, we may not have access to it because we refuse to follow protocols especially when it comes to appropriating our faith in prayers or even in our confession.

Some Christians still cry day and night asking God to give them what is already theirs, how pathetic! Yes you guess right, some even go about thinking that the more they bother Him or even sow seeds, the more likely they get their request. Just like the man in the bank, thought making a lot of fuss will get him his money, it won't and never will, there are protocols God has laid down so if you think he will break His rules for you, you better think again, He cannot alter His words.

Many people think faith is asking God to do what they want but that's not faith, that's positive thinking.
**FAITH is cooperating and agreeing with what God says concerning your life... Whatever it is, all you need to do is believe that word, agree I'm prayers to God and confess it the same way as God's word in 2 Corinthians 4:13.

what we need to do is to know the protocols, and apply them and the deposit becomes accessible
Every child of God is so blessed that it's almost breath taken. Thus means that you can live the healthy, Godly and prosperous life on earth.
I'll say again Longlife is a blessing but some of us are still struggling with the truth because we just can't see that we already have what we need

When we see this clearly from scriptures and we speak same in prayers we become positioned for the blessings. God is a loving father, He freely gives us all to enjoy, why? Because He loves us. Simple!

He's all we need to have all our needs met. So when challenges of life throws a dart at you, when you're down casted and frustrated by the scheme of life, when sorrow twist it turn round you and when the shackles of brings it wings of defeat, all you need to do is apply **Faith to the word of God and in thanksgiving then acknowledgement, boldly and confidently in prayers make your petition known and watch it all turn into joy.

I believe I was able to affect your life? Thank you for reading.

I remain @gwenflorida, your favourite love clinic doctor. I talk for a living.



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