
Came here for the same reason, not to ask why, only to see the profile. Maybe we'll have to keep downvoting the posts in this profile for as long as they keep coming and at the same time keep an open eye for any other profiles from the same person who seems to enjoy downvoting other people's posts without any sort of reply saying something.

Posted using Partiko Android

I also got a downvote from "zerbo" and that account looks almost just like this one. Both had first posts 8 days and their 2nd (and last post) 7 days ago, both of which just passed payout so ya can't downvote them back.

Yes you can downvote, no matter that the payout has passed. Just to send a message and we'll take it from there in the future.

Posted using Partiko Android

I realize it is possible. I don't think it would do anything useful. I doubt this account will be making anymore posts, just like all the others accounts that go around down-voting random people.

Here for the same reason.

Posted using Partiko Android

I doubt they will do that, even this post is just gibberish. Maybe they're just pissed because their random gibberish post got no upvotes.

This is not random gibberish. It's Russian.

Posted using Partiko Android

Can you translate it?

It's not even the Russian alphabet, maybe it's a character encoding issue.
Это русский.

Yes. The first half is in Russian, and the second half below the picture is Sudanese. I assume they say the same thing in two different languages. Here's the Russian:

Удивляюсь логике людей. В последнее время начал очень много вещей продавать через Авито - в основном, всякую мелочовку, вроде старых плашек памяти, клавиатур, мышек и прочей периферии. Так вот, разместил одно об"явление, где я продавал в/и клавиатуру за 100 рублей. Цена, как вы сами понимаете, чисто символическая. Люди не звонили, хотя об"явление просматривалось. Вообще не звонили, ни разу. Выставил нулевую цену, то есть бесплатно. Но за 2 литра яблочного "Доброго" сока. Сразу стали звонить люди, обрывать телефон и спрашивать, куда привезти сок (в общей сложности, позвонили 5-7 человек за час). А теперь вспоминайте, сколько стоят 2 литра яблочного сока "Добрый"? Правильно, минимум 100 рублей. Но это же ХАЛЯВА.

I'm surprised at the logic of people. Recently started a lot of things sell through Avito - basically every small things, like old dies of memory, keyboards, mice and other peripherals. So, I posted one about "the phenomenon where I sold the keyboard for 100 rubles. The price, as you understand, is purely symbolic. People did not call, although about "the phenomenon was viewed. They did not call at all, not even once. I set a zero price, that is, for free. But for 2 liters of apple "Good" juice. Immediately began to call people, pick off the phone and ask where to bring the juice (In total, 5-7 people called in an hour). Now remember, how much are 2 liters of "Dobry" apple juice? That's right, at least 100 rubles. But this is freebies.

Ah thanks. Definitely an character encoding issue. Maybe I have to kick my browser or something. (Though the Russian you just put in works fine!).

Thank Google.

Posted using Partiko Android

The reason it seemed liked gibberish is because it's been transliterated from Cyrillic to Latin characters.

Because he is a lamebrain with no life. Besides, look how ugly he is.

he also donwvote me. he is just a troll. all downvote to future posts guys...

Posted using Partiko Android

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