RE: 10 Reasons Why YOU Should Be A Stay-At-Home DAD
Money is the necessary evil. To be honest, I'm not quite sure how my wife and I make it work, but we do. I had a bit of a different circumstance that ultimately determined my choice to stay home (regardless of cost or financial burden). My son and first born had a heart defect that required open heart surgery at 6 days old. I decided that I would endure financial ruin if need be to spend whatever time I could with my son. 3 heart surgeries later, he is a thriving miracle. And 18 months later my daughter arrived. I'm glad I made the choice to stay home because none of us are guaranteed time. It isn't easy and I'm loaded with debt, but the time that I'm blessed with is priceless. Money can't buy happiness and the threads of time do not rewind. I'm looking at two happy, healthy, smart little kids and that's got feel the same as holding a winning lotto ticket..Nothing in life is guaranteed , except death. So.. We must enjoy life!
That's incredible