in #life6 years ago

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The caption Distinct by Design isn't just a theme but a statement of reality.

Every single individual on the earth today is a definite creature and I use the word definite because each one of us not only have a "Unique" personality but we have been well crafted for a "Specific" purpose and assignment.
As you are all aware, we shall take a walk through the discuss: DISTINCT BY DESIGN

If you consult your dictionary, you will see that the word Distinct means:

Recognizably different in nature from something else of a similar type.

While the word Design means

Our frame, make-up,and God's creative plan for our life.

So when we say distinct by design it means that even though we are all humans with similar physical features and senses, we have uniquely different nature. It means that we all do not have thesame design. We are not all shaped and crafted in thesame way.

It implies that we all have unique Make up, wiring and frame.

That means that the worst insult you can ever bring to yourself is to attempt to compare yourself with someone else!

Without coming to terms with our distinct design, we will never be able to appreciate what true living is.

There is a difference between mere existence and true Living. Very few are living today because so many are just existing. Floating and occupying space without taking charge of their life and destiny.

Without coming to terms with the reality that your design is unique, you will find it difficult to discover God's purpose for your Life.

As a matter of fact, purpose cannot be fulfilled without coming to terms with your uniqueness.

Know this God created every single individual DISTINCTLY as a reflection of His Greatness, Power and Might.

Over 7billion inhabitants of the earth today, yet no two persons have the same thumbprint. Wow... This is because there is power in diversity.

So, embracing our uniqueness does not only bring pride and pleasure to God but it also serves a great deal in fulfilling His Purpose for our creation.

Few questions come to mind as we take a critical look at the two keywords in our topic:

  1. Why did God design man and put him on the earth?

  2. Why did God choose to make every man unique and different even though they all bear His Likeness and Image?

God's intention for creating mankind is that we all will be

  1. His Image:

In His Image simply means HIS SPIRIT God is a Spirit and at such, He wanted man to also be a SPIRIT.

  1. In His Likeness.

Likeness means Attribute

Haven't you wondered why the whole world today is seeking for just one thing? LOVE

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By design we are well framed to DISPENSE LOVE to the world.

Thats the only thing that is lacking on the earth and that is because that was what man lost in the Garden.

Love is not an emotion, LOVE is a Spirit, that's why when you are in love with someone, you sometimes do things out of your wish without even knowing... That spirit drives your action.

So, when we talk about discovering purpose, we are not just talking about choosing a course of study or picking up a career. We are talking about DISCOVERING YOUR LOVE FUSE
We are talking about finding out how you are uniquely designed to DISPENSE LOVE to the world.

Now, the second question is:
Why did God choose to make every man unique and different even though they all bear His Likeness and Image?

Love is dispensed in different shades. Because we all have uniquely designed with different experiences, abilities, talents and abilities.
So, what comes out from us meets the varieties of human dispositions.

For instance, I will never be able to develop empathy for someone who is traumatized by rape or sexual abuse if I have never experienced or recovered from such. No matter how I try to console such, it will never flow out like when I had come through same.

Am talking about our experiences
Our experiences are not just events that were masterminded by the devil. No. They were part of the design to bring us to the place of TRUE LOVE.

Yes, Come to think of it, why is the most unlikely, abused and abandoned used to influence the world?
Why are the worst of men used to bring out the best in them?

Simple! LOVE bears long... Love perseveres... Love in it purest form brings COMPASSION.

You cannot suddenly look down on those who have similar history with you. No way. Thats why our paths are different...

Don't allow anybody rubbish your present because of your past... Its a part of the process...

That's why no man or woman can heal us from our bruises like the LOVE from God does... No word from any scriptwriter can minister true compassion to us like the word from Father saying: I HAVE LOVED YOU WITH AN EVERLASTING LOVE

We don't need to be perfect to be used to dispense LOVE.
AS a matter of fact, the more of love we access, the more LOVE we have to dispense
Apart from our experiences that are unique, our physical talents and spiritual gifts also combine uniquely to serve as mediums for us to dispense LOVE.

Distinct by design means that I don't compare my abilities with yours rather I discover mine and allow it to minister to others. As you and I come to the place of full understanding of our unique design, envy, pride, and jealousy won't find a place...

LISTEN! You are unique. Its an insult to compare yourself with another person.

Discover your individuality and allow LOVE to flow out through it.

Don't forget, our purpose is to reflect love and weather I have hand or don't, whether you have a clean past or not, doesn't stop you or me from offering something to your world.

In summary guys, fulfilling your design means that you tap into your abilities and use them to SERVE LOVE to your world!

Leaders are not those with headship. Leaders are those who are serving others. They are those who have identified their talents, gifts and abilities and at such are using it to minister LOVE to those they are privileged to reach!

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As I close, How do you tap into your uniqueness?

  1. Acknowledge and embrace the source of your existence and SUBMIT FULLY TO HIM

So many are trapped in religion today, thinking they know who they worship... Hence the hates, envy,hypocrisy we see around.

But genuine encounter with who you worship is the only way to BEAR LOVE as a Fruit. You cannot give what you don't have and if you must give love, first you must have LOVED.

  1. Identify your talents and physical abilities and spot the SPHERE of LIfe They fit into

Like I said, we are all unique. I can try to sing when on a scale of 1-10, I can speak at 8. Why settle for what others are doing simply because you want to make money, whereas you have abilities that scales over 8.

Your uniqueness fits into a specific sphere of life. Identify it and stay there.

Even when nothing seems to make sense. Stay there. With time, your persistence will pay off.

  1. Connect with a Mentor, guide or spiritual covering where you can be developed in line with your uniqueness

Don't be in a hurry to choose a mentor because some are manipulators. Rather, allow your spirit to lead you to a genuinely connecting one who will never manipulate or trick you out of your uniqueness.

  1. Don't ever get to a point where you stop BUILDING CAPACITY

Be focused on building up yourself. Learn... Learn and keep learning... Learn Spiritually... Learn Mentally and Learn Physically... Learn socially...

And lastly

  1. Love yourself enough

Don't be too quick to condemn yourself or look down on your abilities. Love you enough to believe that you can and will be the best version of yourself no matter how long it takes. Walk around with the consciousness that you deserve and have the best from life.

Thank you so much for your time, stay at the top.

I remain @gwenflorida, Your favourite love clinic doctor. I talk for a living.



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