- Interrelation between idioms and broadcast networks. -

At present, the belief that violence and intolerance have spread to a large extent within society converges, but nevertheless the massive interconnection between users of the cyber space has also led to a general knowledge of existing activities throughout the globe. , where the multiple campaigns of misogynistic and discriminatory content are appreciable.
Which leads us to question ourselves, is the world in decline or simply our visual spectrum has expanded significantly? since this flow of information brings with it a certain degree of distortion and manipulation of content by users with great weight and visibility within the IT sector. Factor that directly affects the consumer market, affecting even certain niches or subcultures, so it could be said that marketing psychology plays a key role in the insertion of new economic cycles based on idioms or mass practices.

- Proliferation of discordant elements in society. -

Critics of the current situation attribute this social deterioration to various discordant elements, which have some influence among their means, so it is common to hear that musical genres such as reggaeton and trap corroborate the aforementioned cultural decline, or that the positioning of certain political figures are clear catalysts of erratic behavior.
The proliferation of a war culture in consequence of the individual interest among nations camouflaged under a cloak of patriotic falsehood is also a remarkable element in the paradigm of social underdevelopment. War being an activity of joint interest where lives are exchanged for new notions of innovation, due to the great funding given to the science and technology sector, so this practice has taken root even in the most developed cultures.
The high sexual content in advertising campaigns, art galleries or media is not a phenomenon of today, however in modernity the vision of magnifying the anatomy of men and women under the philosophy of creation and human proliferation, has It has been exchanged for a more frivolous and stereotyped appreciation of the genre, where the consumer has to value various elements based on their volume, unable to discern between good and bad content as a result of their ignorance.
Social networks are today responsible for greatly influencing the consumer market, since the aforementioned networks have algorithms that position the user within certain areas of interest based on intelligent search engines, that is, users are under the effects of small information domes which may suggest that the content that is visualized is the most relevant or successful, giving way to the manipulation and misrepresentation of content.

- Cyclic process -
The diffusion of content is governed by commercial activity, and this activity is finally conceived by supply and demand, which is carried out under certain practices and market strategies, currently highlighting the insertion and manipulation of content financed by large companies . So we can witness a cyclical process where the ignorance of the consumer has to promote sales to a greater extent.
The non-consolidation of certain capacities such as the discernment and own criteria on the part of the consumer are elements of great use for the promoters and diffusers of content, since the critical consumer has to aspire to more and more stylized content, and it is because of this phenomenon that the frivolous content is spread to a greater extent today.
In fact, if we look closely at the current music scene we can appreciate that K-pop is gaining more and more weight even in Spanish-speaking countries where the mastery or knowledge of the Korean language is quite scarce, but nevertheless the mixture between sounds and Visual elements can generate great attraction for the viewer. On the other hand, the appreciation of the lyrical element in genres such as trap or reggaeton by the average consumer seems to me an alarming characteristic, since ignorance and voluntary ignorance are not characteristics worthy of being vociferated or imitated by the collective.

- Share your point of view! -
You consider yourself a critical consumer
To what do you attribute the sociocultural lack in modernity?
Do you consider this view to be merely hysterical and superficial?
Do you think that everything is part of an idiom and that consumption has always been handled within the same parameters of use?
Hi buddy
I've been away for past 3 weeks (short holiday) and finally im back :) Loads of catching up is awaiting me now.
I checked your profile and im glad to see that you're still very active on steemit.
How have you been doing?
(I upvoted number of posts today so my voting power is runnig very low. For that reason I cant upvote your post today but i will be following you closely)
Cheers buddy,